Well, that didn't take long for Trump to flip-flop

Believe it or not, Trump is NOW considering RAISING the corporate tax rate after the GOP morons in congress gave him what he bitched about for months.....

It'd be hard to make this stuff up in a fiction novel.....but, Trump is just Trump......LOL

Hours after Senate GOP passes tax bill, Trump says he’ll consider raising corporate rate

It's not hard to make up stuff at all. The Post does it daily.

They've been in print since 1877.
They busted Nixon for Watergate.
But to go along with your bullshit, post some stories here that are false.
Don't get lazy on us now. Should be an easy thing since you're so fucking sure of yourself.

Trump's Trumpanzees are the laziest people in the world and have learned how to mouth "fake news" like the trained seals that they are.
Believe it or not, Trump is NOW considering RAISING the corporate tax rate after the GOP morons in congress gave him what he bitched about for months.....

It'd be hard to make this stuff up in a fiction novel.....but, Trump is just Trump......LOL

Hours after Senate GOP passes tax bill, Trump says he’ll consider raising corporate rate

Really!! The left pisses and moans for weeks about big business getting a tax cut, now you want to piss and moan about the idea of them getting a smaller tax cut. Some life, just piss and moan.
Here is what he really said-

Hours after the pre-dawn passage of a $1.5 trillion tax cut, President Trump suggested for the first time Saturday that he would consider a higher corporate rate than the one Senate Republicans had just endorsed, in remarks that could complicate sensitive negotiations to pass a final bill.

On his way to New York for three fundraisers, Trump told reporters that the corporate tax rate in the GOP plan might end up rising to 22 percent from 20 percent.

Right now it stands at between 35 & 40%. Sounds like a big deal about nothing, other than he might be willing to compromise a little. Thought the left screams he never compromises? Which is it?
What a pile of asinine, phony bullshit. Trump signaled that if the final bill coming out of Congress has a 22% corporate tax rate, he won't veto it. And this buffoon calls it a "flip flop."

You know, the stupidity of the Left is their biggest gift to us on the Right. Transparently stupid. Great.
Believe it or not, Trump is NOW considering RAISING the corporate tax rate after the GOP morons in congress gave him what he bitched about for months.....

It'd be hard to make this stuff up in a fiction novel.....but, Trump is just Trump......LOL

Hours after Senate GOP passes tax bill, Trump says he’ll consider raising corporate rate

Really!! The left pisses and moans for weeks about big business getting a tax cut, now you want to piss and moan about the idea of them getting a smaller tax cut. Some life, just piss and moan.

That's not Nat's point and you know it, troll.
When are you fucking idiots going to stop defending Trump's mental meltdown?
There are problems with the bill, namely that it mostly excludes the poor. It was said that moving the corporate tax rate up by 2 percentage points could raise $200 billion, money Trump might need to try to satisfy the concerns of some Republicans such as Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), who argued that the bill should do more for low-income families. If the GOP fails to do more for low income families that's a big mistake, and conflicts with Trump's campaign promises. The problem with bumping the corporate rate to 22% is the Freedom caucus morons are threatening to pull their support if its any higher than 20%.
Believe it or not, Trump is NOW considering RAISING the corporate tax rate after the GOP morons in congress gave him what he bitched about for months.....

It'd be hard to make this stuff up in a fiction novel.....but, Trump is just Trump......LOL

Hours after Senate GOP passes tax bill, Trump says he’ll consider raising corporate rate

Really!! The left pisses and moans for weeks about big business getting a tax cut, now you want to piss and moan about the idea of them getting a smaller tax cut. Some life, just piss and moan.

That's not Nat's point and you know it, troll.
When are you fucking idiots going to stop defending Trump's mental meltdown?

Just a wild guess here, but I'd say Nat shouldn't have mentioned RAISING the corporate tax rate and post and link regarding the same.
It's not hard to make up stuff at all. The Post does it daily.

Of course, you're "correct".....The entire planet is against you....Seems a bit unfair, don't you think?

(does your response then....if proven true......mean that you'll abandon the Trump cult, Billy?)
There are over 300 Republicans in congress Trump has to negotiate with. Who knows how many are bought off and paid for by special interests. Trump started low at 15% knowing he'd have to come up. He held firm at 20% and got it, but the bill is unbalanced. Did it raise rates on the most wealthy like he promised? No Republicans on congress nixed that, and in fact lowered the rate slightly. Did it do more for low income families? No Republicans in congress nixed that. Now Trump is signaling his stance on 20% isn't cast in stone and he might be willing to entertain 22% to better balance the bill. I see nothing wrong with this at all.
Really!! The left pisses and moans for weeks about big business getting a tax cut, now you want to piss and moan about the idea of them getting a smaller tax cut. Some life, just piss and moan.

If THAT is your "conclusion," from this latest flip-flop, the only thing that can help you is another big glass of orange kool-aid........Drink up....
Trump is melting.

Really!! The left pisses and moans for weeks about big business getting a tax cut, now you want to piss and moan about the idea of them getting a smaller tax cut. Some life, just piss and moan.

If THAT is your "conclusion," from this latest flip-flop, the only thing that can help you is another big glass of orange kool-aid........Drink up....

Its not a flip flop, like most of your threads its dishonest spin. CNN is more honest than your threads.

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