Well, that didn't take long

Sometimes it's unavoidable but wherever I can, I use an alternative to any company that rams this nonsense down your throat.

There's an interesting clip from a recent Jo Rogan podcast (I can't remember the guests name) but he explains why companies are hell-bent on forcing this stuff on us. It's to do with share price and the markets and makes it clear these companies do not give one iota about the rights of anyone - only their bottom line.
Bingo. Bottom line is everything as in any capitalist enterprise. They will float any product that they can to increase their bottom line. The product will remain until it is not profitable and then it will be discontinued.
Not a grammar issue no-ron. Auto correct issue.

some of us actually went to school.

Mira so cute how the fifth grade dropout talks about grammar

Apparently, you need to check your auto correct.

What school did you attend.....maybe you should request a refund. Looks like you were ripped-off.
Not a grammar issue no-ron. Auto correct issue.

some of us actually went to school.

Mira so cute how the fifth grade dropout talks about grammar

If you went school you wouldn't need auto correct, would you?

All you Moon Bats are uneducated to some degree or another. If you were educated you wouldn't be a stupid Moon Bat, would you?
Bring back the days when aids cured this shite

I remember being in Orlando airport June 2-years past there and asked for a Budweiser and it was one of them pride bottles told the woman no way, give me one of the regular ones from the fridge instead (as the regular ones were hiding in there and not on display) - she did it - didn't even look at me funny (maybe deep down she liked not having to push or promote the pervert bottles on customers?).
I learned a valuable lesson in bad marketing, in the clearance aisle at Walmart this morning. The only worst possible thing they could have done would have been naming them "Queerios."

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They'll be trying to push that shit off on the Food banks soon for they can try to claim a tax deduction. They should just ship it all over to South Africa where they are already many starving who need some sort of sustenance.
It would have made more sense if Kellogg's had changed the name from "Froot Loops" to "Fruit Loops". Thay way they could have played to the gay crowd and most wouldn't have noticed the change.

Too funny.

Sometimes it's unavoidable but wherever I can, I use an alternative to any company that rams this nonsense down your throat.

There's an interesting clip from a recent Jo Rogan podcast (I can't remember the guests name) but he explains why companies are hell-bent on forcing this stuff on us. It's to do with share price and the markets and makes it clear these companies do not give one iota about the rights of anyone - only their bottom line.

I am the same way. If I see that woke shit I buy elsewhere.

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