Well The Plank Is Now Offcial!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The GOP has taken it's stand. The vote will be based VERY heavy on taking terrorists in. 27 states with a LONE democrat run state will NOT take Terrorists.
And the GOP as a whole as far as running for president have adopted and back that plank.

That will mean the following.
1, The GOP WILL support gun rights and fewer restrictions.
2, The GOP is SUPPORTING the wall.
3, The GOP is SUPPORTING NO islamic terrorists brought INTO thic country.

This is a Sanders quote...
“Now is not the time for demagoguery and fearmongering,” Sanders said at a rally in Cleveland on Monday. “What terrorism is about is trying to instill terror and fear into the hearts of people. And we will not let that happen. We will not be terrorized or live in fear.

“During these difficult times, we will not succumb to Islamophobia,” he added. “We will not turn our backs on the refugees.”

The Following is a Bush quote.
"Other Republican hopefuls, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, say the U.S. should accept only Christian refugees."

And a Carson quote
"Ben Carson, currently in second place behind Trump in the race for the GOP nomination, called on Congress to “extinguish” funding for Syrian resettlement programs."

Ryan speaks to the issue..
"“The United States cannot, should not and must not accept any Syrian refugees,” Carson wrote in a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan."

And the Trump plan..
Trump offered an alternative solution for the refugees: build a “safe zone” for them — in their home country.

“In Syria, take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price, OK? You take a big swatch and you don’t destroy all of Europe,” the real estate mogul said. “What I’d like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier.”

And the Cruz plan..
"Earlier Monday, Cruz announced he plans to introduce legislation banning Muslim Syrian refugees from entering the United States."

Bottom line is REAL simple, you vote democrat YOU get terrorists HERE.
You vote GOP, they stay THERE. Hillary at this point has said NOTHING. Maybe she is napping?

Trump’s plan to solve refugee crisis: ‘In Syria, take a big swatch of land ... build a big beautiful safe zone’
NOT TRUE that hillary said nothing... she spoke at the debate Saturday night.
The GOP has taken it's stand.

Two GOP candidates have issued statements. Not quite the same thing.
I quote FIVE just in the OP. So no, you are wrong.

Even at your age, you don't quite get how the nomination process works, do you? Post an official statement from the RNC, or wait for the convention. If Trump keeps larding on the pounds, he may end up in the CCU well before that.
Most terrorist attacks are carried out by residents of that country.
Really, the US should be banning Brits, Belgians, French...Syrians are probably safer than anyone else.
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
It's true...campaigning on fear is often a winning strategy.
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
It's true...campaigning on fear is often a winning strategy.

Just because we are campaigning on logic for the country, which happens to be YOUR fear, it is nothing bad. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. You, on the other hand, have to fear facts coming to the forefront, which make most of you look pretty bad; in fact, makes most of you look quite subversive.

Hey, I have a few bucks, if they start making you look bad, let me know, and I will send you some of my wifes make up-)
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
It's true...campaigning on fear is often a winning strategy.

Just because we are campaigning on logic for the country, which happens to be YOUR fear, it is nothing bad. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. You, on the other hand, have to fear facts coming to the forefront, which make most of you look pretty bad; in fact, makes most of you look quite subversive.

Hey, I have a few bucks, if they start making you look bad, let me know, and I will send you some of my wifes make up-)
I know you can't help it...conservatism is based on fear.
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
It's true...campaigning on fear is often a winning strategy.

Just because we are campaigning on logic for the country, which happens to be YOUR fear, it is nothing bad. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. You, on the other hand, have to fear facts coming to the forefront, which make most of you look pretty bad; in fact, makes most of you look quite subversive.

Hey, I have a few bucks, if they start making you look bad, let me know, and I will send you some of my wifes make up-)
I know you can't help it...conservatism is based on fear.

Look who's talking liberalism is based on lies and fomenting division by any means possible.
The GOP is counting on their ability to frighten voters. The Dems are counting on voters being able to distinguish real threats from fear mongering. Will cooler heads prevail?

Since the economy has improved....a successful terror attack is the American conservative's very best friend. Just look at how they've tried to use the tragedy in Paris. It's predictable. Every nutter thread on the subject turns to the political implications of terrorism. Shit...this thread is based on it.

Are all of you nutters crossing your fingers hoping that some Americans get killed here so you can have a shot at the White House? How does that feel?
The Dems on here are deflecting very hard, because this is just another issue they are on the wrong side of. And the great thing is, they have them all on video doing it.

I keep screaming that CONSERVATIVES should be extremely confidant because they are winning. You CONSERVATIVES told everyone that Obama and the Democrats were lying about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," also "you are going to save 2500 bucks a year on healthcare." Every time Obama and the Democrats lied through their teeth like they always do, you called them on it. And yet, over a year out, you are going to listen to their poll nonsense, lol. Listen to people, who in most states, can't get elected dog catcher?!?!?!?! Listen to people who lost over 900 seats of power in 7 years?

Dark has basically pointed out, that the GOP is now all in on doing something with illegals, (polls show that is a winner big time) standing up to Obama foreign policy, (also a winner big time) and fixing the tax situation. (a huge winner)

The vast majority of people, way over the 50% mark, think the country is going in the wrong direction. Obama has put us in that direction, and Hillary WILL be tied directly to him. What this means is that if ever person who can legally vote for the Democrat does, you have that many, and much, much, more to win the election. Polls show this when they are issue based!

Now, it is up to the GOP to get these people to the polls, but for all intensive purposes, unless this election is mishandled, the GOP can not lose.........that is of course unless they run Bush, Kasich, or Christie. The enthusiasm does not lie with those 3. Trump and Cruz would drag almost 3 to 4% of Democrat votes over to the GOP, just because union workers see illegal aliens as one of their biggest issues.

Conservatives need to realize that FINALLY, they are in the catbird seat, and they had better start getting ready to govern, instead of writing a concession speech-)
It's true...campaigning on fear is often a winning strategy.
Like the war on poor, the war on women, the war on queers, the war on old people? Liberal talking points.

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