Well then Trump why dont you freaking reinstate Kennedys executive order then?


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I am not ready to give up on him,i am still giving him two years for him to prove to us he is our first real president since kennedy not a puppet for the establishment.While true that he has been a much refreshing change and a godsend over all the other corrupt bastard A hole presidents since Reagan who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president up to Obama all expanded on which is WHY the CIA controlled media worships Reagan him being the actor and all who destroyed many actors lives in hollwood putting them on the blacklist.

while I am happy that Trump hass been different than all those clowns and asswipes,the thing is all the good stuff he has done will be all for naught if he does not get rid of the CIA and the FED,THEY are the reason the world is in the mess it is and for all the good things he has done it will be all for nothing if he does not abolish them.

This article here talks abouut how employment went up in december but at the same time because of that the fed raised interest rates and it is saying that trump has complained about it. Well IF that is not just all an act and he really IS complaining,why not just reinstate kennedys freaking executive order that he signed which was going to abolish the fed the fact our money was backed by somethign REAL,silver instead of worthless paper thats as worthless as monopoly money. Well Trump what are you waiting for? you want to make America GREAT again? well prove it,reinstate the damn executive order that Lyndon Johnson after taking over for Kennedy,dispersed a few days later.

US Job Creation Vaults Higher in December - Liberty Headlines

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