Well this is damn scary

..just like the leftists/etc---scared of nothing/the BoogeyMan
Are you really stupid enough to try to support the effort to do just this in one thread and come over here and act like there's nothing to it?

I mean, we know you're dumber than pet rocks but this is whole new level.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
Constitutional republic
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
If it was a democracy we wouldn't have the EC Biden bitch. You really are a communist troll. What part of the pledge did you not understand moron. R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C!
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
Like Bernie Sanders, I think anyone that uses an Illegal should be fined and any corporation that uses BVs and/or off-shores should be taxed into oblivion.
According to this article, if say a Republican wins the presidential election but his party loses control of the Senate and House to the Democratic party, congress by procedural vote can overturn the national vote and give the White House to his Democratic challenger. According to the author of this article, in reality congress, not the public elects the president. An extreme long shot to be sure but the remote possibity is there...again scary...Trump challenge to Biden win exposes massive democracy flaw. Next time it just might work.
It's scary because we now know there are Americans who would be all for it.
yea on both sides as long as their person is the beneficiary....
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
You are a special kind of stupid. Let me 'splain it to you Lucy--NH=Canada south, second, and I'm amazed that you noticed the reference, but didn't read the words--typical moron dem. Nope, I didn't bring them here illegally--why would I feel guilty--that's your Freudian conscience working on you. ROFLMAO!
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
You are a special kind of stupid. Let me 'splain it to you Lucy--NH=Canada south, second, and I'm amazed that you noticed the reference, but didn't read the words--typical moron dem. Nope, I didn't bring them here illegally--why would I feel guilty--that's your Freudian conscience working on you. ROFLMAO!

You have no idea what you are talking about do you snowflake? You're just another alt-right dumbass regurgitating talking points. Sad. Honestly, I hate using the R word because it doesn't befit people like you..but you??..are just dumb!!
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
You are a special kind of stupid. Let me 'splain it to you Lucy--NH=Canada south, second, and I'm amazed that you noticed the reference, but didn't read the words--typical moron dem. Nope, I didn't bring them here illegally--why would I feel guilty--that's your Freudian conscience working on you. ROFLMAO!

You have no idea what you are talking about do you snowflake? You're just another alt-right dumbass regurgitating talking points. Sad. Honestly, I hate using the R word because it doesn't befit people like you..but you??..are just dumb!!
I don't have to have simple English explained to me. I know the definition of snowflake and it has your picture in it. For hating the "R" word so much, you spout it (or Trump) in nearly every post you make. And finally there it is, the typical democrat response when losing an argument. "you're dumb." SMH.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
You are a special kind of stupid. Let me 'splain it to you Lucy--NH=Canada south, second, and I'm amazed that you noticed the reference, but didn't read the words--typical moron dem. Nope, I didn't bring them here illegally--why would I feel guilty--that's your Freudian conscience working on you. ROFLMAO!

You have no idea what you are talking about do you snowflake? You're just another alt-right dumbass regurgitating talking points. Sad. Honestly, I hate using the R word because it doesn't befit people like you..but you??..are just dumb!!
I don't have to have simple English explained to me. I know the definition of snowflake and it has your picture in it. For hating the "R" word so much, you spout it (or Trump) in nearly every post you make. And finally there it is, the typical democrat response when losing an argument. "you're dumb." SMH.View attachment 436961

Yeah, you've already lost..you know that right?
Soft, weak, malleable. Terrible being a lackey and seeing your world about to
collapse before your eyes? Isn't it?
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
If it was a democracy we wouldn't have the EC Biden bitch. You really are a communist troll. What part of the pledge did you not understand moron. R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C!
Thankfully it's becasue we do have a democracy that your cult leader is gone.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
WTF are you talking about?
When jobs are going to trespassers, business visas and being sent away, it's quite obvious that you belong to the crowd that is benefitting from this.

LOL. You gonna get in line to hop on those trucks at your local Home Depot or Wal-Mart?...no. Didn't think so. Just keep supporting the corps that willingly get in line to employ these "trespassers" and take those awesome tax cuts that the Repubs dole out to them.

You really have no idea of how things work. All you see is the letter R. Sad. :(
What else--that letter is in every one of your posts--TDS Unbridled. He lives in your head. You are so far removed from the illegal immigrant debate that you are ridiculous. Are you worried about Trudeau's minions invading your little piece of Canada south. Try moving to the southern portion of the US and see about those Democrats Against Citizens of America.

What?? Haven't been to Canada since 2008. Last time I saw the border (visiting my son and DIL) it looked like the DMZ in West Berlin circa 1985...without the armed guards in towers shooting at people... :)
You do know you just spelled out DACA? Feelin a bit guilty?
You are a special kind of stupid. Let me 'splain it to you Lucy--NH=Canada south, second, and I'm amazed that you noticed the reference, but didn't read the words--typical moron dem. Nope, I didn't bring them here illegally--why would I feel guilty--that's your Freudian conscience working on you. ROFLMAO!

You have no idea what you are talking about do you snowflake? You're just another alt-right dumbass regurgitating talking points. Sad. Honestly, I hate using the R word because it doesn't befit people like you..but you??..are just dumb!!
I don't have to have simple English explained to me. I know the definition of snowflake and it has your picture in it. For hating the "R" word so much, you spout it (or Trump) in nearly every post you make. And finally there it is, the typical democrat response when losing an argument. "you're dumb." SMH.View attachment 436961

Yeah, you've already lost..you know that right?
Soft, weak, malleable. Terrible being a lackey and seeing your world about to
collapse before your eyes? Isn't it?
Dream on little broomstick cowboy, tomorrow is another day.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
If it was a democracy we wouldn't have the EC Biden bitch. You really are a communist troll. What part of the pledge did you not understand moron. R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C!
Thankfully it's becasue we do have a democracy that your cult leader is gone.
Constitutional Republic. comrade.
Won’t ever happen, it is just more fear mongering by the left and wanting to rid America of the Electoral College.

The propaganda seems to keep getting worse and worse and people swallowing such BS is even worse. Are there no more thinking people in America or are we just believing what we want or need to believe.
How can you say it will never happen when IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW??? No, they haven't got both chambers, so they're not going to win. But where would things be right now if the Republicans did?
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy
Democracy = 'a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections'. Oh.. now I get why right wingers don't like the idea of us being called a democracy, it conflicts with authoritarianism, which is what they feel we should have.
I pledge allegiance to the flag...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You don't pay attention very well. If you went to American schools, recited this pledge every morning for some time. Maybe you didn't, comrade.
What part of the definition of what a democracy is did you not understand? A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. A democracy is how we choose those elected representives. It's not rocket science Trump boy.
If it was a democracy we wouldn't have the EC Biden bitch. You really are a communist troll. What part of the pledge did you not understand moron. R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C!
Thankfully it's becasue we do have a democracy that your cult leader is gone.
Constitutional republic

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