Well this is damn scary

Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You're not a thorn in my ass; you're dumb as a rock.
According to this article, if say a Republican wins the presidential election but his party loses control of the Senate and House to the Democratic party, congress by procedural vote can overturn the national vote and give the White House to his Democratic challenger. According to the author of this article, in reality congress, not the public elects the president. An extreme long shot to be sure but the remote possibity is there...again scary...Trump challenge to Biden win exposes massive democracy flaw. Next time it just might work.
Oh the horror....imagine 4 more years of Trump.
4 more years of Democrat obstruction.
4 more years of the end of the world 24/7 on CNN.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You're not a thorn in my ass; you're dumb as a rock.

No. I am Paper. You are the Rock. Paper covers rock. :)
Unless..it's Lizard Spock.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
Benjamin Franklin said, "We have a REPUBLIC if you can keep it." Moron.

Close it Francis. Are we a dictatorship?...no? Shut up!! No cares about splitting hairs. LOL. :)
Typical democrat response when met with FACTS that they don't agree with. Sorry I hurt your FEELINGS. Snowflake.

You didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I get it. Your man lost. You're mad. Lashing out is normal. But not after 2 months of getting your ass handed to you legally. :)
Way to stay on topic, like I said, typical democrat--neener neener neener. LOL

Uh..that WAS on topic. Might want to read the OP again. Comprehension and stuff. :)
It WAS on topic until you said, "Close it Francis" Nowhere in the thread was dictatorship pertinent. The thread was about some obscure BS that some democrat Yahoo shill tilting at windmills came up with. Please keep up.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!
73,000,000 US citizens are tired of being by Congress as 2nd Class Citizens.
You, apparently, are gaining by such a scenario.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
Benjamin Franklin said, "We have a REPUBLIC if you can keep it." Moron.

Close it Francis. Are we a dictatorship?...no? Shut up!! No cares about splitting hairs. LOL. :)
Typical democrat response when met with FACTS that they don't agree with. Sorry I hurt your FEELINGS. Snowflake.

You didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I get it. Your man lost. You're mad. Lashing out is normal. But not after 2 months of getting your ass handed to you legally. :)
Way to stay on topic, like I said, typical democrat--neener neener neener. LOL

Uh..that WAS on topic. Might want to read the OP again. Comprehension and stuff. :)
....and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. You didn't pay attention every morning. A little slow on the uptake, aren't you?
According to this article, if say a Republican wins the presidential election but his party loses control of the Senate and House to the Democratic party, congress by procedural vote can overturn the national vote and give the White House to his Democratic challenger. According to the author of this article, in reality congress, not the public elects the president. An extreme long shot to be sure but the remote possibity is there...again scary...Trump challenge to Biden win exposes massive democracy flaw. Next time it just might work.
/———/ “in reality congress, not the public elects the president”
Since 1776, or thereabouts. Were you sleeping during civics class?
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
Benjamin Franklin said, "We have a REPUBLIC if you can keep it." Moron.

Close it Francis. Are we a dictatorship?...no? Shut up!! No cares about splitting hairs. LOL. :)
Typical democrat response when met with FACTS that they don't agree with. Sorry I hurt your FEELINGS. Snowflake.

You didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I get it. Your man lost. You're mad. Lashing out is normal. But not after 2 months of getting your ass handed to you legally. :)
Way to stay on topic, like I said, typical democrat--neener neener neener. LOL

Uh..that WAS on topic. Might want to read the OP again. Comprehension and stuff. :)
It WAS on topic until you said, "Close it Francis" Nowhere in the thread was dictatorship pertinent. The thread was about some obscure BS that some democrat Yahoo shill tilting at windmills came up with. Please keep up.

Oh c'mon. It was a Deadpool ref. The OP was about objecting to election results because you didn't like the results.
The rest is just running with the thread flow. :) Relax.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You've got TDS so bad that you can't get him out of your head. You're going to be whining about him four years from now. I can see it now---But, but, but Biden would have done it if it hadn't been for Trump. Boo hooo hooo. Snowflakes. Pffffft.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You've got TDS so bad that you can't get him out of your head. You're going to be whining about him four years from now. I can see it now---But, but, but Biden would have done it if it hadn't been for Trump. Boo hooo hooo. Snowflakes. Pffffft.

After 1/20/2021, I won't care what Trump does. TDS is your default response to anyone who calls your savior out on his incompetence. I don't hate him. I just have no respect for him. It's people like you I hate. Why? Because you're weak minded. Followers. Lemmings. Sorry, I'm gonna give Biden a long leash here. Trump's admin so far has been largely obstructionist in transition (wowsers..what a coinky-dink) and seem to be hanging on the fact that their man can pull out another term by hook or crook. Probably going to be a shit show. I would bet Trump's lackeys have been playing video games for four years instead of doing their jobs. Disgraceful.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You've got TDS so bad that you can't get him out of your head. You're going to be whining about him four years from now. I can see it now---But, but, but Biden would have done it if it hadn't been for Trump. Boo hooo hooo. Snowflakes. Pffffft.

After 1/20/2021, I won't care what Trump does. TDS is your default response to anyone who calls your savior out on his incompetence. I don't hate him. I just have no respect for him. It's people like you I hate. Why? Because you're weak minded. Followers. Lemmings. Sorry, I'm gonna give Biden a long leash here. Trump's admin so far has been largely obstructionist in transition (wowsers..what a coinky-dink) and seem to be hanging on the fact that their man can pull out another term by hook or crook. Probably going to be a shit show. I would bet Trump's lackeys have been playing video games for four years instead of doing their jobs. Disgraceful.
HaHaHa---Your words say no, but your actions say TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. You've got it bad.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Yes..we are. Our Constitution organizes us as a Republic..but we are a democracy.
Not ruled by authoritarianism. So if you reject democracy, you embrace dictatorship...sigh...
If we where a democracy gay marriage would be illegal, the fine people of california took a vote and said No.

If we where a democracy Hillary Clinton would be president

If we where a democracy Al Gore would of been president

No kid we are not a democracy

Why do you care? You have someone that's gay in your immediate circle? Deal with it.
If Comey had closed his mouth/or if Comey had disclosed Trump's From Russian With Love connection. Hillary would be. Deal with it.
Yes. What the Supreme Court did was straight up voter disenfranchisement.

None of these have to do with splitting hairs, Yogi. :)

It's not splitting hairs, we are and never will be a democracy

We're a democracy. Deal with it. Trump still lost. Sorry.
All a democracy is two foxes and a hen talking about what to have for dinner.

Nope we are not a democracy.

Y-A-W-N. Go back to screaming about election fraud. You were doing better then.
If you're so happy, why are you still posting?
Are Liberals ever happy when they're not stoned?

I am happy. I just like being the ever present thorn in your ass. You didn't like the result because your man was rejected, So you bitch, piss, and moan and scream fraud. I don't remember Clinton doing that. I don't remember her making the January procedural Electoral vote count and cert in Congress to be a clown car sideshow. She wasn't a seditionist. She conceded and went hiking. As far as Russia goes? See Jeff Sessions about that. As it happened months after Trump's inauguration.
You've got TDS so bad that you can't get him out of your head. You're going to be whining about him four years from now. I can see it now---But, but, but Biden would have done it if it hadn't been for Trump. Boo hooo hooo. Snowflakes. Pffffft.

After 1/20/2021, I won't care what Trump does. TDS is your default response to anyone who calls your savior out on his incompetence. I don't hate him. I just have no respect for him. It's people like you I hate. Why? Because you're weak minded. Followers. Lemmings. Sorry, I'm gonna give Biden a long leash here. Trump's admin so far has been largely obstructionist in transition (wowsers..what a coinky-dink) and seem to be hanging on the fact that their man can pull out another term by hook or crook. Probably going to be a shit show. I would bet Trump's lackeys have been playing video games for four years instead of doing their jobs. Disgraceful.
HaHaHa---Your words say no, but your actions say TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. You've got it bad.

That's actually a riff we came up with years ago..."He's Trump, He's Trump, He's in your head"...you get the rest. :auiqs.jpg:
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
Ah, there's the truth. You have an aversion to boomers too. Quite amusing that you disparage the older generation, and draw division into the mix at the same time. Somehow you feel that the country has never been diverse but you voted for an OLD, WHITE, MAN who has been in politics in America for 47 years and is largely responsible for ALL the things you are against. Your arguments are nonsense.
Why is it scary? Once again we are not a democracy

Call it a Democratic Republic if you must, but it involves DEMOCRACY as much as you hate that notion.

I know. I can't help myself. I like tweaking people like him. They're easy. :)

It's a never-ending and entirely boring debate. I've come to the conclusion that they basically hate the notion of democracy and need to eliminate the term because they despise Democrats and assume the two terms are connected.

Either that or they are hellbent on turning us into an Autocracy. Yeah prolly - That's the ticket!

I think it may be easier to explain than that. Most of these people grew up with Baby Boomer family or were Boomers themselves. That's a lot of bigotry and bias to be around for most of your life. I'm not asserting that everyone who grew up with this is like it. The country is becoming more diverse, more multi-cultural, more female...and that scares a large segment of the people who like Trump. They see their power receding. And they see a guy who's one of them, making it OK to voice their grievances out loud. And they'll accept living under a strongman..because he will deliver the country to them.
He can't go one posts without saying Trump, hilarious

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