Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

The way it has gone so far......this could GAIN votes? Watching herd of RINO break out of pen to run, silly "holier than thou" pundits re-coil in horror, leftist do what un-ethical leftist do.......sickening.

I just saw a lib burst into tears on FOX over Trumps comments LOL! Yep, this could increase the hate.
? Was she a rape victim or what? You should have seen poor Scottie Nell Hughes first thing this morning. Very, very close to tears.
For the first time, I am truly grateful that Trump is the narcissistic, self-centered egomaniac that he is. Anyone else, at this point, would withdraw in favor of Pence, for the good of the party. Pence could beat Hillary, in spite of his over-the-top religious views.
It's bizarre listening to liberals feign outrage over what Trump said when they vehemently defended what Clinton did and when they embrace every form of disturbing sexually deviant behaviors.

Moron....here is what Trump stated in his "apology"......NOTE HE NEVER ACCUSED (he didn't dare) Bill Clinton of raping ANYONE.....

"I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
I wonder if Trump's quote means he is admitting that he was just bragging and lying at the expense of Nancy O'Dell? Good Glory, this man is juvenile. Either way, he's (hopefully) toast.

Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.....Where are my Tic Tacs?

This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
Yes, I saw the the whole thing several times (they were running it in full every 30 minutes or so on CNN this a.m.). But do you get my meaning? In his apology, he distinguishes his words from Clinton's actions , and the only inference to make there is that Trump was just talking--not really snatching.
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump
We could dream of a Goldwater victory for Clinton. Picture that electoral map with all the states blue on November 8. Except maybe one pariah.

I can see things getting ugly, fast
A ten percent drop in the women's vote will start to turn red states blue
It's bizarre listening to liberals feign outrage over what Trump said when they vehemently defended what Clinton did and when they embrace every form of disturbing sexually deviant behaviors.

Moron....here is what Trump stated in his "apology"......NOTE HE NEVER ACCUSED (he didn't dare) Bill Clinton of raping ANYONE.....

"I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
I wonder if Trump's quote means he is admitting that he was just bragging and lying at the expense of Nancy O'Dell? Good Glory, this man is juvenile. Either way, he's (hopefully) toast.

Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.....Where are my Tic Tacs?

This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
Yes, I saw the the whole thing several times (they were running it in full every 30 minutes or so on CNN this a.m.). But do you get my meaning? In his apology, he distinguishes his words from Clinton's actions , and the only inference to make there is that Trump was just talking--not really snatching.
Notice how in his "apology" he never apologized to his wife who was pregnant at the time
It's bizarre listening to liberals feign outrage over what Trump said when they vehemently defended what Clinton did and when they embrace every form of disturbing sexually deviant behaviors.

Moron....here is what Trump stated in his "apology"......NOTE HE NEVER ACCUSED (he didn't dare) Bill Clinton of raping ANYONE.....

"I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
I wonder if Trump's quote means he is admitting that he was just bragging and lying at the expense of Nancy O'Dell? Good Glory, this man is juvenile. Either way, he's (hopefully) toast.

Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.....Where are my Tic Tacs?

This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
Yes, I saw the the whole thing several times (they were running it in full every 30 minutes or so on CNN this a.m.). But do you get my meaning? In his apology, he distinguishes his words from Clinton's actions , and the only inference to make there is that Trump was just talking--not really snatching.
Notice how in his "apology" he never apologized to his wife who was pregnant at the time
But this is how ALL guys act when the wife's not around, amirite?
They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump

You people know damn well that it is not about voting for Trump but against Hillary. You people are caught up in identity based politics and are going to trade in your race card for the gender card. Much the same way that you and your fellow supporters don't care about Hillary's record of corruption, conservatives and Republicans don't care about your specious charges of racism and sexism.

Even Republicans know sometimes you have to do the right thing
Voting Trump is not the right thing

Show US how how sitting on this tape of a Trump video demeaning women is ethically the right thing to do? Democrats are in no position to wag their finger at US about the right thing. Democrats are morally corrupt and replete with double standards.
As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump

You people know damn well that it is not about voting for Trump but against Hillary. You people are caught up in identity based politics and are going to trade in your race card for the gender card. Much the same way that you and your fellow supporters don't care about Hillary's record of corruption, conservatives and Republicans don't care about your specious charges of racism and sexism.

Even Republicans know sometimes you have to do the right thing
Voting Trump is not the right thing

Show US how how sitting on this tape of a Trump video demeaning women is ethically the right thing to do? Democrats are in no position to wag their finger at US about the right thing. Democrats are morally corrupt and replete with double standards.
It got dug up on Monday and released on Friday. How is that sitting on the tape? I'm not saying the "leak" wasn't provided thanks to a loyal Hillary fan, but it's gong way far to say NBC was morally corrupt for it.
Even Pence is pulling back. He cancelled his appearance at Ryan's event. Apparently, he has no intention of even trying to spin Trump's words, and is starting to think about his 2020 bid for the presidency. . Trump's campaign people are starting to quit. The money is drying up. He will make a complete ass of himself at this next debate.
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

And Trump dropped the hope and you suddenly thought a 1%er was going to ignore his bottom line to help you. Har har har. At least hope and change was original. You fell for the cheap knock off replica. How do you feel?

Trump is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal. I am not going to vote for him.

Crooked Hillary is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal that also has a significant record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. The stupid elitist bitch doesn't even think national laws applies to her. I am not going to vote for her.

However, if my voting strategy was to pick the lesser of two evils then it would be a no brainer to pick Trump over this filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch.

Trump has his flaws but compared to the piece of shit Crooked Hillary he is a saint.
Moron....here is what Trump stated in his "apology"......NOTE HE NEVER ACCUSED (he didn't dare) Bill Clinton of raping ANYONE.....

"I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
I wonder if Trump's quote means he is admitting that he was just bragging and lying at the expense of Nancy O'Dell? Good Glory, this man is juvenile. Either way, he's (hopefully) toast.

Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.....Where are my Tic Tacs?

This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
Yes, I saw the the whole thing several times (they were running it in full every 30 minutes or so on CNN this a.m.). But do you get my meaning? In his apology, he distinguishes his words from Clinton's actions , and the only inference to make there is that Trump was just talking--not really snatching.
Notice how in his "apology" he never apologized to his wife who was pregnant at the time
But this is how ALL guys act when the wife's not around, amirite?

I hope Trump claims that
God...do I ever love this post

On a day when Trumps campaign crashes and burns, his loyal minions resort to photo shop and lame "Hillary is dying" claims
Even Pence is pulling back. He cancelled his appearance at Ryan's event. Apparently, he has no intention of even trying to spin Trump's words, and is starting to think about his 2020 bid for the presidency. . Trump's campaign people are starting to quit. The money is drying up. He will make a complete ass of himself at this next debate.

Pence was hoping to spin his VP nomination into a 2020 run for President

Now he has the stink of Trump
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."
many have been saying that all along.....were have you been?....
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?
When you can admit supporting Hillary is a colossal mistake.
Doesn't seem like that will happen
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY

Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY
and if she just squeaks by what would that say?....
Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
8 more years of civil strife?.....you are happy with that?.....this country needs a leader RW,and we need one badly.....and no hillary is no leader,and i think its safe to say trump aint one either.........
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

And yet, despite how bad Hillary is, Trump will still lose to her, an election the Republicans should be winning.

That shows how utterly awful he is as a candidate.
this is what gets me,how many lefties here have said that hillary aint that great,how many righties have said trump is a dipshit......and yet here we are,with these 2 as the front runners......do all you supporters of these 2 like standing in the bottom of the barrel?......
Trump's hardcore supporters - the 1/3 of Republican primary voters - are not going to blame Trump. They are going to blame everyone else except Trump. They will blame "the establishment," the RNC, the media, other Republicans, and so on.

Even though polls right from the very beginning had Trump as the worst possible candidate against Clinton, they will refuse to believe it.

They'll not be blaming those of us Republicans and Conservatives who never supported him nor voted for him. They can try ... but they will fail. This is on them.
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?
When you can admit supporting Hillary is a colossal mistake.
Doesn't seem like that will happen
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY

Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
I, as well a millions more, cringe at the thought. We are the group called, IC "Integrity Counts"... Obviously, you are not a member.
OMG!!! This is hilarious. "Integrity Counts." And you actually think Trump has integrity? Amazing. Incredible. Most people voting for him are doing so despite his complete and obvious lack of it.
it seems like most are voting for him because they cant stand hillary more.....

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