Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

See the far left can not name one policy Trump has voted on that has affected them personally.

What a MORON....trump has not held even an elected job as dog catcher.....

But he has NOT paid federal income tax for decades and his avoidance HAS proportionally impacted all of us who DO pay federal income taxes.

And another far left drone swoops in and proves my comments!

They have zero evidence, just far left religious dogma.

So we know that they will support the worse than Bush, warmonger who backed the illegal wars under Obama, Hilary!
kosh shut the fuck up.....somebody give this dipshit a cracker please....
I now concede that the only way to keep hillary out of the white house is for Trump to step down - immediately.
"Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?"

Why would they? "Half" of them are no less deplorable than he. I suspect a great many of them have made similar depraved remarks, done equally or more profane things and thus lack the decency or sense to see there being something wrong with what Trump said and described having done.
im sure many democrat men have also made those same kind of "depraved" remarks....and i dont mean when they were kids.....yea i was shocked too....
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?
When you can admit supporting Hillary is a colossal mistake.
Doesn't seem like that will happen
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY

Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY
and if she just squeaks by what would that say?....
Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
8 more years of civil strife?.....you are happy with that?.....this country needs a leader RW,and we need one badly.....and no hillary is no leader,and i think its safe to say trump aint one either.........

Civil strife?

Such hyperbole

Trump is a leader? The man is HATED
Have you seen his disapproval numbers? Wait till next week
Trump's hardcore supporters - the 1/3 of Republican primary voters - are not going to blame Trump. They are going to blame everyone else except Trump. They will blame "the establishment," the RNC, the media, other Republicans, and so on.

Even though polls right from the very beginning had Trump as the worst possible candidate against Clinton, they will refuse to believe it.

They'll not be blaming those of us Republicans and Conservatives who never supported him nor voted for him. They can try ... but they will fail. This is on them.
You failed and failed miserably

You have let your party be taken over by the racists and nutjobs and you did nothing about it
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump
Trump has indicated he will attack Clinton's family which of course means Bill. I think that will mean a very nasty debate on Sunday. Although this is the time for Trump to act presidential, sane, and in control that is not lightly to happen. If Trump attacks Bill, Hillary will be able to play the supporting wife which will just make Trump look more like an oaf and bully. The worst thing Trump can do at this point is unleash a lot of unsubstantiated accusations.
They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump

You people know damn well that it is not about voting for Trump but against Hillary. You people are caught up in identity based politics and are going to trade in your race card for the gender card. Much the same way that you and your fellow supporters don't care about Hillary's record of corruption, conservatives and Republicans don't care about your specious charges of racism and sexism.

Even Republicans know sometimes you have to do the right thing
Voting Trump is not the right thing
neither is voting for hillary.....thanks all you party people for giving us these 2 wonderful candidates....
See the far left can not name one policy Trump has voted on that has affected them personally.

What a MORON....trump has not held even an elected job as dog catcher.....

But he has NOT paid federal income tax for decades and his avoidance HAS proportionally impacted all of us who DO pay federal income taxes.

And another far left drone swoops in and proves my comments!

They have zero evidence, just far left religious dogma.

So we know that they will support the worse than Bush, warmonger who backed the illegal wars under Obama, Hilary!
kosh shut the fuck up.....somebody give this dipshit a cracker please....

Poor little Harry worse than a far left drone!
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump
Trump has indicated he will attack Clinton's family which of course means Bill. I think that will mean a very nasty debate on Sunday. Although this is the time for Trump to act presidential, sane, and in control that is not lightly to happen. If Trump attacks Bill, Hillary will be able to play the supporting wife which will just make Trump look more like an oaf and bully. The worst thing Trump can do at this point is unleash a lot of unsubstantiated accusations.
Hillary can place herself as Melania...the woman scorned standing by her husband

lose-lose for Trump
As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump

You people know damn well that it is not about voting for Trump but against Hillary. You people are caught up in identity based politics and are going to trade in your race card for the gender card. Much the same way that you and your fellow supporters don't care about Hillary's record of corruption, conservatives and Republicans don't care about your specious charges of racism and sexism.

Even Republicans know sometimes you have to do the right thing
Voting Trump is not the right thing
neither is voting for hillary.....thanks all you party people for giving us these 2 wonderful candidates....
I have no reservations in voting for Hillary. I already have

Comparing her to Trump shows you are an ass
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

Come up with? Many have said it form the beginning, myself included.
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?
When you can admit supporting Hillary is a colossal mistake.
Doesn't seem like that will happen
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY

Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY
and if she just squeaks by what would that say?....
Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
8 more years of civil strife?.....you are happy with that?.....this country needs a leader RW,and we need one badly.....and no hillary is no leader,and i think its safe to say trump aint one either.........

Civil strife?

Such hyperbole

Trump is a leader? The man is HATED
Have you seen his disapproval numbers? Wait till next week
yea civil strife....were have you been?....and did i say trump was a leader?.....it doesnt look like i did.....
See the far left can not name one policy Trump has voted on that has affected them personally.

What a MORON....trump has not held even an elected job as dog catcher.....

But he has NOT paid federal income tax for decades and his avoidance HAS proportionally impacted all of us who DO pay federal income taxes.

And another far left drone swoops in and proves my comments!

They have zero evidence, just far left religious dogma.

So we know that they will support the worse than Bush, warmonger who backed the illegal wars under Obama, Hilary!
kosh shut the fuck up.....somebody give this dipshit a cracker please....

Poor little Harry worse than a far left drone!
you dont like it when someone says your a dipshit do ya?....
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump

You people know damn well that it is not about voting for Trump but against Hillary. You people are caught up in identity based politics and are going to trade in your race card for the gender card. Much the same way that you and your fellow supporters don't care about Hillary's record of corruption, conservatives and Republicans don't care about your specious charges of racism and sexism.

Even Republicans know sometimes you have to do the right thing
Voting Trump is not the right thing
neither is voting for hillary.....thanks all you party people for giving us these 2 wonderful candidates....
I have no reservations in voting for Hillary. I already have

Comparing her to Trump shows you are an ass
here goes the name calling....how right wing of you RW....
See the far left can not name one policy Trump has voted on that has affected them personally.

What a MORON....trump has not held even an elected job as dog catcher.....

But he has NOT paid federal income tax for decades and his avoidance HAS proportionally impacted all of us who DO pay federal income taxes.

And another far left drone swoops in and proves my comments!

They have zero evidence, just far left religious dogma.

So we know that they will support the worse than Bush, warmonger who backed the illegal wars under Obama, Hilary!
kosh shut the fuck up.....somebody give this dipshit a cracker please....

Poor little Harry worse than a far left drone!
you dont like it when someone says your a dipshit do ya?....

And the irony impairment of a worse than far left drone begins!

Just goes to show why you always loose to rdean!
They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
As always, you can come up with a pot full accusations directed at Hillary but no proof. However, the proof that Trump is unfit for the presidency comes out his mouth. Trump is dead meat. His own party is trying to dump him to save the Senate.

This thing is going to get ugly fast for Republicans

Trump is dead man walking

The rest of the party who has made half hearted endorsements of Trump must now try to cut their losses. Every Republican candidate will be painted with the broad brush of Trump
Trump has indicated he will attack Clinton's family which of course means Bill. I think that will mean a very nasty debate on Sunday. Although this is the time for Trump to act presidential, sane, and in control that is not lightly to happen. If Trump attacks Bill, Hillary will be able to play the supporting wife which will just make Trump look more like an oaf and bully. The worst thing Trump can do at this point is unleash a lot of unsubstantiated accusations.
Hillary can place herself as Melania...the woman scorned standing by her husband

lose-lose for Trump
More like lose-lose America.

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