Well...Well...What Do We Have Here?

You need to lean the difference between the meaning of the words Murder and accident.

Just because an act which results in death is ruled accidental does not mean that it's automatically not prosecuted or prosecutable as car accidents resulting in death should prove. There IS such a thing as depraved indifference and involuntary manslaughter. Nobody with any sense should be firing a weapon in an area where people are forward of the muzzle of the weapon. Likewise, any adult should not have a child playing in the general area of where a weapon is being discharged.

As for me, as far as I'm concerned, this is at least a case of reckless endangerment resulting in death.

only b/c they guys a gun owner, otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck, b/c there's no political points to score.

arm chair conviction, you don't know shit about the case, the DA does.

Sez the guy who compared it to abortion.
Not beating a dead horse or anything, but really?

Just say you're sorry and move on?

Well, what else are you supposed to do Howey? It's an accident. The mother of the child said the man with the gun had no idea there was a little girl in the field, and they don't appear to want to press charges.

I don't understand what you'd like to be done..
You know, but drowning a girl in the back seat of your car you were driving drunk in after a party in Chappaquiddick.... now that wasn't murder at all....

lol...talk about dredging up the past.
But, is there a valid point to be found in that past illustration?

True but I believe Kennedy was worse than the man above. Kennedy knew what he did and left Mary-Jo to die in agony, for hours, then finally succumbing to suffocation, the fireman who removed her body said there was an air pocket. Kennedy was known as a playboy, Mary Jo was found dead without panties on...

Kennedy left her to die and did not say a word for 9 hours. But he is a hero- murderer that got a 2 month suspended sentence. Who knows what happened, maybe he did it on purpose? He swore he was not drinking, so why leave her in the car to die? There was no autopsy and the inquest was held in secret because Kennedy asked.

The guy in the OP is an idiot, and as far as I'm concerned far from a responsible gun owner, shooting with little kids running around.
You need to lean the difference between the meaning of the words Murder and accident.

Just because an act which results in death is ruled accidental does not mean that it's automatically not prosecuted or prosecutable as car accidents resulting in death should prove. There IS such a thing as depraved indifference and involuntary manslaughter. Nobody with any sense should be firing a weapon in an area where people are forward of the muzzle of the weapon. Likewise, any adult should not have a child playing in the general area of where a weapon is being discharged.

As for me, as far as I'm concerned, this is at least a case of reckless endangerment resulting in death.

only b/c they guys a gun owner, otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck, b/c there's no political points to score.

arm chair conviction, you don't know shit about the case, the DA does.

Nonsense. Adults have both a moral and a legal obligation to provide a safe and secure environment for children, period. If anything, gun owners should be held to a higher standard than people who own swimming pools where accidents can happen because guns are tools which are specifically made to be deadly to animal life. This isn't about politics; it's about personal responsibility with a deadly weapon when firing it in the vicinity of other people.
As for me, as far as I'm concerned, this is at least a case of reckless endangerment resulting in death.

Eh, none of the parties involved wanted this to happen, both are extremely distressed, sad. What is the point of going after a “reckless endangerment” charge anyways? Do you want to charge the parents of the girl with a crime ON TOP of them losing their child? Don’t think it’s necessary.

It’s an accident… they have to cope and move on…

I can imagine innumerable situations in which a person who causes the death of another wouldn't want a prosecution. What's somewhat suspicious is why the mother doesn't want some kind of justice to be served. I say that because it's far more common for a mother to want a prosecution when a death results from an accident where no fault can realistically be placed on an individual. For example, maybe a kid climbs a fence and drowns in a neighbor's pool. The point is this: The parties involved don't get to make the final call about whether a prosecution will happen or not happen. But firing a gun in the general direction of where kids are congregating is far different than merely leaving your car keys on a table where a kid could grab them to go out for a joy ride with some alcohol that was also left unlocked in a pantry.
Wait a minute. Something's wrong here...

This kid was killed seven months ago. It took the SA six months to decide not to file charges, we find out three weeks later, and even though the name of the victim and her mother were immediately identified, the name of the guy who shot her has never been released?

Is someone being protected?

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