Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Left over dog food. :eek:

And a nice Chicken breast Ceaser Salad. :clap2:

The leftovers is a spagetti ..home made sauce..way xtra pre fried meat..lotsa chopped saute'd onions and loads of parmesan cheese. It is really delish! :lol: :lol:

Yum...I love spaghetti. My recent fave thing is baked spaghetti...you make spaghetti, you put it in a casserole, you pour beaten eggs with a little parmesan or any sort of cheese really, and milk, over it, then bake it....

Or you can layer the noodles, sauce, cheese...and THEN pour the binder...either way, it's yummy.

We had spaghetti two nights ago..doctored with lots of meat and onion also.
I foundered on it.
Left over dog food. :eek:

And a nice Chicken breast Ceaser Salad. :clap2:

The leftovers is a spagetti ..home made sauce..way xtra pre fried meat..lotsa chopped saute'd onions and loads of parmesan cheese. It is really delish! :lol: :lol:

Yum...I love spaghetti. My recent fave thing is baked spaghetti...you make spaghetti, you put it in a casserole, you pour beaten eggs with a little parmesan or any sort of cheese really, and milk, over it, then bake it....

Or you can layer the noodles, sauce, cheese...and THEN pour the binder...either way, it's yummy.

We had spaghetti two nights ago..doctored with lots of meat and onion also.
I foundered on it.

The dogs really pig out on the weekend. Tommorow it will be a nice leftover extra wide whole grain noodles in a delicious sour creme alfredo sauce again with the saute'd onions and tons of baked and chopped chicken breast. When I'm lucky, or smart and make extra then I get to enjoy dog food! :lol:
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Left over dog food. :eek:

And a nice Chicken breast Ceaser Salad. :clap2:

The leftovers is a spagetti ..home made sauce..way xtra pre fried meat..lotsa chopped saute'd onions and loads of parmesan cheese. It is really delish! :lol: :lol:

Yum...I love spaghetti. My recent fave thing is baked spaghetti...you make spaghetti, you put it in a casserole, you pour beaten eggs with a little parmesan or any sort of cheese really, and milk, over it, then bake it....

Or you can layer the noodles, sauce, cheese...and THEN pour the binder...either way, it's yummy.

We had spaghetti two nights ago..doctored with lots of meat and onion also.
I foundered on it.

The dogs really pig out on the weekend. Tommorow it will be a nice leftover extra wide whole grain noodles in a delicious sour creme alfredo sauce again with the saute'd onions and tons of baked and chopped chicken breast. When I'm lucky, or smart and make extra then I get to enjoy dog food! :lol:

I hope you are not giving your dogs onions.
Yum...I love spaghetti. My recent fave thing is baked spaghetti...you make spaghetti, you put it in a casserole, you pour beaten eggs with a little parmesan or any sort of cheese really, and milk, over it, then bake it....

Or you can layer the noodles, sauce, cheese...and THEN pour the binder...either way, it's yummy.

We had spaghetti two nights ago..doctored with lots of meat and onion also.
I foundered on it.

The dogs really pig out on the weekend. Tommorow it will be a nice leftover extra wide whole grain noodles in a delicious sour creme alfredo sauce again with the saute'd onions and tons of baked and chopped chicken breast. When I'm lucky, or smart and make extra then I get to enjoy dog food! :lol:

I hope you are not giving your dogs onions.

Not just onions...they wouldn't eat them.. I slice or chop the onion they get.. then saute them in olive oil with butter and seasonings. The onions are fully cooked. I add the cooked onion to a variety of dishes I prepare for my Pits. They have had onions prepared this way at least a three hundred times. Over 700 days with the youngest ... a 120lb male red nose... well over a thousand days with the 70 lb blue female They get onion just about every other day. Sorry to dash your hopes. My dogs are fabulously healthy. Big..strong active..the Red Nose looks like the Arnold Schwartznegger of Pit Bulls. They sleep like babies and actually have very little gas. I don't buy what I feen my pups is the least bit bad for them.
The dogs really pig out on the weekend. Tommorow it will be a nice leftover extra wide whole grain noodles in a delicious sour creme alfredo sauce again with the saute'd onions and tons of baked and chopped chicken breast. When I'm lucky, or smart and make extra then I get to enjoy dog food! :lol:

I hope you are not giving your dogs onions.

Not just onions...they wouldn't eat them.. I slice or chop the onion they get.. then saute them in olive oil with butter and seasonings. The onions are fully cooked. I add the cooked onion to a variety of dishes I prepare for my Pits. They have had onions prepared this way at least a three hundred times. Over 700 days with the youngest ... a 120lb male red nose... well over a thousand days with the 70 lb blue female They get onion just about every other day. Sorry to dash your hopes. My dogs are fabulously healthy. Big..strong active..the Red Nose looks like the Arnold Schwartznegger of Pit Bulls. They sleep like babies and actually have very little gas. I don't buy what I feen my pups is the least bit bad for them.

Onions are toxic to dogs. The degree of toxicity depends on the dose relative to the size of the dog. Congratulations on not managing to kill your dogs yet, but what you are doing is poisoning them. You need to work out whatever psychological issue is causing your need to see yourself vicariously through your dogs (paging Dr. Freud!) and stop the pattern of abuse and neglect you have been decribing here on several threads. A young dog, like a young human, is capable of enduring more crap put in the body than in later years. It will be too late when you realize what you've been doing to those poor animals. They are not humans and it is not 'love' to pretend they are.
I hope you are not giving your dogs onions.

Not just onions...they wouldn't eat them.. I slice or chop the onion they get.. then saute them in olive oil with butter and seasonings. The onions are fully cooked. I add the cooked onion to a variety of dishes I prepare for my Pits. They have had onions prepared this way at least a three hundred times. Over 700 days with the youngest ... a 120lb male red nose... well over a thousand days with the 70 lb blue female They get onion just about every other day. Sorry to dash your hopes. My dogs are fabulously healthy. Big..strong active..the Red Nose looks like the Arnold Schwartznegger of Pit Bulls. They sleep like babies and actually have very little gas. I don't buy what I feen my pups is the least bit bad for them.

Onions are toxic to dogs. The degree of toxicity depends on the dose relative to the size of the dog. Congratulations on not managing to kill your dogs yet, but what you are doing is poisoning them. You need to work out whatever psychological issue is causing your need to see yourself vicariously through your dogs (paging Dr. Freud!) and stop the pattern of abuse and neglect you have been decribing here on several threads. A young dog, like a young human, is capable of enduring more crap put in the body than in later years. It will be too late when you realize what you've been doing to those poor animals. They are not humans and it is not 'love' to pretend they are.

OK..I read up on onions and dogs.. I'll cut back on the onions.

Roast Duck soup and it was marvelous. There's nothing like Duck broth for me.
Not just onions...they wouldn't eat them.. I slice or chop the onion they get.. then saute them in olive oil with butter and seasonings. The onions are fully cooked. I add the cooked onion to a variety of dishes I prepare for my Pits. They have had onions prepared this way at least a three hundred times. Over 700 days with the youngest ... a 120lb male red nose... well over a thousand days with the 70 lb blue female They get onion just about every other day. Sorry to dash your hopes. My dogs are fabulously healthy. Big..strong active..the Red Nose looks like the Arnold Schwartznegger of Pit Bulls. They sleep like babies and actually have very little gas. I don't buy what I feen my pups is the least bit bad for them.

Onions are toxic to dogs. The degree of toxicity depends on the dose relative to the size of the dog. Congratulations on not managing to kill your dogs yet, but what you are doing is poisoning them. You need to work out whatever psychological issue is causing your need to see yourself vicariously through your dogs (paging Dr. Freud!) and stop the pattern of abuse and neglect you have been decribing here on several threads. A young dog, like a young human, is capable of enduring more crap put in the body than in later years. It will be too late when you realize what you've been doing to those poor animals. They are not humans and it is not 'love' to pretend they are.

OK..I read up on onions and dogs.. I'll cut back on the onions.

Ok, then I'll cut back on my self-righteous emoting.

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