Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

i had papa johns pizza, and i feel like shit today.
Sake-hasu marinated Chilean Sea Bass with a green curry coconut sauce
Braised baby bok choy

Flourless chocolate cake with raspberry sabayon
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Today is our anniversary, and our aunt and uncle and a close friend treated us to dinner at one of Albuquerque's more expensive fine diining restaurants where I ordered their 'special' of a seed crusted filet, scallops, pepper spiced potatoes, scallops, and wilted greens.

The filet was excellent and cooked perfectly. However, the sauce and greens were severely underseasoned and bland while the accompanying potatoes were hot spiced to the point that you could only taste the hot pepper and nothing else. Essentially inedible. The scallops were underdone and cold.

We won't be returning to that particular establishment, of course, but I always marvel at how little pride some places take in their food while others, who charge much more reasonably for their food, do a much better job.
i had papa johns pizza, and i feel like shit today.

I understand why, Papa Johns is terrible.

the thing with fast food pizza that they can never get right is bread or crust. I think pizza hut has probably the best flavor, but the texture is lousy. You know the saying about pizza and sex though, "it's never really bad".
i had papa johns pizza, and i feel like shit today.

I understand why, Papa Johns is terrible.

the thing with fast food pizza that they can never get right is bread or crust. I think pizza hut has probably the best flavor, but the texture is lousy. You know the saying about pizza and sex though, "it's never really bad".

Back in High School before I joined the Air Force I used to love Papa Johns, it used to taste so good and fresh and that garlic sauce they give with it used to be awesome, now that pizza just tastes like cardboard with some ketchup on it, the garlic sauce is good but thats about it. I don't really care for Pizza Hut or Dominoes anymore either, the best Pizza nowadays are from the little mom and pop places, theres a place here in Salvatores that make some bomb ass Sicilian style pizza, thats all I go to now for Pizza.
the thing with fast food pizza that they can never get right is bread or crust. I think pizza hut has probably the best flavor, but the texture is lousy. You know the saying about pizza and sex though, "it's never really bad".

For cheap pizza, the PizzaHut hand tossed has a pretty good crust.

they're probably best when considering crust, the dough part aisdie from the crust is almost unedible.
We had grocery store pizza last night. It was one of those rising crusts one..breschetta? I've never had it before, it was on sale. It wasn't too bad, sort of greasy and goopy in the middle...

Tonight we're having meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and spinach. Tomorrow it's beans, I think...the menu is back up (the kids seem to function better if they know what's coming and so do I) and the next day it's pork chops and mac & cheese, and applesauce, and corn. Friday it's hamburger helper (the kids love it, I can't help it) and I don't remember what I put up for the veg...maybe that's when we're having corn, I don't remember. Maybe carrots...I have carrots on hand.
After that wonderful comfort food on Sunday, it's homemade chicken with rice. The other 'half' of the chicken and dumpling stock and chicken. Will last all week. ;)
i had papa johns pizza, and i feel like shit today.

I understand why, Papa Johns is terrible.

the thing with fast food pizza that they can never get right is bread or crust. I think pizza hut has probably the best flavor, but the texture is lousy. You know the saying about pizza and sex though, "it's never really bad".

If you want really good "fast food" pizza try out Paisano's if they're in your area beats out all the others hands down!

I love homemade cream of chicken soup, I make it every now and then. For myself....cream of anything works for me. I like cream on flipping ice cream.
Left over dog food. :eek:

And a nice Chicken breast Ceaser Salad. :clap2:

The leftovers is a spagetti ..home made sauce..way xtra pre fried meat..lotsa chopped saute'd onions and loads of parmesan cheese. It is really delish! :lol: :lol:

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