Welp, back to toilet paper shortages due to the "surge in the China disease."

Bullshit!!! The Total USA weekly death rate from all causes increased at the same rate as Covid Deaths. Reporting other causes of death as Covid deaths could not increase the Total Deaths, proving you are also beyond STUPID!!!

And you are a puppet that buys anything the MSM is selling. I just told you it happened in my very own family. I know people that work in ER rooms. A yahoo comes in all smashed up from a bike accident, he tests positive for Covid, then dies from his injuries, they list it as a Covid death.

Trump Shutdown the US Economy destroying 30 million Jobs (the most jobs lost in US history) while Pelosi & Biden were encouraging people to go out, eat, shop & have fun. Trump already destroyed the Jobs before locals restricted gatherings when their hospitals filled up & lost of people died.

Trump shutdown the economy?

:link: :link: :link:

A US President doesn't have the authority to shutdown anything. That's done locally as we seen throughout the last year. Commiefornia is still shutdown. That's one of the reasons people are leaving there. It's why there is a pretty strong possibility they are going to recall Newsome as well.
Bullshit!!! The Total USA weekly death rate from all causes increased at the same rate as Covid Deaths. Reporting other causes of death as Covid deaths could not increase the Total Deaths, proving you are also beyond STUPID!!!

And you are a puppet that buys anything the MSM is selling. I just told you it happened in my very own family. I know people that work in ER rooms. A yahoo comes in all smashed up from a bike accident, he tests positive for Covid, then dies from his injuries, they list it as a Covid death.

Trump Shutdown the US Economy destroying 30 million Jobs (the most jobs lost in US history) while Pelosi & Biden were encouraging people to go out, eat, shop & have fun. Trump already destroyed the Jobs before locals restricted gatherings when their hospitals filled up & lost of people died.

Trump shutdown the economy?

:link: :link: :link:

A US President doesn't have the authority to shutdown anything. That's done locally as we seen throughout the last year. Commiefornia is still shutdown. That's one of the reasons people are leaving there. It's why there is a pretty strong possibility they are going to recall Newsome as well.
Super Stupid Lying Scum, You are the puppet that repeats political propaganda the MSM is selling. You don't know the ER people, because you repeated the Bike Crash listed as Covid death story Trump supporters & Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis created in his state.

I Double Dog Dare you to post a link to the MSM story selling that chart I posted showing the huge spike in US weekly deaths!!! :link: :link: :link:

Trump Stay-Home-Guidelines Destroyed 30 Million Jobs!!!

Super Stupid Lying Scum, You are the puppet that repeats political propaganda the MSM is selling. You don't know the ER people, because you repeated the Bike Crash listed as Covid death story Trump supporters & Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis created in his state.

I Double Dog Dare you to post a link to the MSM story selling that chart I posted showing the huge spike in US weekly deaths!!!

You dim bulb. Telling people to social distance or avoid large gatherings is not shutting down the country. Cities and states did shutdown because they had the authority within the Constitution to do so, but a President does not have that authority. Commie cities and states created LAW or proclamations to keep their businesses closed. A President cannot do that. The commies were fining people, arresting people, shutting down businesses. Trump had nothing to do with that.

Businesses that were lost, jobs that were lost were mostly in commie cities and states by their own local governments. In fact our Governor had to mandate all vendors that sold alcohol had to ID everybody; not because of their age, but because he wanted to stop this flow of people from Pennsylvania from coming here and buying beer and booze. Their Governor prohibited alcohol sales in their state.


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