You can thank Joe Biden, for in just over 100 days the United States went from Energy independence to gas shortages.

that explains WHY under trump everytime i filled my tank to a full tank i never paid more that $25.00 where now I am paying $40.00 for a full tank.

Gee, I've never paid for a full tank of gas in our Chevy Bolt.

Good luck with that. Try getting repair parts next time that Obamamobile clunker dies on the roadside.

The way I see it, you owe your state tax money for not paying your fair share of the gas taxes for road use, ya slug.

Da fuq you think you are? Amish or something?

I doubt we'll ever run out of "fuel"; we ordered two Model 3's and Tesla has charging stations all over the U.S. and Canada***, and we have solar panels on the roof of our home. Oh, and no I'm not Amish, I see the future; it is your side that seeks to return to the Gilded Age.

***See the map below
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Utter Bullshit. It Putin in stilts hiding in an Arabic dress.
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So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
Back to Russia again, what is the basement dweller doing about punishing Russia? Not a god damn thing. Pussies like you let bullies walk all over them..Then need veterans like me to save your pansy ass..Pajama boy..

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
As for reality, i guess to you , this is a woman.

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
Back to Russia again, what is the basement dweller doing about punishing Russia? Not a god damn thing. Pussies like you let bullies walk all over them..Then need veterans like me to save your pansy ass..Pajama boy..

View attachment 489046

What would you do? Declare War with Russia? You are so dumb it amazes me you can turn on a computer.
In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages.

And yet, nowhere in the linked article do I see the authors connecting these shortages to Biden! They suggest it is all just pandemic related!
In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages.

And yet, nowhere in the linked article do I see the authors connecting these shortages to Biden! They suggest it is all just pandemic related!

Yeah, I'm sure Hunter Biden has stolen every barrel of oil and sold them to China for a great profit.

For the rubes: SARCASM ALERT
Russia, Russia and more Russia. It's time for people like you to open your eyes and see Putin has his hand in the current gas crisis.
And the current president allows it
This post is one more example of your ignorance.
Hmmm....ignorance.....months ago plenty of gas available, price lower than it had been for quite some time. Now your Pinochijoe takes over and prices are way up, and there is a gasoline shortage. That makes you the ignorant one not me.
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
They almost all are.
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
Back to Russia again, what is the basement dweller doing about punishing Russia? Not a god damn thing. Pussies like you let bullies walk all over them..Then need veterans like me to save your pansy ass..Pajama boy..

View attachment 489046
Nobody needs self-righteous keyboard warriors like you, Son.
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
As for reality, i guess to you , this is a woman.

View attachment 489047
Deflection = capitulation.

Your surrender is accepted.
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
Back to Russia again, what is the basement dweller doing about punishing Russia? Not a god damn thing. Pussies like you let bullies walk all over them..Then need veterans like me to save your pansy ass..Pajama boy..

View attachment 489046
Nobody needs self-righteous keyboard warriors like you, Son.
Again, who is the President of the United States that before he took office, there was a surplus of gasoline and prices were low, and 100 days in, has a gasoline shortage and high fuel prices? The Basement dweller president that is who...
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
As for reality, i guess to you , this is a woman.

View attachment 489047
Deflection = capitulation.

Your surrender is accepted.
I will stick with my reality, for i know a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and you are just a petulant little pajama boy....
So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions

So many shortages! List of major consumer goods affected by supply chain interruptions​

In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages. Soon there will be food shortages and probably a run on tissue paper again. I do not feel sorry for the progressive slave who may have to take a big hit on the groceries in the coming months, most of US intelligent people knew the outcome when you vote for Socialism.

Can you explain how this is Joe Biden's fault?
Sure. Who is the President of the United States again?
Duck and weave, little tRumpling, duck and weave.
Not at all, Joe Biden wanted the job of President of the US, you guys cheated to put the basement dweller in, now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and his inactions....Of course you wont admit that you were way wrong, but since i have been preparing for the worst, this gasoline shortage and food cost going through the roof, wont hurt me as much as a poor prog slave.
What actions or inactions led to the gasoline shortages?
(There really isn't a shortage, there's a delivery problem)
Joe Biden's actions and inactions....Isnt he the President of the United States, you know like President Trump who had surpluses of fuel and at a lower price. You are such a progressive slave, who must defend the racist pig Joe, at all costs..
Lol, you can't post anything specific can you. What's wrong, tUcker didn't explain it to you?
Bwaaaahhaaaaa...Who was the last President in office before the groper that had gasoline prices under $2.00? President Trump, then when President Joe the groper of women and children took office gas prices necessarily had to skyrocket.

Russia is behind the recent rise in the prices of gas.

You are so out of touch with reality, I really wonder if you are truly insane?
As for reality, i guess to you , this is a woman.

View attachment 489047
What Creptius? Did you whisper me saying that you sleep with this person? Now that is really something....
In just over 100 days Joe Biden has taken the United States from being energy independent to gasoline shortages.
In a world of dumb posts, this one is a stand-out. Nice work.
Dont like the truth, do you? Tell me with facts that disproves my statement. Or go blow yourself , fag.
You're saying that Biden had something to do with the criminal hack of a pipeline? It rained here yesterday, I guess Biden is at fault.

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