Welp, that is twice i have survived the wuhan flu.

Now you are just making up shit again, why do you always do that?
What did I make up. I believe you have said numerous times that you work from home (not in your basement, (someone else uses that) but in your attic. You've also said that you don't commute to work but walk 70 feet to the attic and once in a while you golf. You said these things--I didn't make them up AND they are easily searchable in your own profile. Now you might want to quit lying AGAIN.
What did I make up. I believe you have said numerous times that you work from home (not in your basement, (someone else uses that) but in your attic. You've also said that you don't commute to work but walk 70 feet to the attic and once in a while you golf. You said these things--I didn't make them up AND they are easily searchable in your own profile. Now you might want to quit lying AGAIN.

Yes, all of those things are true. None of those things mean I am not a social animal, it just means I get my social activity from places other than work...which I have found to be a great thing.
I think I had it last week. I was with someone who tested positive for covid a few days later, I got sick. It sucked for about three days, but I really don't see what the big deal is. Certainly not going to inject an experimental vaccine in me.
Listen up nay saying shillren...pat 'tention now.

The vax is a bio weapon. Gates & Co want half the worlds population DEAD. That does not mean ALL. The other half gets the vax but its a placebo. Those getting the placebo are elites, hollyweird folks cuz they are good pedo customers, government officials that are in the cabal, and those who are none of the above but have the smarts to do shit..like electrical engineering, SLAVE labor, how to fix shit to keep it running for the socialists to enjoy their $$$$$ and in general....live the life others didn't get to live because they were pulled out of a hat of the "unworthies and deplorables" they have collected over the years.
Kids grow up to have kids. So..gotta get rid of the kids...or some of them. They grow up to be good slaves. Old folks? Shrug. Nobody listens to them so they aren't too worried about what happens to them. Ask Cuomo.

All part of the plan. And there are plans going way past D, E and F. And this plan has been put in to action from long ago, but the wrench in the works was Trump. They had to hurry up those plans since HilLIARy didn't win. So...in some cases they fucked up. It's their OWN "learning curve" while killing the rest of us off.

Some day, those who didn't grovel or bow down will be able to scream WE TOLD YOU SO as the death rates climb from THE VAXXED. And that day will be here soon 'nuff.
Yes, all of those things are true. None of those things mean I am not a social animal, it just means I get my social activity from places other than work...which I have found to be a great thing.
Thanks for clearing up that I didn't make things up. Not that anything you posted had anything to do with the thread.
Thanks for clearing up that I didn't make things up. Not that anything you posted had anything to do with the thread.

Sure you did., you made up the fact that a person working remotely means they do not like social contact.

Just shows your ignorance.
No vaccine.
Last time I felt slightly ill was March of 2020 when Covid was just hitting the news. A coworker was brutally sick for weeks at that time with a nasty cough.
Not a sniffle since.
Was supposedly exposed on New Years, and they were all vaccinated, but I tested after, and still negative. No illness
My personal history with almost all viruses that pass each season is everyone drops around me and I am just fine.
I only have had two flu shots in over twenty years.

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