Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

I hope they will find soon the genetic marker which leads to malr homosexuality!

Hold your breath.

As the researcher who supposedly discovered the “gay gene” noted, “Homosexuality is not purely genetic… environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay….I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay” (Dean Hamer).

Oh, well then by all means we should totally deny them a basic human right, if we can't predict who will be gay. We also can't know for sure if our kids will be intelligent. Should we ban dumb marriage? Something tells me you may never have been born if that were the case.
I hope they will find soon the genetic marker which leads to malr homosexuality!

Hold your breath.

As the researcher who supposedly discovered the “gay gene” noted, “Homosexuality is not purely genetic… environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay….I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay” (Dean Hamer).

In this way I have a different opinion! 23andme is doing a Genome wide association study on this. So I guess THEY WILL find anyway the first time the affected genes which lead to male homosexuality.
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boy PC, you sure are posting a lot here, and fast

you must be Gay, so much denial

and yes, you win, you win the "who can be the biggest asshole homophobe alive" contest

That post is the give-away that you've got nothing.

It is clear that you live in the Liberal echo-chamber, never having to defend an idea, a position, just high-fiving it with the rest of the libs.....

That's why you're so bad at this.

Here...you're gonna love this:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Enjoy the little bit of power you Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites enjoy due to shitbaggers in congress...cuz it aint gonna last much longer

the entire planet knows what and who you are...I have already proven that over and over:lol:

The give away is you hate Gay people, you fear them

See, this is what passes for debate from the less intellectually endowed: make up stuff.

Like this: "Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites."

I challenge you to document the veracity of that slanderous rant.

If you had a brain left, once you realize that you can't document same, you should start to question what you think you believe.
I hope they will find soon the genetic marker which leads to malr homosexuality!

Hold your breath.

As the researcher who supposedly discovered the “gay gene” noted, “Homosexuality is not purely genetic… environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay….I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay” (Dean Hamer).

In this way I have a different opinion! 23andme is doing a Genome wide association study on this. So I guess THEY WILL find anyway the first time the affected genes which lead to male homosexuality.

Yup....just about the same time as pigs fly, and there is a Richard Simmons, jr.

Stay tuned.
That post is the give-away that you've got nothing.

It is clear that you live in the Liberal echo-chamber, never having to defend an idea, a position, just high-fiving it with the rest of the libs.....

That's why you're so bad at this.

Here...you're gonna love this:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Enjoy the little bit of power you Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites enjoy due to shitbaggers in congress...cuz it aint gonna last much longer

the entire planet knows what and who you are...I have already proven that over and over:lol:

The give away is you hate Gay people, you fear them

See, this is what passes for debate from the less intellectually endowed: make up stuff.

Like this: "Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites."

I challenge you to document the veracity of that slanderous rant.

If you had a brain left, once you realize that you can't document same, you should start to question what you think you believe.

I challenge you to make one non-condescending, arrogant and half-baked post. I challenge you to stop pretending that your hate and bigotry is based in science. I also challenge you to shut the fuck up.

Don't back down now!
IT's a question of 4, 5 6 years until it will possible for parents to test, if their unborn child has the genetic markers for homosexuality. This will be a moralic problem. But in my opinion each parents should have the right to choose if they want a homosexual child or not! This could be a new index:

IF a lot of parents decide to abort their homosexual child, this is the proof that homosexuality is not accepted. If only a few parent decide to abort their homosexual child, then the acceptance for homosexuality is high.
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Enjoy the little bit of power you Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites enjoy due to shitbaggers in congress...cuz it aint gonna last much longer

the entire planet knows what and who you are...I have already proven that over and over:lol:

The give away is you hate Gay people, you fear them

See, this is what passes for debate from the less intellectually endowed: make up stuff.

Like this: "Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites."

I challenge you to document the veracity of that slanderous rant.

If you had a brain left, once you realize that you can't document same, you should start to question what you think you believe.

I challenge you to make one non-condescending, arrogant and half-baked post. I challenge you to stop pretending that your hate and bigotry is based in science. I also challenge you to shut the fuck up.

Don't back down now!

Why would I do that when I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide?
IT's a question of 4, 5 6 years until it will possible for parents to test, if their unborn child has the genetic markers for homosexuality. This will be a moralic problem. But in my opinion each parents should have the right to choose if they want a homosexual child or not! This could be a new index:

IF a lot of parents decide to abort their homosexual child, this is the proof that homosexuality is not accepted. If only a few parent decide to abort their homosexual child, then the acceptance for homosexuality is high.

Then you can open up those camps again, Fritz.
See, this is what passes for debate from the less intellectually endowed: make up stuff.

Like this: "Gay hating, minority hating, religious hypocrites."

I challenge you to document the veracity of that slanderous rant.

If you had a brain left, once you realize that you can't document same, you should start to question what you think you believe.

I challenge you to make one non-condescending, arrogant and half-baked post. I challenge you to stop pretending that your hate and bigotry is based in science. I also challenge you to shut the fuck up.

Don't back down now!

Why would I do that when I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide?

Bitch, I am many things. But stupid isn't one of them. Hence why I don't believe that homosexuality is a phase or a choice.

(Waiting for your bullshit "But that's exactly what makes you stupid" response in 3...2...1...)
IT's a question of 4, 5 6 years until it will possible for parents to test, if their unborn child has the genetic markers for homosexuality. This will be a moralic problem. But in my opinion each parents should have the right to choose if they want a homosexual child or not! This could be a new index:

IF a lot of parents decide to abort their homosexual child, this is the proof that homosexuality is not accepted. If only a few parent decide to abort their homosexual child, then the acceptance for homosexuality is high.

Then you can open up those camps again, Fritz.

You're gross.
IT's a question of 4, 5 6 years until it will possible for parents to test, if their unborn child has the genetic markers for homosexuality. This will be a moralic problem. But in my opinion each parents should have the right to choose if they want a homosexual child or not! This could be a new index:

IF a lot of parents decide to abort their homosexual child, this is the proof that homosexuality is not accepted. If only a few parent decide to abort their homosexual child, then the acceptance for homosexuality is high.

Then you can open up those camps again, Fritz.

HEY!!! as a gay I can tell you it is not funny to be homosexual. Theri is a lot of social humilation and insults, you should know! In my opinion it is better to abort the homosexual child. Because a life a a Gay is until today connected with a lot social disrespect.
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I challenge you to make one non-condescending, arrogant and half-baked post. I challenge you to stop pretending that your hate and bigotry is based in science. I also challenge you to shut the fuck up.

Don't back down now!

Why would I do that when I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide?

Bitch, I am many things. But stupid isn't one of them. Hence why I don't believe that homosexuality is a phase or a choice.

(Waiting for your bullshit "But that's exactly what makes you stupid" response in 3...2...1...)

See....now you went and proved how stupid you are....I provided the link to the CDC study, and you can't read....
PC forgets that the rest of the civilized world agrees with us that she is a vile bigot...

She forgets that this is NOT a debate, we dont debate vile bigots, we teach them, and laugh at them
IT's a question of 4, 5 6 years until it will possible for parents to test, if their unborn child has the genetic markers for homosexuality. This will be a moralic problem. But in my opinion each parents should have the right to choose if they want a homosexual child or not! This could be a new index:

IF a lot of parents decide to abort their homosexual child, this is the proof that homosexuality is not accepted. If only a few parent decide to abort their homosexual child, then the acceptance for homosexuality is high.

Then you can open up those camps again, Fritz.

HEY!!! as a gay I can tell you it is not funny too be homosexual. Theri is a lot of social humilation and insults, you should know!

Do I press #1 for English?
PC forgets that the rest of the civilized world agrees with us that she is a vile bigot...

She forgets that this is NOT a debate, we dont debate vile bigots, we teach them, and laugh at them

"...we dont debate..."

I know why....
I've seen your work.

BTW...did you run out of apostrophes...or of education?
PC forgets that the rest of the civilized world agrees with us that she is a vile bigot...

She forgets that this is NOT a debate, we dont debate vile bigots, we teach them, and laugh at them

"...we dont debate..."

I know why....
I've seen your work.

BTW...did you run out of apostrophes...or of education?

Relax, we know you are frightened to death of Gay folks, we know, relax
rest your hands, all this typing hate and bigotry must be making your hands tired
PC forgets that the rest of the civilized world agrees with us that she is a vile bigot...

She forgets that this is NOT a debate, we dont debate vile bigots, we teach them, and laugh at them

"...we dont debate..."

I know why....
I've seen your work.

BTW...did you run out of apostrophes...or of education?

Relax, we know you are frightened to death of Gay folks, we know, relax
rest your hands, all this typing hate and bigotry must be making your hands tired


You have a tapeworm?
You will see that in few years which genes contain mutations by gays. The exact genes aren't known, because they haven't done any genetic research on this!

I mean look at micheal georges face how gay he look!
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