Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

And lawful authorities once told ******* they were property.

Is there a negroid genetic component ?

Again do your thing.

We cant make a protected class from we know to now to be a choice.

I respect that doesn't sit well with your sensibilities.

Sure we can. Of course we can. Why can't we?

We protect all religious people as a protected class, don't we? And they're all making choices. And you still have to get EVERYONE to agree homosexuality is a choice.

Tell me something: If homosexuality is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?
While the VAST majority of Gay people have no choice in the matter, there are those who choose one deal over another, what fucking business is it of yours you vile and filthy religious hypocrites?

Read post #613....

....let's see if you are educable.

I am saddened that at this point in our evolution as a species, there are still people like you who would take time out of their day to find a reason to demean and disenfranchise 9% of the population, the same 9% it has always been.

While I havent read this entire thread, I will assume you are one of those bigoted people who is bothered by Gays wanting the same rights as everyone else.

YOu can only educate yourself, trust me on this one, child.
My point is that you should admit that you were in error.

My personal opinion? There is an entire spectrum in the realm of sexuality.
There are some folks who are, and will always be attracted to members of the same sex.

But...and this is borne out by the CDC study, for far and away the majority, this is not a life-long pursuit.

Case in point, Anne Heche, for whom homosexuality was a brief period. For many this is the case.
Many have used the services of groups such as Exodus International for that reason.

And, we often read of folks who suddenly decide that they are homosexual. Why be surprised when we find homosexuals who suddenly decide that they are heterosexual?

I also believe that the influence of the 60's, the Leftists, have, for the first time, propounded the idea that one should not fight impulses, some of which are destructive.
The even put forth the motto "if it feels good, do it."

The traditional view is that one should use that which makes us different from the rest of the animal kingdom, our God-given intellect, to choose our paths in life....not necessarily what feels good.

Fuck God, and fuck you. How many times has Rush Limbaugh been married? How about Newt? He couldn't keep his dick out of the robot while his SECOND wife had cancer. There is no sanctity in marriage. It's a "Tradition" that has evolved MANY times in the past.

Seriously, here's the bottom line: Whatever bullshit excuses you make for holding onto your bigotry are irrelevant. You can justify hatred a number of different ways, but in the end, it's just sheer ignorance. Biblical ignorance. So have fun with it. Revel in it. Tell us God hates fags. Who gives a fuck? Your opinion, and all the other 'phobes' opinions don't mean diddly-piss.

I should have you on retainer!!!

You serve as the perfect foil...

..no matter how eloquently I write about the malevolence of the Left....showing your posts makes the point so very much better!!

You need a new dictionary if you believe anything you write falls under the category of "eloquence." Try "pedantic" instead.
No. I really want you to die of AIDS. See your sig for further details.

and i am the asshole for sarcastically recommending gitmo for terrorists?


Don't worry Conz. I'm okay with being the asshole. When you end up shitting on people like KosherTwat, it's not really being an asshole anyway.

It's a public service.

I chose to be heterosexual when I saw what the average straight white male looked like and acted like...

oh and derps, I didnt say i disagreed with what you said to that vile piece of filth, i just wished you had

never mind
Jesus, how bigoted can you get, you go out of your way to find one instance out of millions to allegedly justify your bigotry

And you'd like to argue that Left-leaning USAToday is as "bigoted can you get"?

And the CDC the same? The government agency CDC???

You see, the result of government schools and main stream media produces weak minded Liberals such as you.
Jesus, how bigoted can you get, you go out of your way to find one instance out of millions to allegedly justify your bigotry

And you'd like to argue that Left-leaning USAToday is as "bigoted can you get"?

And the CDC the same? The government agency CDC???

You see, the result of government schools and main stream media produces weak minded Liberals such as you.

Tell me something: If homosexuality is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?

I didn't choose to be straight.

Absent an identified defect, there is a known genetic component to my heterosexual programming, physiology and purpose.

Cool. So only YOUR sexuality is out of your control. But anyone else has to choose it huh?

Boy, Dr. Freud. When did you get your license, 1856?
While the VAST majority of Gay people have no choice in the matter, there are those who choose one deal over another, what fucking business is it of yours you vile and filthy religious hypocrites?

Read post #613....

....let's see if you are educable.

I am saddened that at this point in our evolution as a species, there are still people like you who would take time out of their day to find a reason to demean and disenfranchise 9% of the population, the same 9% it has always been.

While I havent read this entire thread, I will assume you are one of those bigoted people who is bothered by Gays wanting the same rights as everyone else.

YOu can only educate yourself, trust me on this one, child.

Try to be more accurate. 1.4%

"The take-away, then, is not about numbers like 1.4% (though that’s pretty illuminating)–the take-away, and it is a very important one for young people, is that if you feel aroused by a member of the same sex, that does not necessarily mean that you are “genetically” homosexual. There’s a small chance you are, but a much, much larger chance that you are not. You are not stuck thinking you are gay even if you have had a same-sex encounter."
American Population: 1.4 Percent Homosexuals, TrySexuals, Who Knows? | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP
Tell me something: If homosexuality is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?

I didn't choose to be straight.

Absent an identified defect, there is a known genetic component to my heterosexual programming, physiology and purpose.

Cool. So only YOUR sexuality is out of your control. But anyone else has to choose it huh?

Boy, Dr. Freud. When did you get your license, 1856?

No I could choose to be a homosexual. I could find that pleasureable and make that choice. Yet it would still be out of synch with the genetic component of sex as a means to support propogation. Those millions of nerve recpetors in your foreskin and clitoris didn't evolve to strictly make you feel good.

very sad, the stupid persists

Try to fight through the Sargasso Sea that the secular-socialists have saddled you with....notice which ideas are documented and which are not.

If they've lied to you about this.....what else have they mislead you about?
"Homosexuality, for most, is a phase" is what you posted yesterday at 10 am.
Of course we know you believe you are smarter than everyone here PC. You are a legend in your own mind.
You are not honest though. No one was there to discipline you as a child.
You are a pampered spoiled brat liar.

Your first fabricated post is #464, in which the prevaricator claims I wrote this:
"Explain to us how human sexuality is a phase."

Not "Homosexuality, for most, is a phase".....

...but you claimed "human sexuality is a phase."

But, if you wish, you can clarify now: are you a fool or a liar?

Come, now...which is it?

And, after you said I wrote "human sexuality is a phase" the two other bird-brains
made the mistake...which few others do...of lending you credence.

Isn't that so?

You dance around the subject like a monkey on fire.

Because you can not back up your ridiculous claim that for most homosexuality is a phase.
Back it up. You can't.
Go ahead and call me all the names you want because that is all you have.
Sticks and stones. I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. Played 4 quarters against some of the best.
WTF have you ever done but lie and tell everyone how smart you are?
Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.

Hey....where'd you run to?
Back it up. You can't.

Under your desk...er, cardboard box?
Back it up. You can't.

Post #613 put a stake through your miserable heart, didn't it, feebles?

How come you're not saying Back it up. You can't. anymore???

How come, bogus???
Oh please how stupid are you to beliefe homosexuality is caused by a wrong choice. If sexual orientation was a choice, there weren't any homosexuals!

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