Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Seawytch, you're an idiot.

Saying "homosexuality is a phase" is not synonymous with "sexuality is a phase" you fucking moron.

That's all. You can twist and spin and whine all you want, but those two words are not interchangeable.

I'm twisting nothing...simply asking a question. Homosexuality is an aspect of human (and animal) sexuality. Does Poltichic believe it is a "phase", yes or no.

Is that too simple a question for you?
There is no known genetic identifier for homosexuality.

Tell that to all my gay friends.

And who the fuck cares if there isn't? Even if it was a choice, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same rights we do. People make all kinds of choices I don't agree with, but I don't fucking tell them they don't have the right to get married.

I would like to make a minimum IQ level for procreation though. But then, who would vote Republican anymore?
You misunderstand.

I'm merely smarter and more honest than you are.

Further...I never, unlike you, lie.

And, although I am not a proctologist, I recognize you.

"Homosexuality, for most, is a phase" is what you posted yesterday at 10 am.
Of course we know you believe you are smarter than everyone here PC. You are a legend in your own mind.
You are not honest though. No one was there to discipline you as a child.
You are a pampered spoiled brat liar.

Your first fabricated post is #464, in which the prevaricator claims I wrote this:
"Explain to us how human sexuality is a phase."

Not "Homosexuality, for most, is a phase".....

...but you claimed "human sexuality is a phase."

But, if you wish, you can clarify now: are you a fool or a liar?

Come, now...which is it?

And, after you said I wrote "human sexuality is a phase" the two other bird-brains
made the mistake...which few others do...of lending you credence.

Isn't that so?

You dance around the subject like a monkey on fire.

Because you can not back up your ridiculous claim that for most homosexuality is a phase.
Back it up. You can't.
Go ahead and call me all the names you want because that is all you have.
Sticks and stones. I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. Played 4 quarters against some of the best.
WTF have you ever done but lie and tell everyone how smart you are?
Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4th string D to group.

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˌsek-shə-ˈwa-lə-tē\


: the quality or state of being homosexual

: erotic activity with another of the same sex

. See homosexuality defined for kids »"

Homosexuality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


noun \ˌsek-shə-ˈwa-lə-tē\

Definition of SEXUALITY

: the quality or state of being sexual: a : the condition of having sex b : sexual activity c : expression of sexual receptivity or interest especially when excessive

Sexuality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

No find the definitions of: stupid, bitch, no, one, cares, about, your, fucking, opinions, on, anything, Jesus, died, for, everyone's, sins, but, you, you, fucking, twat.

Look up those definitions for me, okay?
No one chooses to be gay. If it is not genetic, then what is it?

I feel as the psychiatric community did prior to 1973 and their declassifing homosexuality as a paraphilia in the DSM which some in the medical community feel was due to pressure from aggressive gay groups.

Paraphilia manfest themselves in many ways and are most often associated with the sexualization of experiences early in developmental childhood.

I also believe you can be or do what you want in your sexual and private life, provided it is legal. I am hesitant to grant rights based on homosexuality absent a known genetic component which is as of yet, unknown.
Seawytch, you're an idiot.

Saying "homosexuality is a phase" is not synonymous with "sexuality is a phase" you fucking moron.

That's all. You can twist and spin and whine all you want, but those two words are not interchangeable.

I'm twisting nothing...simply asking a question. Homosexuality is an aspect of human (and animal) sexuality. Does Poltichic believe it is a "phase", yes or no.

Is that too simple a question for you?

She said homosexuality was usually a phase.

That isn't to say that sexuality is a phase.

Is that too difficult for you?

You are pretending that the two are interchangeable and mean the same thing. They don't. You're either dishonest or painfully stupid. Which is it?
and every single time you pose it, you change the question and the terms, to make it look like something else.

Typical sloppy dishonesty from the pro-homo lobby.
Seawytch, you're an idiot.

Saying "homosexuality is a phase" is not synonymous with "sexuality is a phase" you fucking moron.

That's all. You can twist and spin and whine all you want, but those two words are not interchangeable.

I'm twisting nothing...simply asking a question. Homosexuality is an aspect of human (and animal) sexuality. Does Poltichic believe it is a "phase", yes or no.

Is that too simple a question for you?

She said homosexuality was usually a phase.

That isn't to say that sexuality is a phase.

Is that too difficult for you?

You are pretending that the two are interchangeable and mean the same thing. They don't. You're either dishonest or painfully stupid. Which is it?

And I say you're a pedantic twat with nothing useful to offer anyone.
Seawytch, you're an idiot.

Saying "homosexuality is a phase" is not synonymous with "sexuality is a phase" you fucking moron.

That's all. You can twist and spin and whine all you want, but those two words are not interchangeable.

I'm twisting nothing...simply asking a question. Homosexuality is an aspect of human (and animal) sexuality. Does Poltichic believe it is a "phase", yes or no.

Is that too simple a question for you?

She won't answer it. She is a pampered spoiled brat that was never punished as a youth.
But she is smart as hell!!
Just ask her.
and every single time you pose it, you change the question and the terms, to make it look like something else.

Typical sloppy dishonesty from the pro-homo lobby.

Goddamn. Would that Fire-AIDS not be slow moving a disease.

Tell ya what, 'phobes. You keep arguing against it. Gay marriage is happening. In my lifetime. Maybe not yours, but you've all been here a good 30 years longer than me. So there's that.

In 20 years people will read your posts and think of you in the exact same way as all the old Virginian Conservatives who didn't want Mr. And Mrs. Loving to be a couple. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history, Bigots!

There is no known genetic identifier for homosexuality.

So? What's your point? Do you truly believe that people CHOOSE to be attracted to members of the same sex?

My point is that you should admit that you were in error.

My personal opinion? There is an entire spectrum in the realm of sexuality.
There are some folks who are, and will always be attracted to members of the same sex.

But...and this is borne out by the CDC study, for far and away the majority, this is not a life-long pursuit.

Case in point, Anne Heche, for whom homosexuality was a brief period. For many this is the case.
Many have used the services of groups such as Exodus International for that reason.

And, we often read of folks who suddenly decide that they are homosexual. Why be surprised when we find homosexuals who suddenly decide that they are heterosexual?

I also believe that the influence of the 60's, the Leftists, have, for the first time, propounded the idea that one should not fight impulses, some of which are destructive.
The even put forth the motto "if it feels good, do it."

The traditional view is that one should use that which makes us different from the rest of the animal kingdom, our God-given intellect, to choose our paths in life....not necessarily what feels good.
No one chooses to be gay. If it is not genetic, then what is it?

I feel as the psychiatric community did prior to 1973 and their declassifing homosexuality as a paraphilia in the DSM which some in the medical community feel was due to pressure from aggressive gay groups.

Paraphilia manfest themselves in many ways and are most often associated with the sexualization of experiences early in developmental childhood.

I also believe you can be or do what you want in your sexual and private life, provided it is legal. I am hesitant to grant rights based on homosexuality absent a known genetic component which is as of yet, unknown.

Where did you get your medical degree at and when were you board certified Dr.?
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No one chooses to be gay. If it is not genetic, then what is it?

I feel as the psychiatric community did prior to 1973 and their declassifing homosexuality as a paraphilia in the DSM which some in the medical community feel was due to pressure from aggressive gay groups.

Paraphilia manfest themselves in many ways and are most often associated with the sexualization of experiences early in developmental childhood.

I also believe you can be or do what you want in your sexual and private life, provided it is legal. I am hesitant to grant rights based on homosexuality absent a known genetic component which is as of yet, unknown.

Where did you get your medical degree at and when were you board certified Dr.?

More importantly, what fucking doctor or scientist goes on data from almost 40 years ago? Science is constantly breaking new ground on this.

Clearly there's just a segment of the population is choosing to remain willfully ignorant about homosexuality. It's cool. I'll just love my gay friends that much more to counterbalance the bigotry and hatred.
No one chooses to be gay. If it is not genetic, then what is it?

I feel as the psychiatric community did prior to 1973 and their declassifing homosexuality as a paraphilia in the DSM which some in the medical community feel was due to pressure from aggressive gay groups.

Paraphilia manfest themselves in many ways and are most often associated with the sexualization of experiences early in developmental childhood.

I also believe you can be or do what you want in your sexual and private life, provided it is legal. I am hesitant to grant rights based on homosexuality absent a known genetic component which is as of yet, unknown.

Where did you get your medical degree at and when were you board certified Dr.?

Shall I take your retort to mean you don't really want to discuss the specifics ?
Seawytch, you're an idiot.

Saying "homosexuality is a phase" is not synonymous with "sexuality is a phase" you fucking moron.

That's all. You can twist and spin and whine all you want, but those two words are not interchangeable.

I'm twisting nothing...simply asking a question. Homosexuality is an aspect of human (and animal) sexuality. Does Poltichic believe it is a "phase", yes or no.

Is that too simple a question for you?

She won't answer it. She is a pampered spoiled brat that was never punished as a youth.
But she is smart as hell!!
Just ask her.

She answered it.

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