Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Well I certainly wouldn't want him silenced and punished for his personal beliefs on steak.

For steak. No.

For hate. Maybe.

If the chairman of Chik-Fil-A made racial rants instead of homophobic ones, we wouldn't have this conversation, because they'd have shut down the whole chain if he hadn't resigned within a week.

If grandma had a dick. She'd be grandpa.

You are now using "if they said something else" as a pejorative ?



Racism is unacceptable.

Homophobia is unacceptable.
I don't understand how fast food got into the business of gay bashing to begin with.

Because you are free to say whatever you like about sexuality.

It is not protected.

That's true, but why? One has nothing to do with the other.

But they do. Gays want to latch on the stuggle of negro in America to validate their sexual desires and practices.

There is no Constitutional precedent to support this.
Because you are free to say whatever you like about sexuality.

It is not protected.

That's true, but why? One has nothing to do with the other.

But they do. Gays want to latch on the stuggle of negro in America to validate their sexual desires and practices.

There is no Constitutional precedent to support this.
I missed that in various statements from chickfilet. They are doing this because gays equate their struggle with black civil rights?
Racism is unacceptable.

Homophobia is unacceptable.

No its not. I can be scared of homosexuals. Not want them around my children. Express my dislike of them in print, media and speech. Not hire, rent or sell to them.

I can do the same to heterosexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals and polygamists.
We don't have a Hate-fil-A around here so I can't actively boycott.

However, we do have a Wendy's. Let the partitioning of America continue!
Did you vote for Obama when HE SAID He was for TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE. If you did you my friend are a HATEFUL HYPOCRITE:tongue:
I missed that in various statements from chickfilet. They are doing this because gays equate their struggle with black civil rights?

Not Chik-fil-a.

Gays are trying to draw a false equivalency to the struggle for equal protection.
Racism is unacceptable.

Homophobia is unacceptable.

No its not. I can be scared of homosexuals. Not want them around my children. Express my dislike of them in print, media and speech. Not hire, rent or sell to them.

I can do the same to heterosexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals and polygamists.

YOu can do all that about blacks, too.... and you'd get the same result the Chik-Fil-A folks are getting-

the absolute disdain of decent people.
1. "Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy's biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he's making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

your o/p is misleading. (shocker). it is "some" wendy's.

i wouldn't tar the others with that brush.

but thanks for the heads up... if i come across one owned by his franchise company, i won't go there.

1. "Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy's biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he's making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

your o/p is misleading. (shocker). it is "some" wendy's.

i wouldn't tar the others with that brush.

but thanks for the heads up... if i come across one owned by his franchise company, i won't go there.


You'd have to wonder how quickly Wendy's is going to crack down on this guy.
I missed that in various statements from chickfilet. They are doing this because gays equate their struggle with black civil rights?

Not Chik-fil-a.

Gays are trying to draw a false equivalency to the struggle for equal protection.
I see no false equivalency.

Regardless, I am still not clear why CFA came out against gays in such a manner. It's just not sound business practice in the long run. And it really has nothing to do with chicken.
1. "Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy's biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he's making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

your o/p is misleading. (shocker). it is "some" wendy's.

i wouldn't tar the others with that brush.

but thanks for the heads up... if i come across one owned by his franchise company, i won't go there.


You'd have to wonder how quickly Wendy's is going to crack down on this guy.

i was just thinking that.
Which corporate told them to take it down. He abused his status and the home office put him in his place.
wendy's doesn't stand with chic. One bigot does.

Oh, is this another dishonest PoliticalChic thread?

Color me SHOCKED!
your o/p is misleading. (shocker). it is "some" wendy's.

i wouldn't tar the others with that brush.

but thanks for the heads up... if i come across one owned by his franchise company, i won't go there.


You'd have to wonder how quickly Wendy's is going to crack down on this guy.

i was just thinking that.

Dave Thomas was a conservative guy, but he avoided political controversy pretty deftly.
Regardless, I am still not clear why CFA came out against gays in such a manner. It's just not sound business practice in the long run. And it really has nothing to do with chicken.

CFL puts their principals above business. They cut 1/7th of their revenue potential on principals.

Consistent if anything.
1. "Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy's biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he's making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

2. This morning, several of his Wendy's locations in North Carolina put up signs that read, "We stand with Chick-fil-A," reports the L.A. Times."
Wendy's Restaurants Put Up Signs That Say 'We Stand With Chick-Fil-A' - Business Insider

3. "But it’s former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s contribution that's getting the most play today. Early in the debate, the former Arkansas governor declared Aug. 1 to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and urged supporters to swarm into the restaurants in support.

4. But it’s former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s contribution that's getting the most play today. Early in the debate, the former Arkansas governor declared Aug. 1 to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and urged supporters to swarm into the restaurants in support.

5. [Updated at 8:58 a.m.: Across the country, Twitter users described “mile long traffic to get into chick-fil-a,” stores “so crowded there are cops directing traffic off the highway” and “26 cars in the drive through.” One user, EWErickson, wrote that the “crowd was so big I gave up.”

6. Earlier, several North Carolina Wendy’s restaurants posted signs saying “We Stand With Chick Fil A.” "
Fans, protesters, PETA converge on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day - latimes.com

The Silent Majority eats lunch, it seems.....

You didnt even read your own link did you? This is why you are trash and should be treated as such.

The signs were taken down a few hours after they went up

Please note the tweet wendy's gave out saying they did not approve f such messages and had them taken down. That these where independent stores who took it upon themselves to support CFA.

There now we know your Op is fucking trash, just like every other thread you make. Learn to read dipshit.

You are a classless, hateful, spiteful miscreant. I invite, and would hope that people would, compare your posts to PoliticalChic to see who really is the 'fucking trash'.


I see why you are so mad.

Plasma ate her lunch with that post.
Line a half mile long here yesterday for the chicken sandwiches. More power to them, that is their right and free speech. Man has a right to run his business the best way he sees fit. And it is wrong to use government to boycott private businesses.
We were down on the other side of town across the tracks this week feeding the hungry and working with the poor while all the "family values" Christians were eating their chicken sandwiches and honking their horns going by the Chick Fil A which is on the other side of town. . Jesus never distinguished between gay and straight, never said a word about it.
This has nothing to do whatsoever with Christianity or family values.
They are selling chicken sandwiches. They are good at it, provide a qualityproduct and also provide a good workplace environment for their employees. And they should be able to hire who they want.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. I do not see the connection.
Regardless, I am still not clear why CFA came out against gays in such a manner. It's just not sound business practice in the long run. And it really has nothing to do with chicken.

CFL puts their principals above business. They cut 1/7th of their revenue potential on principals.

Consistent if anything.

BIgotries aren't principles.

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