We're all gonna be rich!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

At the onset of the virus we were told by all major media outlets that masks were not needed. Really?

Was this intentional lying to try and bypass the shortage of masks at the time or did they really believe this?

Moreover, should all of these news outlets be sued now?

How many lives were lost as a result?

Let me guess, so long as it was not Fox news it's Ok. In fact, if the law suit is successful against Fox News it will establish a precedent to do this to Progressives as well. Naturally, the liberal courts will try to make Fox News an exception and act as hypocritically as they always do, like telling Trump his travel ban is racist while the exact same ban Obama put in place was magically OK.

Things like this is why no one trusts the media or government.
And libs are helping the criminals with this mask thing. We won't be able to identify the criminals using video since they'll all be wearing masks, along with most Americans.

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