We're Getting Married!

Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

reason one: human biology
reason two: human biology
reason three: human biology.

there are 3 for ya.

And explain how human biology would be relevant to a valid marriage.
Actually my biggest problem with it is, marriage is a state issue There is no "inequality" as is stated in my earlier post. if certain states want same sex marriage let them have it . but not forced on them by same Judge or the federal government. Is that clear enough for you?

Within certain constitutional guarantees, yes it is. If, however, a State violates these constitutional guarantees with its marriage laws, the 14th amendment more than authorizes the feds to step in an prevent the States from abrogating the rights of federal citizens.

As Loving demonstrated so elegantly. The State doesn't have the authority to strip federal citizens of their rights.

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

Gays and lesbians can of course marry a person of the opposite sex:thup: there is no inequality there, and if you can show me were the discussion and ratification of the 14th amendment they spoke about gay "marriage" I'd like you to point that out to me, ok? These judges have no authority to overturn the state constitutions. There inequality there.

The 14th amendment spoke of 'privileges and immunities'. And the right to marry is one of them. That you don't believe it to be so is legally irrelevant, as frankly you have no idea what you're talking about regarding the law.

using that logic, what argument do you make against multiple person marriages?
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.

If you're so sure that polygamists or people who engage in incest have the right to marry, they have it regardless of marriage equality for gays.

Name the countries that perform both same sex and polygamist marriages since there absolutely MUST be a slippery slope.
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it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.

Fishy attempts a deflection...fails.

If opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism and bigotry, what is it?

opposition to interracial marriage wrong and racist, it had nothing to do with same sex marriage.

are you now claiming that homosexuality is a race?
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

reason one: human biology
reason two: human biology
reason three: human biology.

there are 3 for ya.

And explain how human biology would be relevant to a valid marriage.

are you really so stupid that you have to ask that question?
are you really so stupid that you have to ask that question?

When I destroy your argument, I don't want you claiming you never made it. So by all means, tell us what relevance human biology has to a valid marriage.
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.

Then why do your ilk keep using virtually the same arguments that were used in defense of interracial marriage bans?
I use logic not stupid, emotional, bullcrap:thup:

You use the logic and argument of opponents of interracial marriage. Almost word for word.

With 36 of 50 States now recognizing gay marriage as being as valid as straight marriage......how's that working out for you?


Natural Law
Anti-miscegenation argument:

Connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them should be prohibited by positive law and be subject to no evasion. (Virginia Supreme Court ruling, 1878)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

There are some truths that are in fact eternal and based on nature and nature's law. And that's what the church teaches and that's what the Bible teaches and that's what reason dictates. (Rick Santorum on CNN, 2011)

Biological Destruction
Anti-miscegenation argument:

By marrying outside of your race, no matter what that race is, and then having children of mixed race, you destroy God's original design for your race. The offspring of interracial unions are no longer God's intended creation. (SaveYourHeritage.com)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

There is no such thing as a homosexual version of human nature. ... Homosexual behavior is biologically destructive to human health, and biologically destructive behavior is biologically unnatural by functional definition. -- North Carolina Family Policy Council, Why Not Same-Sex 'Marriage,' 2011)

Like Marrying Animals

Anti-miscegenation argument:

Intermarriage between whites and blacks ... is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania. (U.S. Rep. Seaborn Roddenberry, D-Ga., 1912)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

It is unreasonable ... to believe there is no public interest in how marriage is structured except to affirm whatever attractions people have. If so, pedophiles would be married to children, necrophiles to dead bodies, pornophiles to pictures and exhibitionists to strangers. (Family Policy Council, Why Not Same-Sex 'Marriage,' 2011)

God Said So

Anti-miscegenation argument:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. (Leon Bazile, Virginia trial court judge, 1965)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

It's pretty simple: marriage is between a man and a woman. This is a historic doctrine driven deep into the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, and it's a perfect example of what I mean by the rise of paganism. (Newt Gingrich on a conference call, 2012)

The Bible Says So

Anti-miscegenation argument:

Isaac was forbidden to marry into the Canaanites and a wife was selected for him from his kindred, Rebekah. Jacob was warned to take a wife from his own kindred. The Israelite tribes descended from Jacob were expressly told not to marry outside of their race, their own kind of people. (SaveYourHeritage.com)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

The Bible is so clear in its support of heterosexual marriage there is little need for us to go through an exhaustive definition of biblical marriage versus the types of unions allowed by law today. All the scriptures in the Bible concerning marriage presuppose heterosexual marriage. (Bishop Henry R. Jackson Jr., for CNN)

But It's Not Bigotry

Opponents of interracial marriage and opponents of same-sex marriage even make the same defensive argument when accused of bigotry, casting themselves as the real victims:

Anti-miscegenation argument:

Today, the heritage that these noble men passed to their posterity is under attack. White heritage is considered 'racist,' 'bigoted,' 'hateful,' among other negative connotations. ... Add the word 'Christian' with the word 'white' and the hatred for our culture and heritage gets almost maniacal. Christianity is mocked, laughed at and disregarded as something for weirdoes or extremists. (SaveYourHeritage.com)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

We've been hammered by the left for my standing up for the traditional family, and I will continue to do so. The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does. They say that they're tolerant, and they're anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values. (Rick Santorum on WGIR radio, 2011)

Why Gay Marriage Really Is Like Interracial Marriage

Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.
opposition to interracial marriage wrong and racist, it had nothing to do with same sex marriage.

are you now claiming that homosexuality is a race?

Then why does opposition to interracial marriage use almost the exact same arguments as opposition to gay marriage? I believe the 'human biology, human biology, human biology' reasoning was a favorite of opponents of interracial marriage.

Grand cosmic coincidence, huh?
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.

If you're so sure that polygamists people who engage in incest have the right to marry, they have it regardless of marriage equality for gays.

Name the countries that perform both same sex and polygamist marriages since there absolutely MUST be a slippery slope.

Ya know, the funny thing is the muslim countries allow polygamy but kill gays, while we tolerage homosexuality and ban polygamy.

Every culture has to set its own rules of human behavior based on religion or what the majority believes is right and wrong.

If this country sanctions gay marriage, thats OK with me, but it should be based on the will of a majority of the citizens, not a vocal minority.

I also believe that it would set a precedent such that we would not legally be able to block polygamous marriages in the future. If thats the way the country wants to go, OK. But lets let the people vote.
So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.

Fishy attempts a deflection...fails.

If opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism and bigotry, what is it?

opposition to interracial marriage wrong and racist, it had nothing to do with same sex marriage.

are you now claiming that homosexuality is a race?

No and I never have, but you made the claim that opposition to same sex marriage wasn't anti gay bigotry. It is...just as opposition to interracial marriage is also bigotry. Fine company...
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

a society where anything goes will not survive. History proves that. Ever study any world history?
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

The 'collapse of civilization'? Sigh...will someone get Redfish his fainting couch and a tissue for that running mascara?
no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.

Fishy attempts a deflection...fails.

If opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism and bigotry, what is it?

opposition to interracial marriage wrong and racist, it had nothing to do with same sex marriage.

are you now claiming that homosexuality is a race?

No and I never have, but you made the claim that opposition to same sex marriage wasn't anti gay bigotry. It is...just as opposition to interracial marriage is also bigotry. Fine company...

continuing to repeat a lie does not convert it to truth. race and homosexuality are not analogous, no matter how many times you try to make that claim.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

a society where anything goes will not survive. History proves that. Ever study any world history?

If gay marriage so inevitably leads to 'anything goes', then by all means show us a country where gay marriage and polygamy are both legal.

If your claims are valid, it should be remarkably easy. If you're talking out of your ass.....it might be a bit harder.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

a society where anything goes will not survive. History proves that. Ever study any world history?

Son, gay marriage, or sibling marriage isnt the same thing as "anything goes"

And if YOU had read any world history , you would know that as a rule democratic governments don't usually last as long as we have anyway.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

The 'collapse of civilization'? Sigh...will someone get Redfish his fainting couch and a tissue for that running mascara?

not a problem, I won't be around to see it. But our kids and grandkids will and that concerns me.

if you think an "anything-goes" society is good, I suggest you study ancient Rome.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.

If you're so sure that polygamists people who engage in incest have the right to marry, they have it regardless of marriage equality for gays.

Name the countries that perform both same sex and polygamist marriages since there absolutely MUST be a slippery slope.

Ya know, the funny thing is the muslim countries allow polygamy but kill gays, while we tolerage homosexuality and ban polygamy.

Every culture has to set its own rules of human behavior based on religion or what the majority believes is right and wrong.

If this country sanctions gay marriage, thats OK with me, but it should be based on the will of a majority of the citizens, not a vocal minority.

I also believe that it would set a precedent such that we would not legally be able to block polygamous marriages in the future. If thats the way the country wants to go, OK. But lets let the people vote.

So no country is that right, Fishy? Not a single country that has legalize polygamy also has legalized same sex marriages and vice versa? Quite the "slippery slope" you found there...

Civil rights should never be decided by majority vote...here's why:

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.

Fishy attempts a deflection...fails.

If opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism and bigotry, what is it?

opposition to interracial marriage wrong and racist, it had nothing to do with same sex marriage.

are you now claiming that homosexuality is a race?

No and I never have, but you made the claim that opposition to same sex marriage wasn't anti gay bigotry. It is...just as opposition to interracial marriage is also bigotry. Fine company...

continuing to repeat a lie does not convert it to truth. race and homosexuality are not analogous, no matter how many times you try to make that claim.

The bigotry and discrimination is...no matter how much you try to deny the parallels.
The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.

How is "marriage" going to collapse society? I mean don't get me wrong I think society IS collapsing, but not because of this.

a society where anything goes will not survive. History proves that. Ever study any world history?

Son, gay marriage, or sibling marriage isnt the same thing as "anything goes"

And if YOU had read any world history , you would know that as a rule democratic governments don't usually last as long as we have anyway.

true, but when a society loses its moral compass, it will quickly collapse.

as to referring to me as 'son'. I am quite sure that my age, accomplishments, intellect, and financial status are such that I should be calling you 'sonny boy'. But instead I will simply say-----------grow the fuck up and start acting like an adult.

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