We're Getting Married!

Actually my biggest problem with it is, marriage is a state issue There is no "inequality" as is stated in my earlier post. if certain states want same sex marriage let them have it . but not forced on them by same Judge or the federal government. Is that clear enough for you?

Within certain constitutional guarantees, yes it is. If, however, a State violates these constitutional guarantees with its marriage laws, the 14th amendment more than authorizes the feds to step in an prevent the States from abrogating the rights of federal citizens.

As Loving demonstrated so elegantly. The State doesn't have the authority to strip federal citizens of their rights.

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

Gays and lesbians can of course marry a person of the opposite sex:thup: there is no inequality there, and if you can show me were the discussion and ratification of the 14th amendment they spoke about gay "marriage" I'd like you to point that out to me, ok? These judges have no authority to overturn the state constitutions. There inequality there.

Hmmm...I've heard that argument before, where was it? Oh, that's right...in Loving v Virginia.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws." How did judges do this? They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally." This argument, which is usually called the equal application claim, was hammered out in state supreme courts in the late 1870s, endorsed by the United States Supreme Court in 1882, and would be repeated by judges for the next 85 years.
Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

The one issue I have with gay marriage is that I wonder if gay couples are more likely to register somewhere.

I'm really bad at buying gifts, and this would be a big help.

If you don't register, don't blame me for what you get.


When the wife and I got "hitched", we'd already been together well over a decade so we didn't really need any gifts. We asked for donations to be made to Freedom to Marry

The one issue I have with gay marriage is that I wonder if gay couples are more likely to register somewhere.

I'm really bad at buying gifts, and this would be a big help.

If you don't register, don't blame me for what you get.


When the wife and I got "hitched", we'd already been together well over a decade so we didn't really need any gifts. We asked for donations to be made to Freedom to Marry

Holy crap, even easier.

My wife and I have been married for 32 years, I've bought her everything I can think of at least twice.

Thank goodness for my daughters, they're old enough to go with me and tell me what to get. Otherwise I'd be standing there in the middle of the mall, shaking.


The one issue I have with gay marriage is that I wonder if gay couples are more likely to register somewhere.

I'm really bad at buying gifts, and this would be a big help.

If you don't register, don't blame me for what you get.


When the wife and I got "hitched", we'd already been together well over a decade so we didn't really need any gifts. We asked for donations to be made to Freedom to Marry

Holy crap, even easier.

My wife and I have been married for 32 years, I've bought her everything I can think of at least twice.

Thank goodness for my daughters, they're old enough to go with me and tell me what to get. Otherwise I'd be standing there in the middle of the mall, shaking.


Shaking? Wow, you really sweat the gift getting, huh? Normally, people will be happy that you thought to get them something, or at least they should be.
If I get married, I'm getting married on a beach somewhere in my bathing suit. I hate the pomp and arrogance of the "wedding ceremony." It's such a "spectacle" and so phony IMO. "Oh, this is the most important day of life" Then two years later, they're divorced. :lol:

And FU and your registry!!! How presumptuous!!
Actually my biggest problem with it is, marriage is a state issue There is no "inequality" as is stated in my earlier post. if certain states want same sex marriage let them have it . but not forced on them by same Judge or the federal government. Is that clear enough for you?

Within certain constitutional guarantees, yes it is. If, however, a State violates these constitutional guarantees with its marriage laws, the 14th amendment more than authorizes the feds to step in an prevent the States from abrogating the rights of federal citizens.

As Loving demonstrated so elegantly. The State doesn't have the authority to strip federal citizens of their rights.

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

Gays and lesbians can of course marry a person of the opposite sex:thup: there is no inequality there, and if you can show me were the discussion and ratification of the 14th amendment they spoke about gay "marriage" I'd like you to point that out to me, ok? These judges have no authority to overturn the state constitutions. There inequality there.

Hmmm...I've heard that argument before, where was it? Oh, that's right...in Loving v Virginia.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws." How did judges do this? They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally." This argument, which is usually called the equal application claim, was hammered out in state supreme courts in the late 1870s, endorsed by the United States Supreme Court in 1882, and would be repeated by judges for the next 85 years.
Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages

nope, not a chance. but continue the fantasy if it somehow helps you to justify your anormality.
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.

Then why do your ilk keep using virtually the same arguments that were used in defense of interracial marriage bans?
Lots of diseases stem from unprotected, gay male sex public health issue:thup:

Millions more from unprotected heterosexual sex.


who cares what they think Howey, if you're happy , mazel tov

I don't care what they think, my mission is to take their way of thinking into the 21st century. Homophobia is archaic, uneducated, and ignorant. I'm here to educate the masses. :)

Not homophobic at all really. Gay people tend to be more financially secure, they keep their homes clean, most are polite, but the sex act is not healthy, and transgenders need psychological help.The militant gay movement is a cancer on our society.

Not all sex is anal sex and lesbians are in the lowest risk category for HIV. People who are transgendered usually get psychological help...but the help doesn't come in a way you'd approve.
It's true that sex between two women is not as unclean and unhealthy as sodomy which is probably why it's not mentioned in our bible the "old testament" still doesn't make it normal, But whatever states regulate marriage that's the bottom line
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.

Then why do your ilk keep using virtually the same arguments that were used in defense of interracial marriage bans?
I use logic not stupid, emotional, bullcrap:thup:
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.
Actually my biggest problem with it is, marriage is a state issue There is no "inequality" as is stated in my earlier post. if certain states want same sex marriage let them have it . but not forced on them by same Judge or the federal government. Is that clear enough for you?

Within certain constitutional guarantees, yes it is. If, however, a State violates these constitutional guarantees with its marriage laws, the 14th amendment more than authorizes the feds to step in an prevent the States from abrogating the rights of federal citizens.

As Loving demonstrated so elegantly. The State doesn't have the authority to strip federal citizens of their rights.

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

Gays and lesbians can of course marry a person of the opposite sex:thup: there is no inequality there, and if you can show me were the discussion and ratification of the 14th amendment they spoke about gay "marriage" I'd like you to point that out to me, ok? These judges have no authority to overturn the state constitutions. There inequality there.

The 14th amendment spoke of 'privileges and immunities'. And the right to marry is one of them. That you don't believe it to be so is legally irrelevant, as frankly you have no idea what you're talking about regarding the law.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

and I guarantee that the next push from the left will be to legalize multiple person marriage, sibling marriage, and all other forms of "marriage".

It will come, do not doubt me.
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.

Then why do your ilk keep using virtually the same arguments that were used in defense of interracial marriage bans?
I use logic not stupid, emotional, bullcrap:thup:

You use the logic and argument of opponents of interracial marriage. Almost word for word.

With 36 of 50 States now recognizing gay marriage as being as valid as straight marriage......how's that working out for you?
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

no one, but it sets a very dangerous precedent. If two men or two women are allowed to marry because it would discriminate against them to not allow it, then the exact same argument will be made for multiple person marriages. "why should they be prevented for marrying who they love and being able to live as they choose?"

its the next logical step, if you are OK with all forms of human co-habitation being called marriage, then fine. But get ready for a complete collapse of civilization.
Actually my biggest problem with it is, marriage is a state issue There is no "inequality" as is stated in my earlier post. if certain states want same sex marriage let them have it . but not forced on them by same Judge or the federal government. Is that clear enough for you?

Within certain constitutional guarantees, yes it is. If, however, a State violates these constitutional guarantees with its marriage laws, the 14th amendment more than authorizes the feds to step in an prevent the States from abrogating the rights of federal citizens.

As Loving demonstrated so elegantly. The State doesn't have the authority to strip federal citizens of their rights.

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

Gays and lesbians can of course marry a person of the opposite sex:thup: there is no inequality there, and if you can show me were the discussion and ratification of the 14th amendment they spoke about gay "marriage" I'd like you to point that out to me, ok? These judges have no authority to overturn the state constitutions. There inequality there.

Hmmm...I've heard that argument before, where was it? Oh, that's right...in Loving v Virginia.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws." How did judges do this? They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally." This argument, which is usually called the equal application claim, was hammered out in state supreme courts in the late 1870s, endorsed by the United States Supreme Court in 1882, and would be repeated by judges for the next 85 years.
Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation
there is no connection between interracial marriage and same gender marriage and that a stupid argument... Like I said people are people. Men are men and women are women race is irrelevant.

There's a very strong connection...in the discrimination, right down to the same language used. Take the test...

Bet You Can’t Tell The Difference Between These Actual Anti-Interracial And Anti-Gay Marriage Quotes
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?

look up the word 'analogy', then you might understand my point. but probably not.

Fishy attempts a deflection...fails.

If opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism and bigotry, what is it?

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