We're Getting Married!

Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

Well the same COULD be said about denying someone the right to "marry" their sister.

Perhaps. But I'm discussing gay marriage. And the 'reasons' to deny it are overwhelmingly invalid. So much so that folks are avoiding the topic of gay marriage and the pseudo legal reasons to forbid it....and instead talking about incest.

Demonstrating rather elegantly that their reasoning wasn't particularly good to begin with. If it was, there'd be no reason to abandon it and try and change the topic.

That's SOP around here from dopes on the left and the right. I've just started ignoring all the dopes and concentrating on those who want to have meaningful discussion.

If by 'meaningful discussion' you mean to change the topic and discuss something other than gay marriage, then you may need to look elsewhere. At least in this thread.

In this thread, I'm discussing the legality of gay marriage, its recognition by the state, and the various lawsuits surrounding it. If you'd like to discuss incest......make a thread. It might be interesting.
I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

Well the same COULD be said about denying someone the right to "marry" their sister.

What , beyond "icky" would be your reasoning? I mean surely you see that?

And yes, I think the government should be COMPLETELY out of marriage, meaning if someone is willing to "marry" some guy and his sister, that should be their right

This isn't about marrying one's sister. This is about gay marriage. Anything else brought up is to incite fear.

I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.

Generally speaking, I consider how a person gets their nut to be the least interesting thing about them. With notable exceptions. The dude who broke into cars to attach the starter to his nut sack....and then cranked it a few times to get off?

That was probably among the more interesting things about him.
I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.

Generally speaking, I consider how a person gets their nut to be the least interesting thing about them. With notable exceptions. The dude who broke into cars to attach the starter to his nut sack....and then cranked it a few times to get off?

That was probably among the more interesting things about him.

I don't quite understand those who seem obsessed with the technical aspects of two guys and what kind of sex that they may be having.

For me- I no more speculate about how two guys I know are having sex than I speculate or wonder about how a straight couple are having sex.
I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.

Generally speaking, I consider how a person gets their nut to be the least interesting thing about them. With notable exceptions. The dude who broke into cars to attach the starter to his nut sack....and then cranked it a few times to get off?

That was probably among the more interesting things about him.

I don't quite understand those who seem obsessed with the technical aspects of two guys and what kind of sex that they may be having.

For me- I no more speculate about how two guys I know are having sex than I speculate or wonder about how a straight couple are having sex.

Exactly. I could care less about how two gay guys get their nut. I'm much more interested in how I get mine.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

Wrong they'll move from that to gender identity "discrimination" which is already happening. it'll be discrimination for a man dressed up like a women not to be allowed in the same restroom as your little girl. It'll never end. Wake up, there are no absolutes anymore. Men aren't men, women aren't women, like some kind of insane asylume:cuckoo:

The grievance industry never sleeps!
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

Wrong they'll move from that to gender identity "discrimination" which is already happening. it'll be discrimination for a man dressed up like a women not to be allowed in the same restroom as your little girl. It'll never end. Wake up, there are no absolutes anymore. Men aren't men, women aren't women, like some kind of insane asylume:cuckoo:

The grievance industry never sleeps!

Says the lass that just quoted a bumper sticker.
I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.

Generally speaking, I consider how a person gets their nut to be the least interesting thing about them. With notable exceptions. The dude who broke into cars to attach the starter to his nut sack....and then cranked it a few times to get off?

That was probably among the more interesting things about him.

I don't quite understand those who seem obsessed with the technical aspects of two guys and what kind of sex that they may be having.

For me- I no more speculate about how two guys I know are having sex than I speculate or wonder about how a straight couple are having sex.

Exactly. I could care less about how two gay guys get their nut. I'm much more interested in how I get mine.
But f9r some strange reason (not) the homophobes of this forum are fixated on what gay guys do in bed.
I wouldn't be considered normal. I started dating this guy around 3 years ago. Shortly into the relationship, I found out he was bisexual. That didn't change how I felt. We also never acted on anything.

Generally speaking, I consider how a person gets their nut to be the least interesting thing about them. With notable exceptions. The dude who broke into cars to attach the starter to his nut sack....and then cranked it a few times to get off?

That was probably among the more interesting things about him.

I don't quite understand those who seem obsessed with the technical aspects of two guys and what kind of sex that they may be having.

For me- I no more speculate about how two guys I know are having sex than I speculate or wonder about how a straight couple are having sex.

Exactly. I could care less about how two gay guys get their nut. I'm much more interested in how I get mine.
But f9r some strange reason (not) the homophobes of this forum are fixated on what gay guys do in bed.

They're dumb shits Howey, but no one is scared of you.
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?

If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?

Look, stupid....you are the one with limited intellectual capacity. You're the one with your panties in a wad over same-sex marriage and the idea that because it isn't spelled out in the Constitution, it can't be accepted....Equality is a right, idiot. And, in case you still don't understand, the Constitution has been amended....many times. Even though the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were drawn up in regards to slavery....they point to the very fact that the Constitution provides "equality" to every citizen.....even homosexuals, dummy. So, crawl back under that rock, ignoramus.

List of amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And finally, the Fourteenth Amendment introduced the ideal of equality to the Constitution for the first time, promising “equal protection of the laws.”

A key feature of the Fourteenth Amendment was that it directly prohibited certain actions by the states. It also gave Congress the power to enforce the amendment through legislation. The Fourteenth Amendment represented a great expansion of the power of the national government over the states. It has been cited in more Supreme Court cases than any other part of the Constitution. In fact, it made possible a new Constitution—one that protected rights throughout the nation and upheld equality as a constitutional value.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?
Men are men women are women get it through your head.:thup:

Well thanks captain obvious. That has what to do with what I said?
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?
Men are men women are women get it through your head.:thup:

Well thanks captain obvious. That has what to do with what I said?
LBGT community ..What does that stand for again? Man or women? I say psychological help is needed :thup:

Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.
Lots of diseases stem from unprotected, gay male sex public health issue:thup:

Marriage helps encourage monogomy. Thereby reducing the odds of such 'public health issues'. Meaning that gay marriage produces the exact opposite effect that you're describing.

So why would we strip gays and lesbians of the right to marry?
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?

If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?

Look, stupid....you are the one with limited intellectual capacity. You're the one with your panties in a wad over same-sex marriage and the idea that because it isn't spelled out in the Constitution, it can't be accepted....Equality is a right, idiot. And, in case you still don't understand, the Constitution has been amended....many times. Even though the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were drawn up in regards to slavery....they point to the very fact that the Constitution provides "equality" to every citizen.....even homosexuals, dummy. So, crawl back under that rock, ignoramus.

List of amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And finally, the Fourteenth Amendment introduced the ideal of equality to the Constitution for the first time, promising “equal protection of the laws.”

A key feature of the Fourteenth Amendment was that it directly prohibited certain actions by the states. It also gave Congress the power to enforce the amendment through legislation. The Fourteenth Amendment represented a great expansion of the power of the national government over the states. It has been cited in more Supreme Court cases than any other part of the Constitution. In fact, it made possible a new Constitution—one that protected rights throughout the nation and upheld equality as a constitutional value.

the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree,value, rank, or ability.

I as a straight person couldn't marry the same gender either....Equal :thup:
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.
Lots of diseases stem from unprotected, gay male sex public health issue:thup:

Marriage helps encourage monogomy. Thereby reducing the odds of such 'public health issues'. Meaning that gay marriage produces the exact opposite effect that you're describing.

So why would we strip gays and lesbians of the right to marry?
the act of gay sex is unhealthy regardless and "monogamy" because one is marries does not always mean monogomy
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.
Lots of diseases stem from unprotected, gay male sex public health issue:thup:

Marriage helps encourage monogomy. Thereby reducing the odds of such 'public health issues'. Meaning that gay marriage produces the exact opposite effect that you're describing.

So why would we strip gays and lesbians of the right to marry?
the act of gay sex is unhealthy regardless and "monogamy" because one is marries does not always mean monogomy


Where do you stand on New York City banning super sized soft drinks?

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