We're Getting Married!


“If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.”


Citizens are often compelled to seek relief in Federal court when the states violate their protected rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

For example, earlier this month a Federal appeals court reaffirmed as un-Constitutional Florida's public assistance drug test law:

'A Federal appeals court on Wednesday said a Florida law requiring applicants for welfare benefits to undergo drug testing is unconstitutional, a decision that could affect efforts to enforce similar laws in other states.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients - Orlando Sentinel

Obviously the 4th Amendment's right to privacy and right to be free from unwarranted searches was a protected right before the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure, where a court battle was necessary to indeed protect the right to privacy from the state's excess and overreach.


The right to privacy isn't under attack.....

The whole court battle was about whether or not the drug test violated a universally accepted right. There is no disputing that such a "right" exists...it is in the application.

This does not hold as there is no universal right to marry. Marriage is restricted in many instances and applications.

Can't help that.
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.
Piece of advice.....If you're going down this road, have an attorney draw up a prenuptial agreement.
Good luck and God speed.

can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


How about you all just shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Act like men instead of little boys. Jesus fucking Christ.
fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil liberties in no way constitutes “push[ing] your lifestyle down people's throat.”

Indeed, if the states had simply followed 14th Amendment jurisprudence and allowed gay Americans access to marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in, there would be no need for 'court battles,' this is a conflict the states needlessly brought upon themselves.

Moreover, that you and many others on the right are frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to seek to violate the rights of gay Americans, and disadvantage them with laws motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

“If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.”


Citizens are often compelled to seek relief in Federal court when the states violate their protected rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

For example, earlier this month a Federal appeals court reaffirmed as un-Constitutional Florida's public assistance drug test law:

'A Federal appeals court on Wednesday said a Florida law requiring applicants for welfare benefits to undergo drug testing is unconstitutional, a decision that could affect efforts to enforce similar laws in other states.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients - Orlando Sentinel

Obviously the 4th Amendment's right to privacy and right to be free from unwarranted searches was a protected right before the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure, where a court battle was necessary to indeed protect the right to privacy from the state's excess and overreach.
The ruling is incorrect and will be appealed.
Wishing for unfettered access to taxpayer dollars is an outrage.
With regard to the abuse of controlled substances, there is no right to privacy.
Funny how you libs will cheer lead the taking of hundreds of acres of privately owned land because someone found a snail and call that a victory for the environmental movement.
But God forbid if we the producers want some accountability from those who are paying to stay home watch tv and make babies....The horror.
Hey genius...How long do you think this shit is going to go on before the crescendo of backlash becomes so loud it can no longer be ignored?
BTW Judge Morgan and the other two appellate judges seem to think the 4th Amendment means the government CAN NEVER search.
And There is no "prohibition on blanket searches" in the Fourth....Clearly, the word "unreasonable" was somehow lost in the translation.
Just as there is nothing unreasonable about an employer requiring as a prerequisite to employment each employee submit to a periodic random drug test.
There is nothing unreasonable regarding the recipient of taxpayer dollars subjected to a random drug screenings in order to continue to receive funds.
I suspect this ruling will not survive appeals to higher courts.
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

There are laws against your marriage but will you be able to sodomize?

can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


How about you all just shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Act like men instead of little boys. Jesus fucking Christ.
fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil liberties in no way constitutes “push[ing] your lifestyle down people's throat.”

Indeed, if the states had simply followed 14th Amendment jurisprudence and allowed gay Americans access to marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in, there would be no need for 'court battles,' this is a conflict the states needlessly brought upon themselves.

Moreover, that you and many others on the right are frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to seek to violate the rights of gay Americans, and disadvantage them with laws motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

I'm sure you know what fueled the amendment, but do you know what it covers?
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.
"The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status..."
With every post, you affirm what was only speculation as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Why not keep people wondering by being silent rather than speaking (posting) out and removing all doubt?

The Constitution was designed to amend.

Our generation is the only one that doesn't.
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

"Why can't you gays keep quiet like you use to, back when we never noticed you!"

When he announced he was gay I was like OMG OMG OMG I can't believe it!

Howie I never knew if you were gay or just fishing for a response so you could own others on the gay debate. If you are really gay and possibly getting married, that's awesome. Laws RESTRICTING marriage should never have been made. Note most bigots think we are creating laws to allow it and don't understand it was a restriction.

Even though I don't understand your lifestyle, I'll never try to control it and I'll never judge it beyond I think it's weird.

Happy times. Good luck.
Last edited:
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker
Only in your weird RWNJ wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.


“If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.”


Citizens are often compelled to seek relief in Federal court when the states violate their protected rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

For example, earlier this month a Federal appeals court reaffirmed as un-Constitutional Florida's public assistance drug test law:

'A Federal appeals court on Wednesday said a Florida law requiring applicants for welfare benefits to undergo drug testing is unconstitutional, a decision that could affect efforts to enforce similar laws in other states.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients - Orlando Sentinel

Obviously the 4th Amendment's right to privacy and right to be free from unwarranted searches was a protected right before the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure, where a court battle was necessary to indeed protect the right to privacy from the state's excess and overreach.


The right to privacy isn't under attack.....

The whole court battle was about whether or not the drug test violated a universally accepted right. There is no disputing that such a "right" exists...it is in the application.

This does not hold as there is no universal right to marry. Marriage is restricted in many instances and applications.

Can't help that.

The court determined that indeed the right to privacy was violated, a right that existed prior to the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure.

Our rights have existed long before the advent of the Constitution or the founding of the Republic, rights acknowledged by the Constitution and protected by its case law. When government attempts to violate those rights, citizens are at liberty to seek relief in Federal court, where measures repugnant to the Constitution are invalidated, such as laws requiring drug tests for those applying for public assistance.

Consequently your statement is wrong, rights do in fact exist – such as the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law – whether a law that violates citizens' rights is subject to litigation or not.

“If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.”


Citizens are often compelled to seek relief in Federal court when the states violate their protected rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

For example, earlier this month a Federal appeals court reaffirmed as un-Constitutional Florida's public assistance drug test law:

'A Federal appeals court on Wednesday said a Florida law requiring applicants for welfare benefits to undergo drug testing is unconstitutional, a decision that could affect efforts to enforce similar laws in other states.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients - Orlando Sentinel

Obviously the 4th Amendment's right to privacy and right to be free from unwarranted searches was a protected right before the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure, where a court battle was necessary to indeed protect the right to privacy from the state's excess and overreach.
The ruling is incorrect and will be appealed.
Wishing for unfettered access to taxpayer dollars is an outrage.
With regard to the abuse of controlled substances, there is no right to privacy.
Funny how you libs will cheer lead the taking of hundreds of acres of privately owned land because someone found a snail and call that a victory for the environmental movement.
But God forbid if we the producers want some accountability from those who are paying to stay home watch tv and make babies....The horror.
Hey genius...How long do you think this shit is going to go on before the crescendo of backlash becomes so loud it can no longer be ignored?
BTW Judge Morgan and the other two appellate judges seem to think the 4th Amendment means the government CAN NEVER search.
And There is no "prohibition on blanket searches" in the Fourth....Clearly, the word "unreasonable" was somehow lost in the translation.
Just as there is nothing unreasonable about an employer requiring as a prerequisite to employment each employee submit to a periodic random drug test.
There is nothing unreasonable regarding the recipient of taxpayer dollars subjected to a random drug screenings in order to continue to receive funds.
I suspect this ruling will not survive appeals to higher courts.

The Florida ruling was correct and consistent with settled, accepted 4th Amendment jurisprudence.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

That's an interesting point. I don't think that it was racist to be opposed to interracial marriage 100 years ago because culturally there was a great deal of ignorance with regards to "those" people (all races had significant pluralities that had misgivings).

That same ignorance is alive and well today, so I can't see it as automatic homophobia for such a major shift in culture.

Nope, you are simply wrong. Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. You can keep up the ruse if it makes you feel good, but its just not comparable.

The discrimination is comparable...down to the language.

Bet You Can’t Tell The Difference Between These Actual Anti-Interracial And Anti-Gay Marriage Quotes

1. "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies" not allowing their marriage.

2. This relationship "is not only unnatural, but is always productive of deplorable results ... [Their children turn out] generally effeminate ... [their relationship is] productive of evil."

More at the link...
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

no, its not. is it anti dog to be opposed to sex with dogs?

Are you implying that interracial marriage is like sex with a dog?

So opposition to interracial marriage isn't racism? What is it then?
Men are men women are women get it through your head.:thup:
14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

And yet it does not say "All black people born or naturalized" does it?

In fact, the 14th amendment has four parts to it, parts that have relatively little to do with each other.

I wonder if Jroc has actually read the 14th amendment.
14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

And yet it does not say "All black people born or naturalized" does it?

In fact, the 14th amendment has four parts to it, parts that have relatively little to do with each other.

I wonder if Jroc has actually read the 14th amendment.

14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - birthright citizenship anchor babies - US Constitution interpretation and misinterpretation

Congress Debates the Fourteenth Amendment 1866 Dictionary definition of Congress Debates the Fourteenth Amendment 1866 Encyclopedia.com FREE online dictionary

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