We're Getting Married!

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
Perhaps you should have written in english. No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
Because he's a Conservative, mebbe. ..?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Perhaps one of them asked Alcepias is he wanted to swab the deck.
Is that how its done? How do you know that?

It's how you did it.
How do you know thats what I did? You must have lived through the experience yourself. You dont have to lie.

Unlike your kind that produces more bastards than legitimate children, it's been woman period for me boy.
You just called a full grown black man "boy"? In the 21st century? Really? You are one sick racist motherfucker.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Of course he'll be one of the first to declare he's not a racist.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
I bet they thought of you as a n*****er. They would be correct.
Yes, you really are a racist fuckwad. You fit perfectly in the Conservative, TeaParty feeakazoid zoo.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.

We can start by having some of you quit being so anal about things that are not your concern.
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Normal people don't care. Its the Big Business RWs who want more invasive laws to control what other people do.

You guys can piss all over yourselves all day long.

I really don't care.

And, truthfully, I don't really care much if gays get married or not.

But you don't get to call something a right that isn't a right.

Now, go find a job.

Equality for all American citizens is a right....whether you like it or not....and you're opting that some people be denied that equality.
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Normal people don't care. Its the Big Business RWs who want more invasive laws to control what other people do.

You guys can piss all over yourselves all day long.

I really don't care.

And, truthfully, I don't really care much if gays get married or not.

But you don't get to call something a right that isn't a right.

Now, go find a job.

Equality for all American citizens is a right....whether you like it or not....and you're opting that some people be denied that equality.

It's not a matter of liking it. Just because you want what you call "equality" to be a "right"....does not make it so.

You have to keep working for it. Just like women worked for suffrage.
If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.
The only reason there are court battles going on right now is because of people like you, who don't like government interfering, but want government to interfere.

Can't help what you don't like.

I am simply stating the real status of something you wish was different.

Why are you so against same-sex marriage? Why does it bother you? How does it affect your marriage? The Constitution has been amended several times to fit the current status...it's not etched in stone, like you think it is.

Is there an argument here ? If so, it's not very good.

A. My earlier posts don't say I am "so against" same-sex marriage.
B. It does not bother me.
C. Instantaneously, it does not affect my marriage.

Was there a point to these silly questions.

The Constitution is what it is depending on how it has been amended. It is much about process as it is anything.

And I don't recall saying it was etched in stone.

Please don't argue against stuff I never said. You're not that good to begin with. That makes you even less meaningful.
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)

I don't ever recall engaging you as some have.

But don't let that stop you from being an ass.

I simply pointed out some inconvenient facts.

“If it were a constitutionaly protected right, there would be no court battles going on right now.”


Citizens are often compelled to seek relief in Federal court when the states violate their protected rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

For example, earlier this month a Federal appeals court reaffirmed as un-Constitutional Florida's public assistance drug test law:

'A Federal appeals court on Wednesday said a Florida law requiring applicants for welfare benefits to undergo drug testing is unconstitutional, a decision that could affect efforts to enforce similar laws in other states.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients - Orlando Sentinel

Obviously the 4th Amendment's right to privacy and right to be free from unwarranted searches was a protected right before the enactment of the un-Constitutional Florida measure, where a court battle was necessary to indeed protect the right to privacy from the state's excess and overreach.

can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


How about you all just shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Act like men instead of little boys. Jesus fucking Christ.
fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil liberties in no way constitutes “push[ing] your lifestyle down people's throat.”

Indeed, if the states had simply followed 14th Amendment jurisprudence and allowed gay Americans access to marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in, there would be no need for 'court battles,' this is a conflict the states needlessly brought upon themselves.

Moreover, that you and many others on the right are frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to seek to violate the rights of gay Americans, and disadvantage them with laws motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)

who else around here made their own thread to announce their marriage: ?

Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)

who else around here made their own thread to announce their marriage: ?


Oh, a game!

I don't know. Who????
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)

I don't ever recall engaging you as some have.

But don't let that stop you from being an ass.

I simply pointed out some inconvenient facts.
Ummm....I wasn't talking about you...
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

spoken like a true buttfucker

Did you know that some of the most vocal homophobes turned out to be closet homosexuals? Your disgust may be a form of disguise?

Top 5 homophobes who turned out to be gay City Pages
He's got circles around his right eye from too much glory hole viewing. And a stiff jaw. :)

I don't ever recall engaging you as some have.

But don't let that stop you from being an ass.

I simply pointed out some inconvenient facts.
Ummm....I wasn't talking about you...

My mistake....and my apologies.

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