We're Getting Married!

See, this is the problem with many homosexuals. They can't handle the fact that most of us really don't care. We just don't accept their lifestyle as normal. So, they have to somehow conjure up this notion that we hate them. Then they browbeat us on how we must embrace them... then, when we get sick of their shit and ask them to shut the fuck up already, they get even angrier. Now we actually do start to dislike them, not because of the sexuality, but because they just won't leave it alone. I mean, I don't march the streets declaring my heterosexuality, demanding that the whole world embrace me.
Dude give it a rest. You are responding to a thread with someone that is gay announcing he is getting married. If you didnt care you and I would not be having this conversation.

Why would anyone go on a message board and announce he's getting married?

Oh, I can answer that....see my previous post.. that's exactly my point.
Because people do that on message boards. The question is why did you feel the need to berate that person if you didnt care?

No they don't, attention whores do though.
You still havent explained why you felt the need to comment if you didnt care?
I bet they thought of you as a n*****er. They would be correct.
They probably did. I thought of them as animal molesters.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
They probably did. I thought of them as animal molesters.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
Perhaps you should have written in english. No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
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They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
I bet they thought of you as a n*****er. They would be correct.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
I bet they thought of you as a n*****er. They would be correct.
I agree. They still molested animals and were dumb white trash. Do you understand now why I had to make sure what type of female you were bragging about?
Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
No you didnt say that. If you did please provide the quotes. Wait... I have them right here.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.

Why did you lie?
I bet they thought of you as a n*****er. They would be correct.
I agree. They still molested animals and were dumb white trash. Do you understand now why I had to make sure what type of female you were bragging about?

And you're still the same n***** you've been all your life.
No amount of education, time in the military, or anything else will change that Kunta Kinte.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

Homophobia is a stupid term... people who don't agree withy homosexuality aren't afraid of homosexuality. That's jut dumb.

Perhaps you should read the entire definition from Merriam Webster:

:irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

Homophobia is a stupid term... people who don't agree withy homosexuality aren't afraid of homosexuality. That's jut dumb.

Incorrect. Homophobia is based in ignorance and fear. Educate yourself.

Homophobia is bullshit.. just a made up term used by ill-informed asshats to attack those that don't embrace their sexuality. I don't support gay marriage.. but I have nothing against homosexuals. It's abnormal, but hey, whatever two consenting adults chose to do is none of my concern.

But to say I am afraid of homosexuality is just plain ignorant. I don't like bread pudding, does that make me breadpuddingphobic?


The ignorance is in not knowing the full and complete definition. See above.
See, this is the problem with many homosexuals. They can't handle the fact that most of us really don't care. We just don't accept their lifestyle as normal. So, they have to somehow conjure up this notion that we hate them. Then they browbeat us on how we must embrace them... then, when we get sick of their shit and ask them to shut the fuck up already, they get even angrier. Now we actually do start to dislike them, not because of the sexuality, but because they just won't leave it alone. I mean, I don't march the streets declaring my heterosexuality, demanding that the whole world embrace me.
Dude give it a rest. You are responding to a thread with someone that is gay announcing he is getting married. If you didnt care you and I would not be having this conversation.

Why would anyone go on a message board and announce he's getting married?

Oh, I can answer that....see my previous post.. that's exactly my point.

Because until a couple of days ago, it was prohibited for him to marry the non familial consenting adult partner of his choice. Now it isn't. (Florida and Mississippi...WOW)
See, this is the problem with many homosexuals. They can't handle the fact that most of us really don't care. We just don't accept their lifestyle as normal. So, they have to somehow conjure up this notion that we hate them. Then they browbeat us on how we must embrace them... then, when we get sick of their shit and ask them to shut the fuck up already, they get even angrier. Now we actually do start to dislike them, not because of the sexuality, but because they just won't leave it alone. I mean, I don't march the streets declaring my heterosexuality, demanding that the whole world embrace me.
Mardi Gras.
They probably did. I thought of them as animal molesters.

They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
So you're a homophobes and a racist. Not surprised, both are based upon fear and ignorance.
They would be correct and I see things haven't changed since then.
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
So you're a homophobes and a racist. Not surprised, both are based upon fear and ignorance.

You can best believe faggot that I'm not scared of nor ignorant to what you are.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

That's an interesting point. I don't think that it was racist to be opposed to interracial marriage 100 years ago because culturally there was a great deal of ignorance with regards to "those" people (all races had significant pluralities that had misgivings).

That same ignorance is alive and well today, so I can't see it as automatic homophobia for such a major shift in culture.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

That's an interesting point. I don't think that it was racist to be opposed to interracial marriage 100 years ago because culturally there was a great deal of ignorance with regards to "those" people (all races had significant pluralities that had misgivings).

That same ignorance is alive and well today, so I can't see it as automatic homophobia for such a major shift in culture.

Nope, you are simply wrong. Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. You can keep up the ruse if it makes you feel good, but its just not comparable.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

That's an interesting point. I don't think that it was racist to be opposed to interracial marriage 100 years ago because culturally there was a great deal of ignorance with regards to "those" people (all races had significant pluralities that had misgivings).

That same ignorance is alive and well today, so I can't see it as automatic homophobia for such a major shift in culture.

Nope, you are simply wrong. Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. You can keep up the ruse if it makes you feel good, but its just not comparable.

And yet the arguments for denying access to marriage are hauntingly similar.
it is not homophobic to be opposed to gay marriage.

So it's also not racist to be opposed to interracial marriage then?

That's an interesting point. I don't think that it was racist to be opposed to interracial marriage 100 years ago because culturally there was a great deal of ignorance with regards to "those" people (all races had significant pluralities that had misgivings).

That same ignorance is alive and well today, so I can't see it as automatic homophobia for such a major shift in culture.

Nope, you are simply wrong. Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. You can keep up the ruse if it makes you feel good, but its just not comparable.

And yet the arguments for denying access to marriage are hauntingly similar.

not really, being of different races is a normal human condition. homosexuality is an abnormal human condition. I don't care if its genetic or learned, its not normal for same sex humans to copulate. And, no matter what anyone says, gay marriage is about sexual activity and the desire of a minority to have the government declare that their aberation is normal.
Bill and Jim and Mary and Sue and Louise want to get married. they feel discriminated against because they share a mutual love. Why does this country discriminate against them but not against Joe and Tom or Jane and Donna?

You fools have opened the door to all forms of marriage. Gay marriage sets a legal precedent for all forms and combinations of marriage based on feeling discriminated against.

Its coming, get ready. I am sure the divorce lawyers are licking their chops to handle a multiple person divorce.
Great news!

You'll be able to marry your palm!
Only, he must first extricate it from his incredibly tight sphincter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Why would things change? They are probably still having sex with cows and sheep right now.

Follow along boy. I said the ones you called white trash considered you a n*****. You said they probably did to which said they would be correct. You haven't changed.
Speak english. You are not making sense. You said that it would be correct that I thought they were animal molesters I agreed.

I said it would be correct if they thought you were a stupid n*****. Perhaps I should have spoken ghetto or Ebonics.
So you're a homophobes and a racist. Not surprised, both are based upon fear and ignorance.

You can best believe faggot that I'm not scared of nor ignorant to what you are.
Or, you are just plain old stupid.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You must have been in the Navy.

Perhaps one of them asked Alcepias is he wanted to swab the deck.
Is that how its done? How do you know that?

It's how you did it.
How do you know thats what I did? You must have lived through the experience yourself. You dont have to lie.

Unlike your kind that produces more bastards than legitimate children, it's been woman period for me boy.
You just called a full grown black man "boy"? In the 21st century? Really? You are one sick racist motherfucker.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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