We're Getting Married!


can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


How about you all just shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Act like men instead of little boys. Jesus fucking Christ.
fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil liberties in no way constitutes “push[ing] your lifestyle down people's throat.”

Indeed, if the states had simply followed 14th Amendment jurisprudence and allowed gay Americans access to marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in, there would be no need for 'court battles,' this is a conflict the states needlessly brought upon themselves.

Moreover, that you and many others on the right are frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to seek to violate the rights of gay Americans, and disadvantage them with laws motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

The 14th amendment forbids the abrogation of privileges and immunities of federal citizens by state governments. It doesn't limit itself to only particular privileges and immunities. Nor particular races. But all privileges and immunities. And all federal citizens.

Marriage is a right. And gays are federal citizens. Meaning the States can't violate their rights.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

It's a "problem" in your head only. Who cares if gays call themselves "married?"

I'm more concerned with the State calling them married. And that's not all in my head. That's a matter of law. In 36 of 50 States, the marriages of gays are legally recognized.
Some of you need to grow up, or at least shut up.

This country has serious problems

Gay "marriage" isn't one of them.

The issue of gay marriage is rapidly ceasing to be a 'problem'. As its increasingly legal everywhere. 36 of 50 States. We're 14 away from the resolution of conflict on the issue.

Wrong they'll move from that to gender identity "discrimination" which is already happening. it'll be discrimination for a man dressed up like a women not to be allowed in the same restroom as your little girl. It'll never end. Wake up, there are no absolutes anymore. Men aren't men, women aren't women, like some kind of insane asylume:cuckoo:
Wrong they'll move from that to gender identity "discrimination" which is already happening. it'll be discrimination for a man dressed up like a women not to be allowed in the same rest room as your little girl. It'll never end. Wake up, there are no absolutes anymore. Men aren't men, women aren't women, like some kind of insane asylum

By your own argument, 'they' will move to another issue. Demonstrating rather elegantly that the 'other issue' is separate from gay marriage. And gay marriage is what I'm talking about.

We're 14 states away from the issue of gay marriage being resolved. On the federal level, it already has been.

can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil liberties in no way constitutes “push[ing] your lifestyle down people's throat.”

Indeed, if the states had simply followed 14th Amendment jurisprudence and allowed gay Americans access to marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in, there would be no need for 'court battles,' this is a conflict the states needlessly brought upon themselves.

Moreover, that you and many others on the right are frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to seek to violate the rights of gay Americans, and disadvantage them with laws motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

14th amendment was intended to make sure Black people had the same rights as any other citizen.. it didn't have anything to do with gay marriage you idiot:cuckoo:

The 14th amendment forbids the abrogation of privileges and immunities of federal citizens by state governments. It doesn't limit itself to only particular privileges and immunities. Nor particular races. But all privileges and immunities. And all federal citizens.

Marriage is a right. And gays are federal citizens. Meaning the States can't violate their rights.
Try to marry your sister:thup:
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

Well the same COULD be said about denying someone the right to "marry" their sister.

What , beyond "icky" would be your reasoning? I mean surely you see that?

And yes, I think the government should be COMPLETELY out of marriage, meaning if someone is willing to "marry" some guy and his sister, that should be their right
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

Well the same COULD be said about denying someone the right to "marry" their sister.

Perhaps. But I'm discussing gay marriage. And the 'reasons' to deny it are overwhelmingly invalid. So much so that folks are avoiding the topic of gay marriage and the pseudo legal reasons to forbid it....and instead talking about incest.

Demonstrating rather elegantly that their reasoning wasn't particularly good to begin with. If it was, there'd be no reason to abandon it and try and change the topic.
And, no matter what anyone says, gay marriage is about sexual activity and the desire of a minority to have the government declare that their aberation is normal.[/QUOTE]

Clearly you have never been married. As a man who has been married for over 20 years- I can say with great certainty the reason I got married certainly wasn't about sexual activity or for the government to declare what my wife and I do in private is normal.

We got married because we loved each other and wanted to legally commit to each other for the rest of their lives.

Gay couples want to be treated legally like my wife and I are treated, and I think that they are right.

And you are wrong.
Try to marry your sister

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry....you'll need a good reason. And you don't have one.

Well the same COULD be said about denying someone the right to "marry" their sister.

Perhaps. But I'm discussing gay marriage. And the 'reasons' to deny it are overwhelmingly invalid. So much so that folks are avoiding the topic of gay marriage and the pseudo legal reasons to forbid it....and instead talking about incest.

Demonstrating rather elegantly that their reasoning wasn't particularly good to begin with. If it was, there'd be no reason to abandon it and try and change the topic.

That's SOP around here from dopes on the left and the right. I've just started ignoring all the dopes and concentrating on those who want to have meaningful discussion.

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