We're Getting Married!

lol...It doesn't take much to be "above" a lowly half-niggrah cab driver.

I guess, but to say that you somehow think yourself better is somewhat laughable; especially when you, yourself are nothing put a fake gay man announcing that you are getting married for the soul purpose of scamming a bunch of people whom you deem "beneath you."

If its not too much to ask, could please grow up?
I am grown up, you maybe can't tell because most people today will never "grow up" they are caught up in PC land with fairy tails and dreams. When someone comes along and asks a legitimate question or offers an opinion that is adverse to the people living in PC land they can't handle it and they accuse one of being an idiot or childish. I think man on man sex is sickening and I'm not afraid to say so.

... In short - your a dick, then?

Got it.
No, actually they don't. All studies on the subject show that there is no difference in outcomes of children raised by straights and children raised by gays.

Does the gender of parents really matter?

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Dr. Biblarz and Dr. Stacey of New York University, analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents. Their review included 30 studies that compared two-parent lesbian couples to heterosexual coparents, 1 compared gay male to heterosexual coparents, and 2 compared lesbian to gay male coparents. They also reviewed 48 studies of single male or female parents.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success. They found there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.
Only in your warped mind boys don't need fathers or girls don't need mothers:cuckoo:

Are you saying that all boys that were raised without a father or somewhat screwed up? All girls raised without a mother by a single father are screwed up?
Maybe you're the one that's screwed up......there are plenty of boys being raised by single mothers that have turned out just fine.....try another line.
Yep and my brother and I are two of those boys genius. Life would have been must better with a good father though.....You people:eusa_eh:

The children of single parents are at a disadvantage to children with two parents. That actually IS what the studies show...two parents are better than one. They also show that it doesn't matter what gender those parents are.

Well, given same-sex parenting has barely been on the radar a decade, I'd say the jury is still out on this one. You can't compare ten years of data with that of hundreds of years. We know that traditionally, children reared in traditional relationships fare better than those in single parent households.

We shall see though... personally, I really don't know.

Hmmm...and yet we have adult children that are doing just fine. Fantastic in fact.

Seriously though, a decade? Hardly...:rolleyes: Geez, my kids are 13 and 15. I knew lesbians using sperm banks and getting pregnant in the 80s.

Where do you people get this shit?
Only in your warped mind boys don't need fathers or girls don't need mothers:cuckoo:

Are you saying that all boys that were raised without a father or somewhat screwed up? All girls raised without a mother by a single father are screwed up?
Maybe you're the one that's screwed up......there are plenty of boys being raised by single mothers that have turned out just fine.....try another line.
Yep and my brother and I are two of those boys genius. Life would have been must better with a good father though.....You people:eusa_eh:

The children of single parents are at a disadvantage to children with two parents. That actually IS what the studies show...two parents are better than one. They also show that it doesn't matter what gender those parents are.

Well, given same-sex parenting has barely been on the radar a decade, I'd say the jury is still out on this one. You can't compare ten years of data with that of hundreds of years. We know that traditionally, children reared in traditional relationships fare better than those in single parent households.

We shall see though... personally, I really don't know.

Hmmm...and yet we have adult children that are doing just fine. Fantastic in fact.

Seriously though, a decade? Hardly...:rolleyes: Geez, my kids are 13 and 15. I knew lesbians using sperm banks and getting pregnant in the 80s.

Where do you people get this shit?

A TRUE lesbian wouldn't want sperm in her.
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

Nothing about getting married? A cut and paste is all we get?

Something rotten in Denmark....

can we please have this thread moved to the appropriate forum, one where Howey won't cry about being flamed?


How about you all just shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Act like men instead of little boys. Jesus fucking Christ.
fags are pathetic. I agree with you 100%.

Howey, Do gays stick it in the ass or do you just suck him dry and stay away from the but because it's scary and brown? Do you understand you can get ass diseases at a higher risk then males screwing femaes anally? have you heard of anal herpies? Everytime you take a shit it feels like a knife is coming out of your ass... Does this mean no sex? I'm really curious what you think when it comes to queer sex.

I intended for this thread to be a happy one to announce our decision based upon the court decision. One we've been waiting years for.
It shouldn't have been moved. The above post is why.

There's plenty of other threads for fag bashing, mods.
The problem with people like you, is you want to push your lifestyle down people's throat. Nobody gives shit if you're gay or what you do in your private life. What's with all the flashy pictures of men? Is your entire existence centered about your sexual preferences?

That's what gives Howie away, he isn't really gay.
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

Nothing about getting married? A cut and paste is all we get?

Something rotten in Denmark....

If Bodecea can be a former naval aviator 0-5 who was in violation of the UCMJ the entire time she served, well leave Howey alone LOL
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

Nothing about getting married? A cut and paste is all we get?

Something rotten in Denmark....

If Bodecea can be a former naval aviator 0-5 who was in violation of the UCMJ the entire time she served, well leave Howey alone LOL

Not me. I'm sick of Howdy - he's a disgrace to actual gays.
Florida will soon enter the 21st Century!

A U.S. appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that a judicial stay in Florida's federal gay-marriage case will expire Jan. 5, ensuring that same-sex couples would be allowed to marry in the state the following day.

"This is a clear victory for us because it finds the harm is being done to the people, not the state," said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, which is representing same-sex couples from throughout Florida and gay-rights group SAVE, who sued to have out-of-state same-sex marriages recognized in the Sunshine State.

U.S. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Tallahassee ruled Aug. 21 that Florida's gay marriage ban, passed by voters in 2008, is unconstitutional. He stayed his decision while Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi appealed his decision, but said the stay would expire on Jan. 5.

Nothing about getting married? A cut and paste is all we get?

Something rotten in Denmark....

If Bodecea can be a former naval aviator 0-5 who was in violation of the UCMJ the entire time she served, well leave Howey alone LOL

Not me. I'm sick of Howdy - he's a disgrace to actual gays.

Like I said, he makes me laugh, for now.
I just hope one day people realize what a folly this artifice is. Gays need marriage like a fish needs a bicycle. This is just a meaningless joke, gays will still be homosexual regardless and straight people actually make the babies that make the world go 'round...it's not much of a win for hetros to pretend gays are "equal". Its a cosmic joke. Equal in what way?
I just hope one day people realize what a folly this artifice is. Gays need marriage like a fish needs a bicycle. This is just a meaningless joke, gays will still be homosexual regardless and straight people actually make the babies that make the world go 'round...it's not much of a win for hetros to pretend gays are "equal". Its a cosmic joke. Equal in what way?

Ever tried to explain music to the deaf?

Neither have I....
I just hope one day people realize what a folly this artifice is. Gays need marriage like a fish needs a bicycle. This is just a meaningless joke, gays will still be homosexual regardless and straight people actually make the babies that make the world go 'round...it's not much of a win for hetros to pretend gays are "equal". Its a cosmic joke. Equal in what way?

Ever tried to explain music to the deaf?

Neither have I....
Gays are trying to redefine sexual boundaries for us heterosexuals, how thoughtful of them. Well that's like the deaf are trying to redefine music for us insensitive people that can hear. Thanks, but...no thanks. I get the picture.
Only in your warped mind boys don't need fathers or girls don't need mothers:cuckoo:

Are you saying that all boys that were raised without a father or somewhat screwed up? All girls raised without a mother by a single father are screwed up?
Maybe you're the one that's screwed up......there are plenty of boys being raised by single mothers that have turned out just fine.....try another line.
Yep and my brother and I are two of those boys genius. Life would have been must better with a good father though.....You people:eusa_eh:

The children of single parents are at a disadvantage to children with two parents. That actually IS what the studies show...two parents are better than one. They also show that it doesn't matter what gender those parents are.

Sorry, I didn't need another mother. A father is what we needed. Not two mothers, one was enough:thup:

Your personal foibles aside, all studies indicate that our children are at no disadvantage to yours. It's also irrelevant to any discussions about civil marriage since children are not required for civil marriage and civil marriage is not required for children. Gays ARE marrying and gays are having and adopting children. Done deal, dude.

Generally you seem like a good person to me, but the fact is children need a mother and a father. Not two mothers, or two fathers. In your world, you would have us believe that men are not needed, and your relationship between two women is the same as a relationship between a man and a woman, which it certainly is not, nor can it ever be. Children need the influence of both genders. A good healthy relationship between a man and woman is always better. They counter balance each other,.each having their own strengthens and weaknesses. My position is civil unions between gay people is fine. the relationship between you and your "partner" is not a marriage as defined since the beginning of civilization .The bonding of a man and a woman husband and wife is a marriage:thup:.
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