We're going to rape you, rob you and preach Freedom and Democracy

You are obviously a hard leftie that has taken Marxism to heart. Perhaps not the exact ideology but the argument that Marx made against capitalism and democracy.. You're a conspiracy monger pure and simple... Prolly Vietnam or Watergate or just the neo-comm left wing press has got you searching for a conspiracy behind every action.. Not gonna do it... Wouldn't be prudent...
You have a severe lack of faith and belief in your own country-----The finest on Earth...
Originally posted by phadras
You are obviously a hard leftie that has taken Marxism to heart. Perhaps not the exact ideology but the argument that Marx made against capitalism and democracy.. You're a conspiracy monger pure and simple... Prolly Vietnam or Watergate or just the neo-comm left wing press has got you searching for a conspiracy behind every action.. Not gonna do it... Wouldn't be prudent...
You have a severe lack of faith and belief in your own country-----The finest on Earth...

:clap1: :clap1: :clap1:

Did someone say that Kiran Chetry is going to RAPE ME?

NUMMY, NUMMY, NUMMY TREAT! Make sure she's really rough with me.


Gee, tell ya what: Go over to Iraq, let Zarqawi kidnap you, and you- make sure you bite your bottom lip like Clinton- tell him how you feel his pain. Trust me, he'll thank you and perhaps he'll be nice to you & use a very sharp knife, thus making your "conversation" end quickly.


Better get ready because it looks like Iran is next!
Originally posted by OCA
Psycho=un-American citizen

Come on OCA. This nation we live in was founded by a band of dissenters. How can dissenting from the powers that be equal anti-Americanism. These posts from psycho reveal that he respects the land and the people and many of the laws of this Republic. He's simply upset at choices made the current Admin. And who wouldn't be. No matter if one be a neocon or as a left as a southpaw, almost everyone has at least one or more problems with this Admin. That is, unless one is a Bah! Bah! sheep. Now a sheep is one, in my opinion, that reeks with the scent of being un-American.
Sheepdom = fascism
Dissenting = American
Originally posted by menewa
Come on OCA. This nation we live in was founded by a band of dissenters. How can dissenting from the powers that be equal anti-Americanism. These posts from psycho reveal that he respects the land and the people and many of the laws of this Republic. He's simply upset at choices made the current Admin. And who wouldn't be. No matter if one be a neocon or as a left as a southpaw, almost everyone has at least one or more problems with this Admin. That is, unless one is a Bah! Bah! sheep. Now a sheep is one, in my opinion, that reeks with the scent of being un-American.
Sheepdom = fascism
Dissenting = American

I would amend the highlighted to any administration, then I could agree. :p:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Psycho - perhaps not a commie but you sure are a far leftist! just another lefty spewing hatred for the current administration.
I don't know what happened to you along the way through your life, but I bet it was something to give you such poor views of America.

All polls should be taken with a grain of salt, but the Post-ABC News poll reported today that fewer than half of Americans (47%) say the war in Iraq was worth fighting, with 52& saying it was not. By defination, opposing the war is a main-stream American belief, not "far leftist" as you put it.

From today's post: "Virtually all of the recent move-ment against the war has occurred among political independents. Among those with no firm party ties, the proportion who said the war was 'not worth fighting' increased from 48 percent in May to 59 percent in the latest poll.

Bush's approval rating on his handling of Iraq remains negative but rose slightly in the post month to 44 percent, with 55 percent saying they disapprove."

Sorry, no link, I have the paper copy of the Post.

Bottom line, it is not hatred of the administration by fringe radicals that oppose the war or disapprove of Bush's handling of the war. It is mainstream America.

One final note in the poll. When asked: "Whom do you trust to do a better job of handling the U.S. campaign against terrorism, Bush or Kerry," the response was Kerry 48%, Bush 47%.

One term President???
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
All polls should be taken with a grain of salt, but the Post-ABC News poll reported today that fewer than half of Americans (47%) say the war in Iraq was worth fighting, with 52& saying it was not. By defination, opposing the war is a main-stream American belief, not "far leftist" as you put it.

From today's post: "Virtually all of the recent move-ment against the war has occurred among political independents. Among those with no firm party ties, the proportion who said the war was 'not worth fighting' increased from 48 percent in May to 59 percent in the latest poll.

Bush's approval rating on his handling of Iraq remains negative but rose slightly in the post month to 44 percent, with 55 percent saying they disapprove."

Sorry, no link, I have the paper copy of the Post.

Bottom line, it is not hatred of the administration by fringe radicals that oppose the war or disapprove of Bush's handling of the war. It is mainstream America.

One final note in the poll. When asked: "Whom do you trust to do a better job of handling the U.S. campaign against terrorism, Bush or Kerry," the response was Kerry 48%, Bush 47%.

One term President???

And then there's this:

A newly released Pew Research Center for the People and the Press survey asked Americans two different questions to gauge public support for the war in Iraq, with somewhat more optimistic results. A majority of Americans in this poll, 55%, say the United States made the right decision in using military force against Iraq, while 38% said the country made the wrong decision. The results to this question show only a slight four-point increase since early April, and it has ranged between 51% and 57% since March. The Pew study also finds that a majority of Americans say the U.S. military effort in Iraq is going very (16%) or fairly (41%) well. Nearly 4 in 10 say it is going not too (25%) or not at all (14%) well.

So, there you have it-polls being what they are.
Hey psycho,
You stated in a previous post that the dept. of defense has become the dept. of offense. ( I still haven't figured out that quote thing.) What the hell did you expect America to do? Run and hide I would imagine. How many attacks on America have to happen until we answer back? Ameican hostages held in Iran for over a year. The killing of American Marines in Lebanon, the countless bombings of American embassies, the first attempt to bring down the WTC, and then 9/11. We God damn better go on the offensive.
The Libs have such short memories. What do all the attacks I mentioned above have in common? MUSLUMS. I know it is wrong to lump all muslums into terrorists but it is getting easier.
It is no big secret that osama bin asshole didn't like saddam, and it is unlikley that a link will be found between al-qaida and Iraq. That said, if America invaded Iraq just because it was pay back for saddam trying to off GB senior then so be it. Where is the outrage over that? If anyone tried to harm my dad, you can bet I would come after them not with both barrels but with 100.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
We're going to rape you, rob you and preach Freedom and Democracy


Hmm...I'll have to try that line at the bar on Friday.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Although you admonished me early on, Kathianne, for originally thinking you a neocon you now prove my impression correct. Neither you or jimnyc have anything at all credible to add to this concept as I have delivered so why do you try so to ridicule and/or discredit me? I think you only discredit yourselves when you so unnecessarilly attack. I've stated it before, I'll state it again. The accusations of the neocons are only reflections of themselves. In psychiatric terms it's called denial and projection. But, have fun anyway. Just remember there is treatment for you.


News flash. Neocons only exist in your head. Your simply paranoid.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You're entitled to think and say whatever you like, Kathianne. But anyone that even intimates that I, as an American, should shut up or else I'm somehow aiding and/or abetting an enemy is just a dictatorial bastard. I can't be more polite or American in that analogy.


Maybe if you didnt advocate policities that aid and abet enemies, you wouldnt have a problem.
I don't aid and abet enemies, avater. My military credentials speak for themselves and I won't repeat them to you. My concern is for America, the America I grew up in, the America that taught me that all men are created equal, the America that wouldn't dream of aggression in the face of simple disagreement but an America that would fight to their death for the defense of our lands, people and way of life. I've not yet given my life for my country though I have placed it on the line many times for the sake of this country I dearly love. As a warmonger, what have you contributed?

OK, SE, you have a problem with an America that would treat all men as equals, would refrain from war in the face of simple disagreement or an America that would fight to their deaths in the protection of their lands, peoples and ways of life. I don't have a problem with that. Please explain yourself and don't get carried away with the personal insults, OK?

Originally posted by Psychoblues
My concern is for America, the America I grew up in, the America that taught me that all men are created equal, the America that wouldn't dream of aggression in the face of simple disagreement but an America that would fight to their death for the defense of our lands, people and way of life.

OK, SE, you have a problem with an America that would treat all men as equals, would refrain from war in the face of simple disagreement or an America that would fight to their deaths in the protection of their lands, peoples and ways of life. I don't have a problem with that. Please explain yourself and don't get carried away with the personal insults, OK?


THAT WAS YOUR AMERICA OF THE PAST??? What planet were you inhabiting then? All men equal? (Did you miss Selma?) No war? (Did you miss WWII, Korea, Vietnam?)

Minor disagreement? (Iran hostages? Beirut? Lockerbie? WTC 1993? Somalia? African consulates? USS Cole? 9/11?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Exactly! I really hope that he is talking about something else.

I am awaiting his response with baited breath. (and a cup of coffee. :cof: )
None of which have anything to do with Saddam Hussein or Iraq. I thinketh you've been reading the wrong newspapers, SE.

Originally posted by Psychoblues
None of which have anything to do with Saddam Hussein or Iraq. I thinketh you've been reading the wrong newspapers, SE.


No Psycho, it's you that seems to be having difficulty with the newspapers. Why don't you go and take a look at what the Commissioners ARE SAYING, as they haven't completed their report. Rather what YOU have been looking at our their STAFF reports to THE COMMISSIONERS, which they had to bend over backwards the past weekend to explain. See, the staff are young and partisan-go figure.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by menewa
Come on OCA. This nation we live in was founded by a band of dissenters. How can dissenting from the powers that be equal anti-Americanism. These posts from psycho reveal that he respects the land and the people and many of the laws of this Republic. He's simply upset at choices made the current Admin. And who wouldn't be. No matter if one be a neocon or as a left as a southpaw, almost everyone has at least one or more problems with this Admin. That is, unless one is a Bah! Bah! sheep. Now a sheep is one, in my opinion, that reeks with the scent of being un-American.
Sheepdom = fascism
Dissenting = American

Here is the quote I was referring to, whats good for the drunk is good for the tee toadler :D

How did you come up with that piece of shit analogy, Kathianne? When did I say anything about anything being "America's fault?" No, it's not the fault of America at all. It's the fault of a few undeserving and very unAmerican Americans. We have those, or didn't you know?


And we all know who he was referring to.

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