We're mad at Russia for "hacking" elections

Actually we aren't mad at Russia. The left wing fake news MSM is mad at Russia. The most important part of Mueller's probe is that it uncovered evidence of foreign agents using social media (and mainstream media?) to cause chaos in government and undermine the social fabric of the U.S. Mueller's people didn't say it but it's quite likely that democrats and the media have a long standing relationship with foreign agents for political purposes.

yet we know the DNC "hacked" their elections to get hillary the nod, hell she bought the damn thing, but we don't care about that. maybe there is a valid point here in that russia is wrong to jack with us but look at what we're doing to ourselves. that should bother people more because if anything we're supposed to have each others backs as americans.

where did that mindset fade off to?

The problem with your premise is that the DNC didn’t hack anything did nothing illegal or even unethical. A political party is free to choose their candidate anyway they choose, they are under no obligation to even ask for input let alone bound to follow it.

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i would disagree that having 1 person shove out other candidates cause it's "her turn" would not be "unethical" in the least. legalities and so forth i'll give you because i simply don't know. but i do know what i saw was simply pretty shameful.

You really like making shit up to fit your narrative don't you? Sanders wasn't "shoved out" he lost fair and square. He wasn't kept off a single ballot in any state. Despite not being registered as a Democrat or ever having raised money for Democrats, Bernie got to run as a Democrat with DNC funds for his campaign. Just stop with the "poor Bernie" narrative.
heh - and this mindset ladies and gentlemen is why being unethical is ok.

There wasn’t even anything unethical about what happened with the DNC. They chose to support the candidate that was a lifelong Democrat not the independent that chose to be a Democrat when the money was good. THAT seems unethical if anything is.

Are Republicans required to fund the Nazi running as a Republican in Illinois?
You can thank our public education for having a big part in dumbing our kids down to single celled organisms.
There is nothing shameful about the party having a clear choice of who they want.
The current primary system is fairly new, before this current system the “people” had no input into the choice of the candidate.

I think a very good argument could be made that the quality of candidates has gone down the longer we go with the current system. People like Lincoln and Coolidge would never make it through today’s primaries

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total agreement we're getting crap for candidates, but i disagree on how they handled bernie. he's got every right to run and have the same party support as hillary. the people should get to decide who is running, i thought. i mean we hear the popular vote a lot even though that's not how things are done.

so if the DNC and RNC can put up who they want, how they want, and the votes don't matter - why do we vote again? in your defense of these actions you really take the value away from our only "power" over the government.

i'm not ready to give that up yet.

Do you think the GOP should have given the same level of support to all 17 candidates this past election? And did they?

I am really not sure why the parties choose to move to a primary system and allow the people to have a voice. I tend to side with the idea it was done to give people a sense of power in the process.

Constitutionally, voting is done for elected offices, not nominees. Thus how a party, which is a private entity, chooses their candidates is not covered.

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They tried damn hard to stop trump.

And they gave basically no support to Fiorina, Pataki, Santorum, Graham...just to name a few

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early on i can understand that. if there is no following there is no following. but when down to 2 people and you see it get all cutthroat? dunno about illegal but i sure have a problem with people "cheating" to get ahead with our politics.

It cannot be called cheating if you do not break the rules.

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idiot RussianWingers dont know the difference between hacking and interfering

but they also think its ok for Russia to invade our country and and bury their agents in our democratic process.

sooooooooo F Em.
total agreement we're getting crap for candidates, but i disagree on how they handled bernie. he's got every right to run and have the same party support as hillary. the people should get to decide who is running, i thought. i mean we hear the popular vote a lot even though that's not how things are done.

so if the DNC and RNC can put up who they want, how they want, and the votes don't matter - why do we vote again? in your defense of these actions you really take the value away from our only "power" over the government.

i'm not ready to give that up yet.

Do you think the GOP should have given the same level of support to all 17 candidates this past election? And did they?

I am really not sure why the parties choose to move to a primary system and allow the people to have a voice. I tend to side with the idea it was done to give people a sense of power in the process.

Constitutionally, voting is done for elected offices, not nominees. Thus how a party, which is a private entity, chooses their candidates is not covered.

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They tried damn hard to stop trump.

And they gave basically no support to Fiorina, Pataki, Santorum, Graham...just to name a few

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early on i can understand that. if there is no following there is no following. but when down to 2 people and you see it get all cutthroat? dunno about illegal but i sure have a problem with people "cheating" to get ahead with our politics.

It cannot be called cheating if you do not break the rules.

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that's fine and all, but i see the "other side" do much of the same stuff, but i rarely see someone on the PREVIOUS side say it's ok.

this "gray area" is where things get all whacked up out of control.
Weak What did Trump win it by??

It's not weak, it's a fact. Trump won by 72-23 over Clinton. Belcher got
edged out by Johnson. Even though Trump was dominant, Johnson wasn't.
He was lucky to win.

You don't understand Kentucky politics. Democrats dominate Kentucky,
in registration and in state politics. But National Contests (Pres) always
goes to the GOP and the state is always called right at 7pm when their
polls close.

That election means nothing.
Do any of the elections that dems have won mean anything?? OR once again they're all nothingburgers??

Probably nothing. They were held before the tax cuts kicked in and made
liars out of the dems. That plan has gone from 37% approval in Dec to
51% in Feb. It will continue to grow.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia
Russians didn't hack this election The HANDWRITING is on the wall dummies
(Reuters) - A Democrat easily won a Kentucky House of Representatives special election on Tuesday, the 37th U.S. legislative seat flipped to the party from Republicans since Donald Trump's 2016 election as president, the Democratic National Committee said.

Linda Belcher won by more than a 2-1 margin over Republican Rebecca Johnson, the widow of a Republican whose death in December led to the election.

Belcher had held the seat before being narrowly defeated by Dan Johnson as Republican Trump won the presidency in November 2016. In Kentucky's 49th House District, which is south of Louisville, Trump outpolled Democrat Hillary Clinton by 72 percent to 23 percent in the presidential vote.
400 seats to go.
It's not weak, it's a fact. Trump won by 72-23 over Clinton. Belcher got
edged out by Johnson. Even though Trump was dominant, Johnson wasn't.
He was lucky to win.

You don't understand Kentucky politics. Democrats dominate Kentucky,
in registration and in state politics. But National Contests (Pres) always
goes to the GOP and the state is always called right at 7pm when their
polls close.

That election means nothing.
Do any of the elections that dems have won mean anything?? OR once again they're all nothingburgers??

Probably nothing. They were held before the tax cuts kicked in and made
liars out of the dems. That plan has gone from 37% approval in Dec to
51% in Feb. It will continue to grow.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia

triple digit gains for 75 months? where is the decimal in all this? and in 75 months employment never went *down* at all? even seasonal? mathematically i'm not even sure this is possible.
It's not weak, it's a fact. Trump won by 72-23 over Clinton. Belcher got
edged out by Johnson. Even though Trump was dominant, Johnson wasn't.
He was lucky to win.

You don't understand Kentucky politics. Democrats dominate Kentucky,
in registration and in state politics. But National Contests (Pres) always
goes to the GOP and the state is always called right at 7pm when their
polls close.

That election means nothing.
Do any of the elections that dems have won mean anything?? OR once again they're all nothingburgers??

Probably nothing. They were held before the tax cuts kicked in and made
liars out of the dems. That plan has gone from 37% approval in Dec to
51% in Feb. It will continue to grow.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia

Oh yeah...especially unemployment. At the start Americans were devastated
with job loss and then they got counted 3 different times when they had
to find 3 different part-time jobs just to survive.
Do any of the elections that dems have won mean anything?? OR once again they're all nothingburgers??

Probably nothing. They were held before the tax cuts kicked in and made
liars out of the dems. That plan has gone from 37% approval in Dec to
51% in Feb. It will continue to grow.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia

triple digit gains for 75 months? where is the decimal in all this? and in 75 months employment never went *down* at all? even seasonal? mathematically i'm not even sure this is possible.
6 digit pardon me
Probably nothing. They were held before the tax cuts kicked in and made
liars out of the dems. That plan has gone from 37% approval in Dec to
51% in Feb. It will continue to grow.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia

triple digit gains for 75 months? where is the decimal in all this? and in 75 months employment never went *down* at all? even seasonal? mathematically i'm not even sure this is possible.
6 digit pardon me
Can you let me n me so I know what you are talking g about?
So you support Russian interference in our elections because you think the Democrats pulled some shit in their primaries?

You know that is fucking irrational to the point of being insane, right?
so you think i approve of one and not the other? you're every bit the dumbass people claim.

bad russians. got it? BAD BAD RUSSIANS! NO GRUEL FOR YOU!!!!

but worse on us for what we do to ourselves.

Yes, you support the republicans while pointing to the otherside blaming them..

If Trump was honest and stepped up, I would give him some slack. But instead he lies,manipulates , and then becomes a victim calling out how mean the democrats and press are to him..

That is what a dishonest person does, yet the republicans want to believe him so bad that now that the truth is coming out they are still believing his nonsense while attacking Obama and the dems.

I see no responsibility coming from Trump or the republicans, still blaming everyone else.

and the democrats want to believe he's the anti-christ so bad they call him nazi, white supremacist, and blame everyone who voted for him.

wild how both sides act exactly alike, isn't it?

an honest person would see that and stop.
I've been pretty honest around here and these useless shit stains still attack me and lie. So now, just for fun I just make up stuff to tease them.
well the problem is we all think we're being honest. me, you, bripat, eaglewings, eddie - but when we disagree it becomes personal for some reason to many and that i don't get. the trick is to try and find where you can agree and build off that. instead we look for where we disagree and tear into it.

as a society we're pretty jacked up in the head in what is right and wrong and what in the end is worth fighting for.
Barking Puppets

It's anything but personal. Partisans get their self-identity from some outside political clique they childishly look up to. So they become irrationally defensive when their father figures are attacked.
so you think i approve of one and not the other? you're every bit the dumbass people claim.

bad russians. got it? BAD BAD RUSSIANS! NO GRUEL FOR YOU!!!!

but worse on us for what we do to ourselves.

Yes, you support the republicans while pointing to the otherside blaming them..

If Trump was honest and stepped up, I would give him some slack. But instead he lies,manipulates , and then becomes a victim calling out how mean the democrats and press are to him..

That is what a dishonest person does, yet the republicans want to believe him so bad that now that the truth is coming out they are still believing his nonsense while attacking Obama and the dems.

I see no responsibility coming from Trump or the republicans, still blaming everyone else.

and the democrats want to believe he's the anti-christ so bad they call him nazi, white supremacist, and blame everyone who voted for him.

wild how both sides act exactly alike, isn't it?

an honest person would see that and stop.

People are angry

Trump has been in office over a year, and refuses to call out Putin, or the internet terrorist attack..instead he lets the sanctions slide..WTF.

Internet terrorist attack????
How many buildings were destroyed? What's the body count?

The Russians are attacking us and infiltrating our democracy even today, it hasn't stopped because Trump refuses to say anything..
Internet hacking ,stealing American identities to use them to comment on Government websites and sways a GOP vote is a terrorist attack.
Low-Calorie Sharia Substitute

We're losing the overregulated and misdirected war on radical Islam, so Americans need to find a new enemy, one that we beat before.
I for one loved taxcuts BUT I'll vote republican when HELL freezes over

That's your choice.

But many will vote for the GOP because they will not vote against their
own paycheck.

The Internet, for good or bad, Is making more Americans, at least competent,
in understanding politics. When the dems start talking about giving more
to the middle class, while raising taxes on the corporations, the public
will know that will just cause them to lose their jobs and income and they'll
be back in the same mess that Obama put them.
Obama must have been a magic man 75 straight months of triple digit gains in employment cut unemployment in half and almost tripled the dow and he did that while giving us a mess??? Look at the mess the orange anus has given us ,all our friends laugh at us even our enemies ,like russia

triple digit gains for 75 months? where is the decimal in all this? and in 75 months employment never went *down* at all? even seasonal? mathematically i'm not even sure this is possible.
6 digit pardon me
Can you let me n me so I know what you are talking g about?
Why is it not obvious to you that I was correcting an error, triple digits ,,,withe the correct 6 digits of employment gains in 75 straight months ?? Google it You can do that ,,No??
If the election was hacked, the perpetrators likely used the ID info from the 22 million records stolen from the OMB on Obabble's watch. My money would be on the Chinese...

Just sayin':

The most significant intrusion during President Obama’s two terms was the 2015 penetration of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in which sensitive information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, health histories, fingerprints) on 22 million people – many with top security clearances – was stolen.

Liz Peek: Obama’s legacy will be that he allowed Russia to ‘sow discord’ in the US
If the election was hacked, the perpetrators likely used the ID info from the 22 million records stolen from the OMB on Obabble's watch. My money would be on the Chinese...

Just sayin':

The most significant intrusion during President Obama’s two terms was the 2015 penetration of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in which sensitive information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, health histories, fingerprints) on 22 million people – many with top security clearances – was stolen.

Liz Peek: Obama’s legacy will be that he allowed Russia to ‘sow discord’ in the US
how come they didn't steal trumps tax records ?? Or did they ? And Trumps legacy will be he did nothing but help his russian pals
If the election was hacked, the perpetrators likely used the ID info from the 22 million records stolen from the OMB on Obabble's watch. My money would be on the Chinese...

Just sayin':

The most significant intrusion during President Obama’s two terms was the 2015 penetration of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in which sensitive information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, health histories, fingerprints) on 22 million people – many with top security clearances – was stolen.

Liz Peek: Obama’s legacy will be that he allowed Russia to ‘sow discord’ in the US
how come they didn't steal trumps tax records ?? Or did they ? And Trumps legacy will be he did nothing but help his russian pals

Your legacy will be that you are a foaming at the mouth moonbat.

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