Were Most Of America's Founding Fathers - Christians

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The Declaration of Independence appeals to God as does every, single State Preamble:

From Truth Or Fiction:

The Fifty States Reference God in their Constitutions-Truth!

And here is the proof (I'm sure you'll find a way to call me a liar like Barton but facts is facts dude):

God in the State Constitutions - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

So what?

The Declaration of Independence is not a legal document. From the perspective of the British, it was a treasonous document.

Don't your gods have enough to do without you having to spackle them into every gap?

Push a button did I? :D

Hoping to falsely portray the DoI for something it is not are you?
So what?

The Declaration of Independence is not a legal document. From the perspective of the British, it was a treasonous document.

Don't your gods have enough to do without you having to spackle them into every gap?

Push a button did I? :D

Hoping to falsely portray the DoI for something it is not are you?

You're sounding frantic. Keep grabbing at those straws. Maybe one of them will save you from sinking in quicksand. :lol:
Push a button did I? :D

Hoping to falsely portray the DoI for something it is not are you?

You're sounding frantic. Keep grabbing at those straws. Maybe one of them will save you from sinking in quicksand. :lol:

Actually, it's you who is feverishly posting his gods in multiple threads.

Give your gods sound time to attend to their administrative duties.

Have you considered going door to door to press your gods? Offer a free refrigerator magnet for conversions.
Thank God in Heaven and His Christian servants for America's institutions of higher learning. Enlightenment is born from the freedom of Christianity.

John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

John 12:35, "Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth."

Amen to that.
I just ordered Barton's book through Amazon. It's still available:

The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson: David Barton, Glenn Beck: 9781595554598: Amazon.com: Books


Only $20.00 or so.
Oh my, the truth according to Glenn Beck.
Oh my, the truth according to Glenn Beck.

Nope ... according to David Barton. He's been studying the issue for more than 25 years and knows more about it than 99.9% of today's so-called "educated historians." They're so behind the times that they even think that Barton is wrong.
Barton collects early American documents, and his official biography describes him as "an expert in historical and constitutional issues".[6] Barton holds no formal credentials in history or law, and scholars dispute the accuracy and integrity of his assertions about history, accusing him of practicing misleading historical revisionism, "pseudoscholarship" and spreading "outright falsehoods".[7][8][9][10] According to the New York Times, "many professional historians dismiss Mr. Barton, whose academic degree is in Christian Education from Oral Roberts University, as a biased amateur who cherry-picks quotes from history and the Bible."[4] Barton's 2012 book The Jefferson Lies was voted "the least credible history book in print" by the users of the History News Network website.[11] The book's publisher, the Christian publishing house Thomas Nelson, disavowed the book and withdrew it from sale. A senior executive said that Thomas Nelson could not stand by the book because "basic truths just were not there."[12]

Oh my, the truth according to Glenn Beck.

Nope ... according to David Barton. He's been studying the issue for more than 25 years and knows more about it than 99.9% of today's so-called "educated historians." They're so behind the times that they even think that Barton is wrong.

You refuse to accept Barton as a fraud because his lies about history appeal to your extremist religious beliefs.

The Right's Favorite Historian Comes Apart at the Seams | Mother Jones

On Thursday, Barton's publisher announced that it was recalling Barton's newest book, The Jefferson Lies, from stores and suspending publication because it had "lost confidence" in the book's accuracy. That came one day after NPR published a scathing fact-check of Barton's work, specifically his claim that passages of the Constitution were lifted verbatim from the Bible. NPR's conclusion: "We looked up every citation Barton said was from the Bible, but not one of them checked out." Likewise, although Barton frequently regales audiences with a story about how Congress commissioned the printing of Bibles in order to promote Christian values among the populace, NPR found that "Congress never published or paid a dime for the 1782 Bible." Rather, "It was printed and paid for by Philadelphia printer Robert Aitken."
Oh my, the truth according to Glenn Beck.

Nope ... according to David Barton. He's been studying the issue for more than 25 years and knows more about it than 99.9% of today's so-called "educated historians." They're so behind the times that they even think that Barton is wrong.

Barton only needs to read The United States Constitution.
That document says it all.
God, Christianity, Jesus and The Supreme Being are no where to be found.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not of men and their various and changing like the wind religious beliefs.
You better kneel and thank God for that because religion FUCKS UP all government.
As the Founders well knew.
David Barton is the absolute worst source for facts.
Try the Constitution. An interesting document. You will learn a lot.
Even the Baptists cite Barton as having zero credibility.

How dare you suggest that Barton’s lies, fabrications and fraudulent re-writing of American history should in any way affect his credibility as a crank.
Even the Baptists cite Barton as having zero credibility.

There are reasons why I'm an ex-Baptist. But not all Baptists fall under your broad paint stroke. Barton still has a very significant following within the general, Christian community. I'm Christian and I support his efforts.
Even the Baptists cite Barton as having zero credibility.

There are reasons why I'm an ex-Baptist. But not all Baptists fall under your broad paint stroke. Barton still has a very significant following within the general, Christian community. I'm Christian and I support his efforts.

Taqiyya. "Lying for the sake of religion".

You may wish to convert to Shiism.

Baptist, "hard-core Baptist", ""really angry Baptist",... how many subdivisions of Baptism are there?
Founding Father - John Jay:

John Jay

John Jay was a member of the Continental Congress from 1774 through 1779, serving as its president in 1778-79. He drafted New York’s first
constitution in 1777, was the chief justice of the New York supreme court in 1777 and 1778. He became the United States minister to Spain in 1779, and signed the final peace treaty with England. He was the US secretary of foreign affairs 1784 to 1789. He was one of the Constitution’s most outspoken proponent, and in 1789, he became the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and finally, the governor of New York from 1795 until 1801.

Quotes: “The Gospel is yet to be preached to those western Regions, & we have the highest Reason to believe that the Almighty will not suffer Slavery & the Gospel to go Hand in Hand. It cannot, it will not be.”

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers. National prosperity can neither be obtained nor preserved without the favor of Providence.”

John Jay
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They must destroy in any way they can anything that refutes their ideology that is built upon lies, this thread and what it has turned into, a lynching of Barton, is just the quintessential example of what they do everywhere.

That's why they mock, scorn, insult, etc... to try to drag the conversation down to a level that they can understand and take the spotlight off of that which is revealing and destroying their lies. Just look at the different characters in these threads and the constant pattern of their posting, same thing over and over and over. They continue giving you something that you feel you have to defend, constantly attempting to put you on the defensive. It's sadly all they have.
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Most Americans were Christians when this country was founded.
No shit.
All of the Constitution forms a secular document. NO WHERE does it appeal to any religion be it God, Jesus, Christianity OR ANY SUPREME BEING.
Many on the religious right attempt to rewrite history with bogus claims the United States GOVERNMENT was derived from Christian foundations and that The Founders wanted a Christian nation.

Case closed.

All of our founders were male which proves our founders wanted a male nation

Case closed
Founding Father - John Adams:
John Adams was born in 1735 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was a Harvard-educated lawyer, and a delegate to both the First and Second
Continental Congresses. A leader in the independence movement, he served diplomatically in France and Holland during the Revolutionary War. He was instrumental in negotiating the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War.

Quotes: “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no king but Jesus!”

"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity"

John Adams
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They must destroy in any way they can anything that refutes their ideology that is built upon lies, this thread and what it has turned into, a lynching of Barton, it just the quintessential example of what they do everywhere.

That's why they mock, scorn, insult, etc... to try to drag the conversation down to a level that they can understand and take the spotlight off of that which is revealing and destroying their lies. Just look at the different characters in these threads and the constant pattern of their posting, same thing over and over and over. They continue giving you something that you feel you have to defend, constantly attempting putting you on the defensive. It's sadly all they have.

That's the perfect description of you angry, self-hating fundies.

Confession is good for the soul?
Founding Father - Alexander Hamilton:
Alexander Hamilton was secretary and aide-de-camp to George Washington from 1777 to 1781. He was a member of the Continental
Congress in 1782-83 and in 1787-88. In 1787, he was a representative to the Constitutional Convention. He was the first United States Secretary of the Treasury, and ran for the presidency against Aaron Burr in 1800 and then for Governor of New York in 1804.

Quotes: "I now offer you the outline of the plan they have suggested. Let an association be formed to be denominated 'The Christian Constitutional Society,' its object to be first: The support of the Christian religion. Second: The support of the United States.

I have a tender reliance on the mercy of the Almighty, through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. I look to Him for mercy; pray for me.

Alexander Hamilton
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Even the Baptists cite Barton as having zero credibility.

There are reasons why I'm an ex-Baptist. But not all Baptists fall under your broad paint stroke. Barton still has a very significant following within the general, Christian community. I'm Christian and I support his efforts.

Taqiyya. "Lying for the sake of religion".

You may wish to convert to Shiism.

Baptist, "hard-core Baptist", ""really angry Baptist",... how many subdivisions of Baptism are there?

Classic example.

First scorn you and call you a liar. Then sarcastically offer you advice on what you may want to do, you know, since they're the authority on everything, including your life, and then offer more insults in the hopes that you'll go on the defensive to try to justify your belief to them, so they can continue the same cycle.

They never ever stay on topic or debate anything with any kind of intelligent thought. It's really almost a crime to give them a forum and opportunity to continue their hate filled rampages.
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