Were Most Of America's Founding Fathers - Christians

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Bez is correct and you are wrong due to the simple truth and indisputable fact of reality is the United States of American was not established by them until the average age of the founders, during the framing, was around 35 years. .

????? The age of the founders has nothing to do with anything
Prior to the American revolution the 13 colonies were established and under the jurisdiction and legal authority of the Kings or Queens of England.
The king of england planned and built 13 colonies?

Bullshit, 13 colonies certainly disagreed with your idea.
Yes, our god believing founders, christians, built this country on the foundation, principles, rights, that ended slavery.
NFBW: Interesting boilerplate for white Christian nationalists. Did you find it in a book? What book?
The king of england planned and built 13 colonies?
NFBW: I didn’t say that? Here is what I wrote:

Prior to the American revolution the 13 colonies were established and under the jurisdiction and legal authority of the Kings or Queens of England.

NFBW: Do you dispute that the 13 colonies were established and under the jurisdiction and legal authority of the Kings or Queens of England That is until the The Declaration of Independence and the America
Revolution was lost.

????? The age of the founders has nothing to do with anything
It is a reference and record of a timeline. Plus it shows they were adults when they gave birth to a nation that treated black people and women as not equal and essentially as property of property owning men.

Early American voters were required to be property owners. Women and slaves could not own property,
NFBW: Of the first seven presidents who participated in our founding, Adams Jefferson and Madison spent an exorbitant amount of time thinking about matters of religion matters - much of they rational theist thoughts were focused on the depravity, torture, death and wars and threat to liberty that the Christian religion had left in its wake in Europe and other parts of the Christian World. What do you think was their religious affiliation? END2210041118
According to Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers, by John Eidsmoe, John Adams was what Eidsmoe called a "Puritan"- probably what we would recognize as a Presbyterian. Thomas Jefferson was a deist, inclined toward Christianity. He contributed financially to an Episcopal Church near his home in Monticello. During his presidency he attended an Episcopal Church near to the White House. James Madison was baptized as a member of the Church of England, which became the Episcopal Church after the American Revolution. He attended church regularly during his life.
NFBW: Do you dispute that the 13 colonies were established and under the jurisdiction and legal authority of the Kings or Queens of England That is until the The Declaration of Independence and the America
Revolution was lost.

I dont have to dispute who established the colonies. It is written very well in hiatory.

You could argue the king, on seeing 13 colonies attempted to rule over them, but that does not mean the king established aaid borders and the colonies within.
Trump Thomas Jefferson was a deist, inclined toward Christianity.
NFBW: What does the author mean by “inclined toward Christianity” ?

This is the definition of Christianity:

Definition of Christianity​

1: the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies​

Jefferson rejected the Bible as sacred scripture as professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic and Protestant (organized religion) Bodies.

From reading his lifelong writings there is no way that Jefferson was inclined toward or sympathetic to organized religion known as Christianity as describe by Billy Graham - the most famous televangelist of my lifetime

Now, first of all, what is a Christian? What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it a person who is born in a Christian home? No. I could be born in a garage, but that does not make me an automobile. You can be born in a Christian home and have fine Christian parents, but that does not make you a Christian. You cannot inherit Christianity.

You say, "Well, Billy, a person who lives by the Golden Rule--isn't that a Christian?" Not necessarily. A Christian is a person in whom Christ dwells. Now I know people in the Buddhist religion who live just as high an ethical life as the average Christian. In fact, Buddha had a very high system of ethics. A Christian is more than a person who is living up to a system of ethics. A Christian is a person more than living a good moral life. A Christian is a person in whom Christ dwells. A Christian is a person who has had an encounter with the living Christ.

Three things must have taken place for you to become a Christian. First, you have made a choice. You have chosen to give your life to Christ rather than to self. You are serving Christ rather than self. Self no longer controls your life, but Christ controls your life. That is a choice which you deliberately made. It was a volitional choice. You were convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin. You recognized that you were a sinner. You came to Christ and said, "I am going to trust the Christ who died on the cross for my sins. I am going to trust Him for my salvation." You made a deliberate choice. You chose Christ instead of the world. You chose light instead of darkness. You chose righteousness instead of sin. You chose Christ instead of self. And Christ, by the Holy Spirit, now lives in your life.

Now that was a choice you made. It might have been an unconscious choice, or it might have been a dramatic choice such as the apostle Paul made on the road to Damascus [see Acts 9:1-18]. Perhaps it was a moment when you woke up in a cold sweat, you recognized that you were a sinner, you got on your knees and called upon God in your room to have mercy upon you. It might have been at a meeting like this that you came to Christ. It might have been when you were reading a book sometime; and you stopped and said, "I need to give my life to Christ." Whenever and under whatever conditions it came, be sure that it has come, because to be a Christian means that you make a choice.

Secondly, a change must take place in the way you live. "Old things . . . [pass] away; behold, all things . . . become new" [2 Corinthians 5:17]. When you give your life to Christ, you change your way of living. You cannot live the same old life. You cannot go on being controlled by the lusts and desires of this life. You cannot go on living for the flesh. You cannot go on living for the world. You cannot go on letting materialism and secularism control your thinking and your way of living. You now live for Christ. You now live in the fellowship of the church.

Christ is uppermost in your thinking. You are spending time in prayer. You are reading your Bible faithfully. You are witnessing for Christ in every way you know. You are gracious and courteous and kind and, above all, you love your neighbor as yourself. That is the fulfillment of the whole law--to love God with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves. [See Matthew 22:36-40 and Romans 13:9,10.]

Thirdly, you have accepted Christ's challenge. Christ said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, . . . take up his cross, and follow me" [Matthew 16:24]. Christ said, "If you are going to follow me, you have to go back to your business, back to your office, back to the high school campus, back to your home, and take your stand with me no matter what it costs." They may laugh, they may sneer, they may not understand. You may stand out like a sore thumb. But you absolutely refuse to cheat, to lie, to be immoral, even if it costs you your life. END22101555
It is a reference and record of a timeline. Plus it shows they were adults when they gave birth to a nation that treated black people and women as not equal and essentially as property of property owning men.

Early American voters were required to be property owners. Women and slaves could not own property,
Women and slaves were treated equal, by our founders. If you like you could show us what the founders wrote that subjugated them.

It certainly was a different world back then. Women had their place, raising the kids at home, gardening, house chores, even making clothing.

It was not bad, it was nessesity.

For most of the USA's history, women did not need to work. Not until Jimmy Carter and his misery index forced household to have two working adults.

Blacks not owning property? Lots of people did not own property. Technically all the property was owned by the king. Yet we can look at little details.

Anthony Johnson comes to mind, you can google it.

Most people were also illiterate, is that because the bad white european cracker founders were mean? Racist? Bigots?

Our founders did better than everyone else in history.

I am still waiting for you to show us why black people or indians are not the first to free the slaves.
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