We're now going to hear a real First Lady speak

Ah...convincing Photoshop......the RW mainstay.
Truth in advertising....always upsets you scum!
But he really wears the most hideous dresses
Someone should etch this speech into stone
. All I keep hearing is everything is black and white, even though it's 2016. She refers to her daughter's as two black children or the little boy as a black boy ? Why ? Why does she do this ? Does she eat, sleep, and dream racism ?
Go to bed
Ah...convincing Photoshop......the RW mainstay.
Truth in advertising....always upsets you scum!
But he really wears the most hideous dresses
Someone should etch this speech into stone
. All I keep hearing is everything is black and white, even though it's 2016. She refers to her daughter's as two black children or the little boy as a black boy ? Why ? Why does she do this ? Does she eat, sleep, and dream racism ?
Go to bed
You need to ask Aaron, not me, Im straight!
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.
*delete rightwingnut's imbecilic meme*
Ah...convincing Photoshop......the RW mainstay.
Truth in advertising....always upsets you scum!
But he really wears the most hideous dresses

*delete imbecile's meme*
Someone should etch this speech into stone
. All I keep hearing is everything is black and white, even though it's 2016. She refers to her daughter's as two black children or the little boy as a black boy ? Why ? Why does she do this ? Does she eat, sleep, and dream racism ?
Go to bed

then he can start to sleep it off
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

oh i think dumb donald would have loved to have laura speak at his convention....but the bushes know dumb donald is toxic
Donald is still smarter than the lying hildabeast, and you.
Who brought up anything about bankruptcy laws?
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

oh i think dumb donald would have loved to have laura speak at his convention....but the bushes know dumb donald is toxic
Donald is still smarter than the lying hildabeast, and you.

really? i've never filed bankruptcy or stole money from people by scamming them and still make a good living even without having a hundred million of daddy's money.

dumb donald couldn't even run a convention. :rofl:

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