We're now going to hear a real First Lady speak

These characters on this Democrat stage are so transparent, and they think they have the simplistic answers to some of the very complicated things in which they actually had a hand in themselves. :dig:
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what we call Game, Set, Match CLOSE THE THREAD!!!
Michelle Obama gave a bases loaded grand-slam out of the park speech. I was very surprised how good it was.
These characters on this Democrat stage are so transparent, and they think they have the simplistic answers to some of the very complicated things in which they actually had a hand in themselves. :dig:
Oh, tell us the story about how the pukes in congress didn't accomplish anything the last 16 years?
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.
Elizabeth Warren thinks that if someone makes bad choices in life, then it's the rich man's fault. This is the dependency that the Democrats create, where as if someone makes a bad choice whether it be with drugs, sexuality, murdering children in the womb, bad business decisions or whatever, it's Donald Trump fault. Too funny.
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.
You must not be very good. Ive made a ton of money during that timeframe. Maybe you should just buy bonds.
Is it a Freudian slip after 7 1/2 years when bigoted democrats finally admit that Hussein's wife is a 'real" 1st lady? Did low information KKK democrats have any doubts?
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

Julian please stop.posting, you dont.know.shit or.what a RINO.is...
Donald Trump hasn't been in politics, where as the politicians are the ones who created all that Elizabeth Warren is talking about, but it's Donald Trump's fault ? LOL
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.

that's funny given that baby bush crashed the economy and this president has done pretty well with job creation even despite the rightwingnut obstructionists.

if you haven't done better, you should probably make certain we have a democratic House and Senate to do things that grow the economy and add even more obs.
Whaaatt? Does the OP mean that the lovely Laura Bush is speaking tonite?
No. Everyone knows that no one wants to hear from a Booooosh, especially their own party.

10-4 that! Especially since RINO cry-babies have marginalized themselves. The selfish F'in Bush family deserves to rot in hell, especially after all the old-guard Repubs supported them when they had their conventions. Unfortunately, Barbara Bush opened up her legs one more time to spawn a pussy son named Jeb.

you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.
You must not be very good. Ive made a ton of money during that timeframe. Maybe you should just buy bonds.

In your fantasies. Retired 8 years ago, live in a gated community, etc., etc., but if you need walking money, I need my RV in storage washed and waxed..........idjit.
Elizabeth Warren looks like a lady that would come out and rake a poor garbage worker over the coals if he accidentally run over her flower when taking the garbage to the truck. LOL.

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