We're now going to hear a real First Lady speak

Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.
Michelle was beautiful and well spoken.
Dayum, Sealybobo.

Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.

You mean it's all about "Me-chelle at the podium? The chick with a dick? Let the good times roll. (snicker)
At this point, thats more than your honey has access to. Were you in church yesterday in Texass?

So you acknowledge that Me-chelle is sporting a penis? BTW, I currently reside in Florida but will always consider Texas my real home. Now, have a heapin' helpin' of "go fuck yourself.". (snicker)
Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.

You mean it's all about "Me-chelle at the podium? The chick with a dick? Let the good times roll. (snicker)
At this point, thats more than your honey has access to. Were you in church yesterday in Texass?

So you acknowledge that Me-chelle is sporting a penis? BTW, I currently reside in Florida but will always consider Texas my real home. Now, have a heapin' helpin' of "go fuck yourself.". (snicker)
If that is a man, do you right wingers really believe he should have to use the men's room?
you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.

that's funny given that baby bush crashed the economy and this president has done pretty well with job creation even despite the rightwingnut obstructionists.

if you haven't done better, you should probably make certain we have a democratic House and Senate to do things that grow the economy and add even more obs.

'Bubba' Clinton helped crash it too, signing the repeal of Glass-Steagall........safe to say it was a bi-partisan effort, but hive drones like you can only blame 'Da Boosh'.........
you know the RINO's are the people who hijacked the party, right? by definition, the establishment IS the Republican party....

words have meaning.

The establishment is the far-left hijacked once sane Democrat Party that has been running the country into the ground for the last 71/2 years. You must've been in a long term coma.

that's funny given that baby bush crashed the economy and this president has done pretty well with job creation even despite the rightwingnut obstructionists.

if you haven't done better, you should probably make certain we have a democratic House and Senate to do things that grow the economy and add even more obs.

'Bubba' Clinton helped crash it too, signing the repeal of Glass-Steagall........safe to say it was a bi-partisan effort, but hive drones like you can only blame 'Da Boosh'.........

congress -- the GOP congress led by newtie had to pass that legislation to repeal it fist, dumbo.

and did glass steagel prohibit the shadow banks which were the real problem during the crash?

just wondering

Ask your messiah Obama, who hired Bushs' economic team right after he got elected. BTW, keep wondering, cause you haven't a clue, and at this rate, never will.

my messiah hasn't been born yet to my knowledge. and what on earth makes you think i agree with everything our president says and does? just because you say "how high" when your rightwingnut masters say jump doesn't mean others do the same.

again, respond to the question or bow out since you clearly are unable to respond.
Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.

You mean it's all about "Me-chelle at the podium? The chick with a dick? Let the good times roll. (snicker)
At this point, thats more than your honey has access to. Were you in church yesterday in Texass?

So you acknowledge that Me-chelle is sporting a penis? BTW, I currently reside in Florida but will always consider Texas my real home. Now, have a heapin' helpin' of "go fuck yourself.". (snicker)
If that is a man, do you right wingers really believe he should have to use the men's room?

Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.
Michelle was beautiful and well spoken.
Dayum, Sealybobo.

View attachment 82956
Did you see her do car karaoke with James corden? If she's not beautiful you're either a racist or Republican. Or both. Lol
See post #110. And I get tired of people screaming 'racist' every time someone mentions the Obamas but every liberal puke on this board can call Whitey every foul name in the book and that's AOK.
Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.

You mean it's all about "Me-chelle at the podium? The chick with a dick? Let the good times roll. (snicker)
At this point, thats more than your honey has access to. Were you in church yesterday in Texass?

So you acknowledge that Me-chelle is sporting a penis? BTW, I currently reside in Florida but will always consider Texas my real home. Now, have a heapin' helpin' of "go fuck yourself.". (snicker)
If that is a man, do you right wingers really believe he should have to use the men's room?

View attachment 82971
You insist on going extreme. I asked if a tranny looked like Michelle would you want him to have to use the men's room?

If you say yes your either lying or really just a homophobic asshole. IE Republican
I am not admirer of Michelle, in fact I have called her the Marie Antoinette of our time. Her speech tonight is just rubbish. She has to,speak,of children because there is nothing else in her husbands administration that can be touted as progress.

Obamacare further continues the decline of the middle class. Families can't take care of their children because of it.

College debt is more than credit card debt and what do our children have to,show for,it.

Our children can't find jobs

Black children are being mowed down and black schools are so under serving their communities that poverty is being assured.

Michelle said it straight out. We must maintain the power we have over our children( to warp their minds)

Poverty numbers have increased and all races out of wedlock births have increased further, hurting the children most.

Barack has saddled up with 10 trillion of debt in eight years which the children will have to pay.

The democrats have two serial liars as their standard bearers. I am sure these are the role models parents wants for their children.

Obama has showed the children how to make race relations worse during his tenure.

The list is as endless as her false rhetoric.

Basically Michelle fed us a line of bs, especially in light of her husbands record. No pundits dared challenge the First Lady so we did not have an objective assessment of her speech. This litany of falsehoods will be the theme of this convention.
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