We're now going to hear a real First Lady speak

Not that cobra-faced speech thief Moronia.
Strange thing about that title. It really is only slightly harder to get than a Nobel prize. Unlike the Nobel Prize, however; something actually has to occur before you get it.

I still think we all should thank Obama for taking one for the team.
You go low, we go high.

That's not what wikileaks says...you guys are disgusting
Wiki leaks exposes state secrets. You guys should focused on that instead of Benghazi or email server farces..
Hillary the hideous whore sells state secrets. One can only pray she gets the death penalty before she strokes out.
^Christer RWr.......(in case anyone didn't recognize the brand from the charming comments)

Try not to be sooo butthurt by the fact that Hitlery is a disgusting, lying sack of shit...things are what they are. (snicker)....
Someone should etch this speech into stone
. All I keep hearing is everything is black and white, even though it's 2016. She refers to her daughter's as two black children or the little boy as a black boy ? Why ? Why does she do this ? Does she eat, sleep, and dream racism ?
Because she is Black and proud of that fact. Why would she not tout her children and other children as Black?
Can I be proud of being completely white now?? I'm much whiter than either of the obamas are black. I'm also more American.I have a lot to be proud of!!
Here it is if you haven't seen it. It is the most inspiring speech's ever given any convention I have ever seen. I had no idea Michelle Obama could deliver a speech like this. She touches on the angry Sanders supporters--she hits Trump's tweety fingers, and she nails it for Hillary Clinton.

It's only 14 minutes, but it is the best 14 minute speech I have ever heard.

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

I wouldn't walk across the street to meet her...what makes you think I would waste 14 minutes of my life to listen to her spew leftard bullshit???

There are millions that did watch it, including millions of Republicans. You are going to have a very difficult time convincing them to stay with the Republican party after this convention.

And unlike the RNC convention--who lined their stage with 4 box opera stars, one washed up NFL quarterback, a Haines Underwear Model & this--there is no comparison. None whatsoever.

Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump On ‘The Late Show’ And It’s Comedy Gold

View attachment 82976
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too
I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
I wouldn't walk across the street to meet her...what makes you think I would waste 14 minutes of my life to listen to her spew leftard bullshit???

There are millions that did watch it, including millions of Republicans. You are going to have a very difficult time convincing them to stay with the Republican party after this convention.

And unlike the RNC convention--who lined their stage with 4 box opera stars, one washed up NFL quarterback, a Haines Underwear Model & this--there is no comparison. None whatsoever.

Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump On ‘The Late Show’ And It’s Comedy Gold

View attachment 82976
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too
All but a couple are bought. What's new?
I wouldn't walk across the street to meet her...what makes you think I would waste 14 minutes of my life to listen to her spew leftard bullshit???

There are millions that did watch it, including millions of Republicans. You are going to have a very difficult time convincing them to stay with the Republican party after this convention.

And unlike the RNC convention--who lined their stage with 4 box opera stars, one washed up NFL quarterback, a Haines Underwear Model & this--there is no comparison. None whatsoever.

Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump On ‘The Late Show’ And It’s Comedy Gold

View attachment 82976
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too

I do not participate in elections. I jumped through all the hoops and became a pre-14th amendment citizen and reclaimed my birthright thus I am an American and not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.......you see? I know more than you. It came with a cost...a big one.... but it was worth it. Any more questions, leftard???
Someone should etch this speech into stone
. All I keep hearing is everything is black and white, even though it's 2016. She refers to her daughter's as two black children or the little boy as a black boy ? Why ? Why does she do this ? Does she eat, sleep, and dream racism ?
Because she is Black and proud of that fact. Why would she not tout her children and other children as Black?
Can I be proud of being completely white now?? I'm much whiter than either of the obamas are black. I'm also more American.I have a lot to be proud of!!
Who told you that you couldnt be proud of being white? I dont mind any white person being proud of being white. Just dont pretend it has nothing to do with you being part of a race that only has its racist deeds to be proud of.
I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

There are millions that did watch it, including millions of Republicans. You are going to have a very difficult time convincing them to stay with the Republican party after this convention.

And unlike the RNC convention--who lined their stage with 4 box opera stars, one washed up NFL quarterback, a Haines Underwear Model & this--there is no comparison. None whatsoever.

Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump On ‘The Late Show’ And It’s Comedy Gold

View attachment 82976
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too

I do not participate in elections. I jumped through all the hoops and became a pre-14th amendment citizen and reclaimed my birthright thus I am an American and not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.......you see? I know more than you. It came with a cost...a big one.... but it was worth it. Any more questions, leftard???
Where here can I read your story. I'll search your profile. You sparked my interest
I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.
I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.

I know and Warren is a hottie........I mean if I had sex with her I'd feel like it was gay sex
There are millions that did watch it, including millions of Republicans. You are going to have a very difficult time convincing them to stay with the Republican party after this convention.

And unlike the RNC convention--who lined their stage with 4 box opera stars, one washed up NFL quarterback, a Haines Underwear Model & this--there is no comparison. None whatsoever.

Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump On ‘The Late Show’ And It’s Comedy Gold

View attachment 82976
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too

I do not participate in elections. I jumped through all the hoops and became a pre-14th amendment citizen and reclaimed my birthright thus I am an American and not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.......you see? I know more than you. It came with a cost...a big one.... but it was worth it. Any more questions, leftard???
I read your 2nd post. I 100% agree with you. Aaron Russo freedom to fascism!

I decided it's no fun having to try and explain all that to everyone and they just argue with you.

So knowing all that's true I vote for the party I think is better for me. Im middle class. Republicans really fuck the middle class. At least Democrats want fair wages for us slaves.

What do you suggest? You see what happens to Ron Paul and Rand Paul.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.

I know and Warren is a hottie........I mean if I had sex with her I'd feel like it was gay sex
I dont know what Warren looks like but I'm pretty sure she is not as pretty as your FLOTUS.
I bet it was tough for her to say let's elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. Can't believe she said that with as straight a face as she did.
Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

Well the other option is that clown Trump. When you weigh the two Hilary looks 100 times better than if the repubs had a legit candidate.

Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.

I know and Warren is a hottie........I mean if I had sex with her I'd feel like it was gay sex
Did you hear Michelle's speech tonight? It was great. I want to hear it again. Maybe if trump is a two term president Melania will give it in 2024 at the RNC convention
Hitlery wouldn't look good even up against Idi Amin.......that is just how repulsive she is....
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.

I know and Warren is a hottie........I mean if I had sex with her I'd feel like it was gay sex
I dont know what Warren looks like but I'm pretty sure she is not as pretty as your FLOTUS.
George Booooosh and SCOTUS along with JEB!, 2000.

What the fuck makes you think I am a fan of the neocon or a fan of the Bush crime family that is thicker than thieves with the Clinton crime family? I know more than you on how things actually are...I know infinitely more than you.
What about your Republican senator? He's bought and paid for too

I do not participate in elections. I jumped through all the hoops and became a pre-14th amendment citizen and reclaimed my birthright thus I am an American and not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.......you see? I know more than you. It came with a cost...a big one.... but it was worth it. Any more questions, leftard???
Where here can I read your story. I'll search your profile. You sparked my interest

I have posted my story here...not that there is much to tell. Four years ago I learned that what I believed to be our government was nothing but a foreign owned entity that took USA.INC into receivership as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services. What I also found out was that if you do not reclaim your corporate fiction that was created with your all caps name that you were actually an employee of this corporation and that when you signed up for social security, you turned over any claim to be a "man of the land" but instead a 14th amendment citizen bound by the Universal Commercial Code and you fall under admiralty law because commercial law is the law of the sea and not the law of the land which is why they do not pass laws but rather acts, statutes and codes. Admiralty law was brought on the land by a series of judicial rulings with the last ruling declaring that when you receive benefits or enter into contracts with "the king" you come under his law which is Admiralty law and with that came the loss of sovereignty i.e "man of the land" that is under common law. So I forfeited all my social security money that me and my employers had paid into on my behalf and I surrendered my Social Security card because it was their property not am I eligible for any "gubermint" benefits which is fine by me....I don't want shit from this foreign owned corporate entity that has stolen at least ten years worth of my labor. If people knew what I did? There would be a pitchforks and torches march on D.C that would leave some of the these thieves at the Federal Reserve swinging from lamp posts and that's really what they deserve. Got any questions? Let me know...I'm am not as versed as some but I know a great deal.
She is just as fugly as Moochelle. Compare:

And this is what turned poor Barry's hair gray.

She is so beautiful when she is being passionate.

I know and Warren is a hottie........I mean if I had sex with her I'd feel like it was gay sex
I dont know what Warren looks like but I'm pretty sure she is not as pretty as your FLOTUS.
Thats a beautiful woman. Thanks for posting pictures of her.

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