We're on the right track! MSNBC unhinged over Mike Johnson's speakership

Sit down, boy.
No Bingo. I'm trying to help you stand up. Too long has society called you and your ideas deplorable. BLM and SJWs get to be unapologetic about their beliefs. Why should you, of all the Americans, be made to modify your beliefs or temper your speech for the sentiments of others? You deserve to have a representative who will speak the truth. Even if it's uncomfortable. Maybe this guy will have the back bone to speak truth to power about gays, the deep state and the stolen election but I doubt it.
No Bingo. I'm trying to help you stand up. Too long has society called you and your ideas deplorable. BLM and SJWs get to be unapologetic about their beliefs. Why should you, of all the Americans, be made to modify your beliefs or temper your speech for the sentiments of others? You deserve to have a representative who will speak the truth. Even if it's uncomfortable. Maybe this guy will have the back bone to speak truth to power about gays, the deep state and the stolen election but I doubt it.

Society agrees with my ideas. It's only the Jew-hating, racist simps like you who don't.
Fuck Off MM.
I answer and you flip the words to meet your agenda.

#1. We agree, I don't care what words came out of bidens mouth or other talking heads, We agree that COVID vaccine does NOT make you immune.

#2. We agree, a man cannot get pregnant. Duh.

Even though we agree, you somehow spin it into a non-answer.

Now answer #3, The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation. True or False.

Yeah, if you consider $3,500 worth of ads in a nearly $2 billion election flooding social media. ROFLMFAO

Was that against the law?
I guess you don't mind Bonespurs screwing around on his wife then paying $130,000 to keep her quiet so you poor things wouldn't find out that Trump is an adulterous piece of white trash.
The more I learn about Johnson the more I am impressed.

Maybe he can rally the RINOs to stop being Democrat Light and the country can benefit.
You must have been really gobsmacked at Mikey's answers to Hannity's softball questions to the poor thing.

How many brownie points does Sean need to earn with Trump to be able to face plant onto Trump's ass again?
I guess you don't mind Bonespurs screwing around on his wife then paying $130,000 to keep her quiet so you poor things wouldn't find out that Trump is an adulterous piece of white trash.
Pretty much ancient history and Jesus told me to forgive people for past indiscretions like that. You can carry it around as a yoke around your neck if you want, I choose not to. Everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God and it can be forgiven.
. Who are you to judge?
It’s a blip. The Democrats are in charge now and historically the economy has done much better under them.
The economy was headed to a blowup under Dims. You have to be insane to believe $33 trillion of deficit spending wouldn't cause inflation. Do you believe the government can print all the money it wants without affecting the value of the dollar?

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