"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

In a scathing ruling late Saturday, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann — a Republican and Federalist Society member in central Pennsylvania — compared the campaign’s legal arguments to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” concluding that Trump’s team offered only “speculative accusations,” not proof of rampant corruption.

In none of your sources does it say the courts listened to evidence. Thanks for making my point.
Hello Giuliani made the arguments in court in PA, and they were rejected.
The courts listened to the evidence, and concluded that there is no merit to Trump's fake claims of voter fraud. This happened in like 50+ cases, all rejected.
At least lose with dignity.
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You claimed to have me on ignore about 20 posts ago.

Funny how mask wearing, social distancing, and not having superspreader events can be so fucking effective.

Who knew that would work! What a break through, wear a fucking mask!!!!
yet as soon as a pro mask president is in charge covid cases drop rapidly... funny how that works...
You're a moron who has NO concept of reality. Cancelled.
You mean the reality that covid is declining since Biden took over and instituted the high tech policy of mask wearing and social distancing...
Thank you Biden, you saved us all from Trump's failure. Just like Obama saved us from Bush.

How come all the bad presidents are republican??
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

the end of the post holiday surge has nothing to do with Biden or masks or anything else he's done because he hasn't actually done anything yet
Biden couldn't plan his own nap. That's why he's using the Trump Covid plan.
The Trump plan of lying, not wearing a msak, not social distancing which led to record covid cases ?!?!?!

The Biden plan is 100% different from the failed Trump plan and that is why the Biden plan is working.
You do know the difference between record Kung Flu cases(herd immunity) and Kung Flu deaths? Deaths are when you allow Blue State Governors to put Kung Flu infected people in with the elderly and watch those people die in the 10s of thousands, then blame the President for your actions, like a chicken shit prog always does.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Please explain to the readers what One Eye Willy did to create the great economy of the 90s.
You cant so you wont..
Welcome to the new Roaring 20s, another Bill Clinton Golden Age. Joe Biden's America. Biden to the rescue to save us from Trump's failure.

How come all the good presidents are democrats and all the failed presidents are republicans??

The answers to all your questions can be found at the bottom of a zoloft bottle.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Please explain to the readers what One Eye Willy did to create the great economy of the 90s.
You cant so you wont..
Welcome to the new Roaring 20s, another Bill Clinton Golden Age. Joe Biden's America. Biden to the rescue to save us from Trump's failure.

How come all the good presidents are democrats and all the failed presidents are republicans??

Hahahaha oh me achin ribs
Bush and Trump totals failures with failed results that left office in shame and disgrace and scandal with record low approval ratings...

enjoy the new Roaring 20s, I'm sure you hate that America is about to be great again...

Typical dem...wants to go back to racism. Back in chains just like Quid Pro Pedo Finger Rapist Dementia Riddled Joe.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

*looks at france*

I hate to break this to you bud but that's not how this works

Europe has proven that

Much more likely it's random chance you fucking retards.

"trust the science" says the guy who doesn't understand what correlation not causation is....

Florida has had no lock downs and filled with old people. They're fine
Hey coward. I notice you didn’t reply defending the American taliban guy. And most republicans on usmb said we should have put a bullet in his head. I didn’t see you disagreeing with them. That tells me you only care about that american boy in Yemen because it was Obama who killed him in an air strike on terrorists. Fucking hypocrite
dam bobo.... here take some....
you are to much of a pussy to talk like that...
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Bobo is easily top 10 most retarded regular poster on this site
Why cause I pointed out your fake outrage about Obama killing an american in Yemen talking anti American shit? You want to let that american come home with his 5 radicalized sons?

Obama killing a 16 year old America is OK with you...interesting

right? like he thinks it's normal for liberals to just pass that off


like saying we should hang the children of white supremacists. That is not how our legal system works the sins of eth father do not fall on the son

all so he can say Obama is morally above Trump. Which i don't think is true because of that incident. Trump never did anything like that.
Trump would have taken him out. Don’t kid yourself. Then youd be making a completely defending it and justifying and your spin would be much different. I’m on to you bullshiters
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.

These terrorists hate that America prospered under Clinton, and Bush fucked that all up with his failed wars and economic collapses. Trump was another Bush totally fucking up covid and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol.
These fuckin idiots try to act like that didn't happen...

How come all the good presidents are democrat and all the failed presidents are Republican?

Now we have Biden and the new roaring 20s.

If Trump were president right now covid cases would still be at all time highs, because Trump had no plan for covid and no plan for vaccine distribution.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Good news! I don't think we can attribute it to Biden, but I noticed a week ago that Covid cases were dropping in every state. Maybe the lull will give us a chance to get most people immunized and avoid another wave.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
even if a dipshit like you would have looked good if you were president in the 90's bobo.......
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

/——/ You’re a certified idiot.
Funny how effective mask wearing, social distancing, and not having super-spreader events, rallies, and holiday parties can be...
Biden is doing what Trump failed to do.
The new roaring 20s, the next 4 years are going to be another Bill Clinton Golden Age.
So when Biden took office people suddenly started mask wearing, social distancing, stopped having super-spreader events and parties all because of Biden?

More than likely one big reason cases are going down is because of the vaccine. Biden just happened to be sworn in as president a little over a month after the first wave of shots were administered. In other words, he has had nothing to do with the reduction of cases/deaths.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Is this April Fools in February? What an idiotic troll post. Ugh
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

/——/ You’re a certified idiot.
Funny how effective mask wearing, social distancing, and not having super-spreader events, rallies, and holiday parties can be...
Biden is doing what Trump failed to do.
The new roaring 20s, the next 4 years are going to be another Bill Clinton Golden Age.
So when Biden took office people suddenly started mask wearing, social distancing, stopped having super-spreader events and parties all because of Biden?

More than likely one big reason cases are going down is because of the vaccine. Biden just happened to be sworn in as president a little over a month after the first wave of shots were administered. In other words, he has had nothing to do with the reduction of cases/deaths.
Not even remotely true. Trump only administered 9 million shots, and it is a 2 shot vaccine.

In January Biden made the message clear, it is time to start wearing masks and social distancing. No more Trump super-spreader events, no more holiday parties, no more rallies. Time for America to have a real plan, a simple plan, and it is clearly working.

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