"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Is this April Fools in February? What an idiotic troll post. Ugh
The truth is very hard for a partisan sheep to accept.
Trump failed when he politicized mask wearing.
Trump's super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties led to other idiot republicans doing the same, which worsened the crisis.
The proof is in the data, cases kept climbing and climbing under Trump, now they are dropping fast under Biden.
America is about to recover from covid thanks to Biden and he will lead us to new levels of excellence.
It's the new roaring 20s with a soon to be booming economy
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

/——/ You’re a certified idiot.
Funny how effective mask wearing, social distancing, and not having super-spreader events, rallies, and holiday parties can be...
Biden is doing what Trump failed to do.
The new roaring 20s, the next 4 years are going to be another Bill Clinton Golden Age.
So when Biden took office people suddenly started mask wearing, social distancing, stopped having super-spreader events and parties all because of Biden?

More than likely one big reason cases are going down is because of the vaccine. Biden just happened to be sworn in as president a little over a month after the first wave of shots were administered. In other words, he has had nothing to do with the reduction of cases/deaths.
Not even remotely true. Trump only administered 9 million shots, and it is a 2 shot vaccine.

In January Biden made the message clear, it is time to start wearing masks and social distancing. No more Trump super-spreader events, no more holiday parties, no more rallies. Time for America to have a real plan, a simple plan, and it is clearly working.
/——-/ “Trump only administered 9 million shots, and it is a 2 shot vaccine.”
If Trump can administer a shot every minute, how long would it take him to administer 9 million shots— assuming he got 4 hours sleep a night?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Is this April Fools in February? What an idiotic troll post. Ugh
The truth is very hard for a partisan sheep to accept.
Trump failed when he politicized mask wearing.
Trump's super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties led to other idiot republicans doing the same, which worsened the crisis.
The proof is in the data, cases kept climbing and climbing under Trump, now they are dropping fast under Biden.
America is about to recover from covid thanks to Biden and he will lead us to new levels of excellence.
It's the new roaring 20s with a soon to be booming economy
What data? You are a partisan leftist hack. We are doing so well that my kids still cannot go to school because the teachers are cowards...like you.
The numbers are falling because millions have been infected. It's not due to anything the illegitimate fraud is doing.

The numbers are falling because Biden isn't holding superspreader events and politicizing mask wearing.

Funny how wearing a mask and social distancing can be so fucking effective !!!!
Funny how areas where mandatory mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns were the most strictly enforced now have some of the highest numbers of Covid cases!!!
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

/——/ You’re a certified idiot.
Funny how effective mask wearing, social distancing, and not having super-spreader events, rallies, and holiday parties can be...
Biden is doing what Trump failed to do.
The new roaring 20s, the next 4 years are going to be another Bill Clinton Golden Age.
So when Biden took office people suddenly started mask wearing, social distancing, stopped having super-spreader events and parties all because of Biden?

More than likely one big reason cases are going down is because of the vaccine. Biden just happened to be sworn in as president a little over a month after the first wave of shots were administered. In other words, he has had nothing to do with the reduction of cases/deaths.
Not even remotely true. Trump only administered 9 million shots, and it is a 2 shot vaccine.

In January Biden made the message clear, it is time to start wearing masks and social distancing. No more Trump super-spreader events, no more holiday parties, no more rallies. Time for America to have a real plan, a simple plan, and it is clearly working.

Are you under the impression that states are doing this?

Because no one is increasing lockdowns or mask mandates. Everyone is going in the opposite direction

Only thing that has changed is policy on federal land.
Are you under the impression that states are doing this?

Because no one is increasing lockdowns or mask mandates. Everyone is going in the opposite direction

Only thing that has changed is policy on federal land.
Thing about COVID is that any change in policy takes months to show in cases and hospitalizations.

The rapid decline in cases now is the result of tightening restrictions from November and December.

When Biden said that there’s nothing he can do to change the next few months is because of this delay.
Are you under the impression that states are doing this?

Because no one is increasing lockdowns or mask mandates. Everyone is going in the opposite direction

Only thing that has changed is policy on federal land.
Thing about COVID is that any change in policy takes months to show in cases and hospitalizations.

The rapid decline in cases now is the result of tightening restrictions from November and December.

When Biden said that there’s nothing he can do to change the next few months is because of this delay.

Well it's all correlation anyway

There is no way to control for anything. So we'll never know what owrked and what didn't. Clearly masks and soft quarantines don't work very well tho in this context. Might even do nothing.

The point is policy has not changed at the state and more local levels, where almost all relevant policy is made. Biden's talk has had no effect on anything.

i'm not parroting him that's just reality.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Is this April Fools in February? What an idiotic troll post. Ugh
The truth is very hard for a partisan sheep to accept.
Trump failed when he politicized mask wearing.
Trump's super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties led to other idiot republicans doing the same, which worsened the crisis.
The proof is in the data, cases kept climbing and climbing under Trump, now they are dropping fast under Biden.
America is about to recover from covid thanks to Biden and he will lead us to new levels of excellence.
It's the new roaring 20s with a soon to be booming economy
whats funny is you calling someone partisan......
Are you under the impression that states are doing this?

Because no one is increasing lockdowns or mask mandates. Everyone is going in the opposite direction

Only thing that has changed is policy on federal land.
Thing about COVID is that any change in policy takes months to show in cases and hospitalizations.

The rapid decline in cases now is the result of tightening restrictions from November and December.

When Biden said that there’s nothing he can do to change the next few months is because of this delay.

Well it's all correlation anyway

There is no way to control for anything. So we'll never know what owrked and what didn't. Clearly masks and soft quarantines don't work very well tho in this context. Might even do nothing.

The point is policy has not changed at the state and more local levels, where almost all relevant policy is made. Biden's talk has had no effect on anything.

i'm not parroting him that's just reality.
It’s better data than anything for the miracle cure hydroxychloroquine. If you think that this clearly doesn’t work, you’re not very familiar with the data.

Policy is constantly changing at state levels. My state closed down pretty tightly and our case load started falling really rapidly a month later.
Are you under the impression that states are doing this?

Because no one is increasing lockdowns or mask mandates. Everyone is going in the opposite direction

Only thing that has changed is policy on federal land.
Thing about COVID is that any change in policy takes months to show in cases and hospitalizations.

The rapid decline in cases now is the result of tightening restrictions from November and December.

When Biden said that there’s nothing he can do to change the next few months is because of this delay.

Well it's all correlation anyway

There is no way to control for anything. So we'll never know what owrked and what didn't. Clearly masks and soft quarantines don't work very well tho in this context. Might even do nothing.

The point is policy has not changed at the state and more local levels, where almost all relevant policy is made. Biden's talk has had no effect on anything.

i'm not parroting him that's just reality.
It’s better data than anything for the miracle cure hydroxychloroquine. If you think that this clearly doesn’t work, you’re not very familiar with the data.

Policy is constantly changing at state levels. My state closed down pretty tightly and our case load started falling really rapidly a month later.

Ok? What does hydroxychloroquine matter? Was totally irrelevant always just orange man bad bullshit. He said it so you and i must enter this irrelevant non sequitur? Why are you bringing that up? You know that is totally irrelevant to what we're discussing.

Plenty of states that have had opposite effects after locking down. Plenty of examples where places that never had any lock downs or mask mandates doing better than those that did.

It's bad policy that we have no reason to think works. And even if it did the effect is so small you're never going to be able to prove it did.

Not even sustainable. Takes into account nothing but death rate among the sickly and weak and the rest of us lose quality of life and years to live. All around absurd.

Much more likely labs changed their testing standards for what a positive is. The easiest variable to change in the whole system to "show" results. There is no reasons to think masks or lockdowns changed the numbers at all.

You know what useless hydroxychloroquine prescription didn't do? Tank the economy and lower standard of living/happiness.
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Biden couldn't plan his own nap. That's why he's using the Trump Covid plan.
The Trump plan of lying, not wearing a msak, not social distancing which led to record covid cases ?!?!?!

The Biden plan is 100% different from the failed Trump plan and that is why the Biden plan is working.

You are ignorant to how Clovis spreads or the incubation period, go spread your lies somewhere else, I am sick of the disinformation from both sides.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
even if a dipshit like you would have looked good if you were president in the 90's bobo.......
Bush fucked up the 2000s. It wouldn’t have been a bad decade if gore was president.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Bad news champ, time for excuses and crying from liberal loons.

Virus Variant First Found in Britain Now Spreading Rapidly in U.S.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

This thread is comedy gold.

You are one gullible fuck, OP.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

This thread is comedy gold.

You are one gullible fuck, OP.

Nah, it's just one of those filthy fucking animals that lies incessantly.

Their stuttering fuck has murdered 80,000 Americans on his watch with his Kung Flu. But that's an A+?

Yeah, no. We've become the laughingstock of the planet. Third worlders are still trying to figure out why an election was stolen for this crayon-eating fucktard:

US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
even if a dipshit like you would have looked good if you were president in the 90's bobo.......
Bush fucked up the 2000s. It wouldn’t have been a bad decade if gore was president.
ok what does that have to do with the 90's?....
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Why would anyone think someone who has done nothing for 50 years but profit himself through corruption and first week in office killed tens of thousand of jobs, put boots on the ground in Syria and sent gas prices through the roof think he would do anything but for himself? Oh that's a democrat that don't think at all and when they do it just fucks everything up. At least you idiots will be suffering along with the rest of us. Prosperity under President Pervert . You useless democrats crack my ass up. Always vote for the biggest among an assortment of total losers and you can always know they will do it again. Mater of fact why don't you make me a list of all democrats have done for anybody since Kennedy. I would start it for you but I can't think of anything unless you are a government dependent that expect everything given to you with nothing in return. I won't hold my breath waiting for the list.
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Why would anyone think someone who has done nothing for 50 years but profit himself through corruption and first week in office killed tens of thousand of jobs, put boots on the ground in Syria and sent gas prices through the roof think he would do anything but for himself? Oh that's a democrat that don't think at all and when they do it just fucks everything up. At least you idiots will be suffering along with the rest of us. Prosperity under President Pervert . You useless democrats crack my ass up. Always vote for the biggest among an assortment of total losers and you can always know they will do it again. Mater of fact why don't you make me a list of all democrats have done for anybody since Kennedy. I would start it for you but I can't think of anything unless you are a government dependent that expect everything given to you with nothing in return. I won't hold my breath waiting for the list.
The truth can be a tough pill to swallow for ya huh.

There is absolutely nothing you can say to criticize democrats in anyway unless Biden:

1. Starts 2 big wars that he can't win resulting in Trillions of dollars of wasted and lost tax payer money and complete Mid East turmoil.
2. Fails to properly respond to a massive disaster from an extremely large hurricane.
3. Turns a projected budget surplus into a huge budget deficit and presides over the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression
4. Refers to White Supremacists as "Good People"
5. Uses government sanctioned defense aid as leverage to try and smear political opponents
6. Jill Biden says "fuck Christmas" on tape
7. Admits to Bob Woodward on tape, that he knows the impending major health crisis is extremely deadly and very contagious, THEN lies to the American people telling them "This is nothing" "It will all go away" "It's the flu"
8. Completely mismanages the biggest health crisis in US history
9. Completely mismanages the distribution of the vaccine to this crisis
10. Looses re-election and lies about voter fraud that did not happen, with all the courts in America ruling there was no evidence of fraud
11. Incites a riot at the nations Capitol building because of the fabricated lies about election fraud
12. Loses 3 million jobs

Bush and Trump 2 failed GOP presidents with failed results that left office in total shame and disgrace. How come all the bad presidents are republican?
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LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
Biden did the complete opposite of Trump.

Biden promoted and mandated mask wearing, Trump politicized mask wearing, and criticized people for wearing masks.
Biden promoted social distancing, Trump held repeated super-spreader events, rallies, white house parties etc
Trump had absolutely no plan to distribute the vaccine Biden has a thorough and comprehesove plan to use all resources available to distribute the vaccine ASAP.

Clearly you are living under a rock, more likely listening to fake fox news and alex Jones, and all the other GOP fake news media
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