Were the assassinations of R.F.K, and J.F.K ultimately good things?

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin were elected too, and are four of the most divisive and ideologically anti American pols of our time.

Obama owns top spot there.

I always get lectured whenever I suggest that libs go duck hunting with Dick Cheney.

Save your breath (and here is my answer in advance). :fu:

You're an idiot and that's a fact, not an ad hominem, 'cause you're incapable of posting an intelligent argument.

How funny that you could state that something is a fact that you have no way of proving....and then you demonstrate the very thing you are whining about.

You've never won any praise for your "intelligent arguments" of which I am aware.
Obama owns top spot there.

I always get lectured whenever I suggest that libs go duck hunting with Dick Cheney.

Save your breath (and here is my answer in advance). :fu:

You're an idiot and that's a fact, not an ad hominem, 'cause you're incapable of posting an intelligent argument.

How funny that you could state that something is a fact that you have no way of proving....and then you demonstrate the very thing you are whining about.

You've never won any praise for your "intelligent arguments" of which I am aware.

The proof is in your posts. I doubt you could identify an intelligent argument, or even an argument (and I don't mean a fight) since you post nothing but opinions, which in fact are simply parrots of right wing propaganda.
Both were in the pockets of the labor unions, and both had increasingly socialist tendencies. One such example would be R.F.K throwing his support to radical Cesar Chavez in his immoral fight against the free market.

Did their assassinations stop catastrophic presidencies?

So, assassinating people you don't agree with, that's "good" in your mind?

Stop with your straw man, "immoral fight against the free market" it only makes you look less intelligent. The only thing "free" about that market was the labor.
You're an idiot and that's a fact, not an ad hominem, 'cause you're incapable of posting an intelligent argument.

How funny that you could state that something is a fact that you have no way of proving....and then you demonstrate the very thing you are whining about.

You've never won any praise for your "intelligent arguments" of which I am aware.

The proof is in your posts. I doubt you could identify an intelligent argument, or even an argument (and I don't mean a fight) since you post nothing but opinions, which in fact are simply parrots of right wing propaganda.

A claim you can't substantiate....hence it is nothing but an opinion. How funny. You can't even see how you are guilty of the very thing you whine about and are, in appearance, projecting.

You appear to claim to know what an argument is. Why don't you link us to something you've posted that represents a well reasoned argument. We'll go from there.

Otherwise, STFU.

(and who cares what you doubt ?). I mean...seriously. Who thinks you are worth listening to ?
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How funny that you could state that something is a fact that you have no way of proving....and then you demonstrate the very thing you are whining about.

You've never won any praise for your "intelligent arguments" of which I am aware.

The proof is in your posts. I doubt you could identify an intelligent argument, or even an argument (and I don't mean a fight) since you post nothing but opinions, which in fact are simply parrots of right wing propaganda.

A claim you can't substantiate....hence it is nothing but an opinion. How funny. You can't even see how you are guilty of the very thing you whine about and are, in appearance, projecting.

You appear to claim to know what an argument is. Why don't you link us to something you've posted that represents a well reasoned argument. We'll go from there.

Otherwise, STFU.

(and who cares what you doubt ?). I mean...seriously. Who thinks you are worth listening to ?

On Benghazi: "The fact that our affirmative action failure for a president rolled out big lies after it happened and stonewalled getting the truth out is only contributing to the fact that most of America now sees him as untrustworthy."

Parroting right wing propaganda

"Regardless of the cause, the administration did not send help. And they won't own up to the fact that they got four people killed."

Parrot of half-truth and a lie by omission of factual evidence provided by DOD

"She helped get four people killed."

"That should count for something".

"Then she helped stonewall efforts to get to the truth."

Parroting the right wing propaganda sans any evidence

In re President Obama:

"Didn't we know what a power happy, arrogant affirmative action failure this guy is....already ?"

All opinion, no facts to support this post.

Shall I go on?
Were the assassinations of R.F.K, and J.F.K ultimately good things?
Not surprising that cons would advocate assassinations as a good thing. I always believed the cons did it.
The proof is in your posts. I doubt you could identify an intelligent argument, or even an argument (and I don't mean a fight) since you post nothing but opinions, which in fact are simply parrots of right wing propaganda.

The proof is in your posts.

Well, with 11,000 of them it would be good to have some standard or metric. Have you provided one or held yourself to one ? Answer: No. Fail

I doubt you could identify an intelligent argument.....

You doubt ? Let's see...this is a conclusion based on ???? We'll never know because you provide nothing in the way of solid support. But you DOUBT something. I'd say this was a pretty sloppy statement......in and of itself.

or even an argument (and I don't mean a fight) since you post nothing but opinions

Is this an absolute claim ? Or a conditional claim ? Please tell us. I can produce posts where I have posted things that are not opinions and participate in the CDZ....I don't see you there. So, one fact and you retract the claim or we call you a liar.

which in fact are simply parrots of right wing propaganda.

Again, nothing with metrics. Just what YOU (the board blowhard) thinks qualifies. Otherwise provide your metrics so we can hold up the left wing bull crap.

No examples....
No metrics.....
No argument....

That would be you.

You started this and you lost. Have a good day.
Seeing what an asshole Ted Kennedy was and what assholes all living Kennedy's are, YEAH, it was a good thing.

Thinking the assassination of a sitting US President and his brother were a good thing. Amazing.
Most people, even they may if they thought it was a good thing aren't stupid enough to admit it.

With all due respect (and I'm not referring to JFK or RFK on this), but if a man is about to cause great harm to society and the world - perhaps begin or perpetuate a war that would kill tens of thousands - you still would hold that opinion?

Hitler was elected democratically and everyone loved him at first, remember that.

Tell you what, when a U.S. president starts ordering men, women and children to dig trenches, and then stand in front of the trenches so they can be machine-gunned, we can discuss it.

Until then - you're just talking about reversing the decision of the election by murder, because you disagree with it.
Both were in the pockets of the labor unions, and both had increasingly socialist tendencies. One such example would be R.F.K throwing his support to radical Cesar Chavez in his immoral fight against the free market.

Did their assassinations stop catastrophic presidencies?

Good for who? Certainly not their families and loved ones.
JFK was not assured re-election, his death lead to his near deification, the election of LBJ and the Vietnam war. All negatives. Additionally the death of JFK transferred much good will to Bobby and assured him a public voice that he likely would have been denied if John had not been re-elected or had a weak second term. Unlikely that Bobby would have been a candidate in 1968.

Politically, morally, and ethically, the death of John was not a positive.

JFK would have had no problem beating Goldwater. He was the complete opposite of JFK....old and conservative

Nobody knows what JFK would have done in VietNam. With Cold War hysteria it would have been hard to stay out. It is hard to say if JFK would have the balls not to escalate the war

I saw a good documentary about this. Historians argued that Kennedy was not as enamored with the Joint Chiefs opinions as Johnson later was.

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