Were the Clintons involved in Jamal Khashoggi's torture?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:

In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:


and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey

could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner
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Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner
"Cui bono?

Those who had the most to gain from Khashoggi’s death include the following parties:

Khashoggi was a self-avowed champion of the Palestinian cause. He strongly reiterated his deep commitment recently; hence, he would be considered an arch-enemy of Israel.

Khashoggi was writing exposés on KSA and especially about the naked tyranny of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS); hence, he became a feared opponent of the regime in Riyadh.

Khashoggi was a deep intel insider with direct ties to the CIA (a known contractor), the MOSSAD, MI6 and the Saudi GID (General Intelligence Directorate). As such, he was privy to all the state secrets and was increasingly perceived as a loose cannon by the International Intelligence Community. His articles published in the WashPo were becoming more revealing by the month.

Khashoggi was closely associated with “Prince Turki who was the director of the Mukhabarat, the Saudi state intelligence apparatus”. It’s quite likely that whatever Prince Turki knew about the false flag terrorist attacks of 9/11 where it concerned the direct involvement of Saudi Arabia, so did Khashoggi. TPTB could simply no longer trust him with that highly radioactive 9/11 information.

Ten days before the 9/11 terror attacks on New York City, in which some 3,000 Americans died, Prince Turki retired from his post as head of Saudi intelligence. It was an abrupt departure, well before his tenure was due to expire.
(Source: Did Saudis, CIA Fear Khashoggi 9/11 Bombshell?)

Khashoggi was becoming more and more unpredictable after the summary arrest and lengthy detentions of so many Saudi Arabian princes, generals and other VIPs by the Crown Prince. He was known as the one progressive journalist and covert intelligence operative who could be counted on to plead their case in the court of public opinion, which he did with great stealth and strategy.

Khashoggi experienced the extreme rightward shift into Wahhabism that was being advocated by MBS under the propaganda cloak of liberalizing Saudi Arabia’s barbaric image. He knew well that MBS said one thing, but then acted in the opposite manner. The savage war on Yemen, the oppressive siege of Qatar, the unparalleled arrest of the Saudi heavyweights, the uptick in beheadings and the crackdown on all protest movements, especially female protesters, moved Khashoggi to criticize the Crown Prince from a very high MSM platform that has never been done before by a longtime KSA insider.

Khashoggi was no friend of Israel and saw that the MBS slyly maneuvered the KSA into an intimately close partnership with the apartheid state of Israel (and against the Palestinians). He was all too aware that deals had been made at the highest levels in Riyadh and Tel Aviv to permit the advancement of the Great Israel project to the great disadvantage of Muslims throughout the Levant and beyond. This profound betrayal alone by MBS pushed Khashoggi over the edge and caused him to cross fault lines never crossed before by a high-ranking Saudi whistleblower."
Khashoggi Assassination Plot Solved
Disagree with the Israeli part since it's not in the nature of the country nor style. It is however in the style of someone sending a message.

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Your reply becomes problematic for the Liberal media, because my post has multi layers of purpose, one was the LEGITIMATE QUESTION the other was in traping people by using the Liberal medias own technique of reporting which in turn you'd be admitting is (whatever you meant by that emoji). :)
Disagree with the Israeli part since it's not in the nature of the country nor style. It is however in the style of someone sending a message.
Yeah, of course not.


And Americans and their government could never do anything bad either, it is not their style either.

I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner
ridiculous, the WAPO would never buck the clinton machine...if the clintons are going to be guilty of anything it will be a retaliatory hit for taking out one of their own...:safetocomeoutff:
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
Hillary's symbol on her Cloud Server

I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.


More likely a space alien.

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

"I'm happy to announce that I'm only half reptile," she said on an interview Sunday evening. "I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much."

But she was quick to point out that whether or not she's an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
Hillary's symbol on her Cloud Server
View attachment 223277
View attachment 223278
View attachment 223279

Yeah, yeah I've seen all that before but the DNA test conclusively demonstrates that Hillary is only 1/64th Satan, so I stand by my original assertion regarding her heritage.
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.


More likely a space alien.

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

"I'm happy to announce that I'm only half reptile," she said on an interview Sunday evening. "I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much."

But she was quick to point out that whether or not she's an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
NO the tests came back she's only 1/1000 a reptile which is why the Reptile nation called her out as "not of our ancestry/Tribe".
GORE nodded and caught a fly with his tongue.
And to think the OP is the same person who called herself “very educated” last week
Do the folks that post in this forum really believe these conspiracy theories or are they trying to be funny and/or mock those that do?
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.
So you admit then that the main stream liberal media who's techniques I used to prove a point
" drags people through the mud, and can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous."

COULD Erdogan have been involved?
TO find out, try to research and link this journalist with the accused financer of the Turkish coup, that would be something they'd send a message about. The idea of discussion to to open exploration not play deaf dumb and blind through ad hominem replies and also not to silence discussion like censorship wishes to do or in this case trolling/flaming is used as a form of censorship.
And to think the OP is the same person who called herself “very educated” last week
Do the folks that post in this forum really believe these conspiracy theories or are they trying to be funny and/or mock those that do?
So you admit mainstream media methods which was used here is "conspiracy theories or are they trying to be funny and/or mock those that do?"

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