Zone1 Were the Kennedys really Catholic?

Were the Kennedys really Catholic?

Technically: YES. A baptised Catholic is Catholic for all eternity.

Were they good Catholics? JFK screwed movie stars behind his wife's back, so NO, he was not.

Compared to Biden though, JFK was an angel and a saint. Biden is hell-bound unless he repents of his crimes against humanity
RCC = Roman Catholic Church

i thought this was well known …..

He tries to speak about the meaning of the word "catholic" (=all-embracing). I often say with a twinkle in my eyes: "God is a Catholic" (= God is universal). While the view of a scientist to the world is analytic a Catholic should try to think universal. This not excludes each other. Everything is what it is and is always important in the context. Nothing exists without other things. And never forget: The universe expands from all points into all directions so everything is always in the middle of the universe.
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... nothing says Catholic like having a big family ...

I say so. To be a Catholic is like having a big family. A damn big family. When we all jump the same time to the floor then you will fly to the moon. That's why we never jump the same time to the floor - hopefully. Write a card when you are there - but I fear we still do not have any idea how to bring you back.
When JFK gave his inaugural address to the nation, I still remember that part of his address where he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Democrats today: Hey government, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie.
JFK wouldn't even qualify for being a Democrat today, but instead, a radical right-wing politician.
It just goes to show how far left the Democrat party has gone to the dark side.
Technically: YES. A baptised Catholic is Catholic for all eternity.

Were they good Catholics? JFK screwed movie stars behind his wife's back, so NO, he was not.

Compared to Biden though, JFK was an angel and a saint. Biden is hell-bound unless he repents of his crimes against humanity

Well, compared to some folks in national gummit these days, they were down right SAINTS

Anyhow, I read this book about the Kennedys written by one of Rose and Joseph P's children. They were very good parents. They taught their children very important things for doing well in the world. My parents.. um... whatever..

I found out that Bobby in particular was a pretty devout Catholic, at least when he was younger. I don't know about when he was older. I'll have to read more.

We haven't heard anything about Robert Jr's religion.

Which tells us all we need to know?
No national Democrat who claims to be Catholic will ever put that ahead of the Marxist agenda. None of the Kennedys that I know of are pro-life.
No national Democrat who claims to be Catholic will ever put that ahead of the Marxist agenda. None of the Kennedys that I know of are pro-life.

You know not any of the Kennedys, isn't it?

One of the best songs of the world:

The story behind this song:

One of the worst songs of the world:

For relaxation:

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Yes, Mr. president Joe Biden is a Catholic. Our prayers are with him.

Biden is a baby-killer, sodomy-promoter, and a promoter of mutilating children's genitals in the name of transgenderism.

Hitler was a baptised Catholic too. Biden is no better than Adolf.
Biden is a baby-killer, sodomy-promoter, and a promoter of mutilating children's genitals in the name of transgenderism.

Hitler was a baptised Catholic too. Biden is no better than Adolf.

Your problem is "only" that you use here a typical form of racist Nazi-propaganda. Remembers me in the consequences to a song of the Nazis which the SA sang in the streets. One sentence had been something like: "Haut das schwarze Pack zu Brei" = "Beat the black pack to a pulp". With "blacks" the Nazis did not call negroes - with "blacks" the Nazis called clerics and conservative Christians.
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No national Democrat who claims to be Catholic will ever put that ahead of the Marxist agenda. None of the Kennedys that I know of are pro-life.

I just found out that RFJ jr was somewhat leaning pro life until he got leaned on by leftists in DC, not sure whom. Figures, doesn't it?

The irony is that the nation never (generally) wanted a Catholic president bc they thought he would put the teachings of the CC over the national interests (or what have u) and now... Look at us... We have this alleged "catholic" in the WH who is the least Christian of anyone you could think of, much less is he truly Catholic. Hey, America, maybe we should have a truly Catholic president, not some *&^%$ who has given the finger to the C Church and all it stands for? Technically, we have never had a devout Catholic for a president. And interestingly, the NON-Catholic Trump is likely the one who comes the closest.
Biden is a baby-killer, sodomy-promoter, and a promoter of mutilating children's genitals in the name of transgenderism.

Hitler was a baptised Catholic too. Biden is no better than Adolf.
I think that was the only time Hitler was inside a Catholic Church. His family was not devout and he.. well, you know.. I tend to think it is better not to baptize a child at all unless you are, as the Church requires, planning to raise him by the tenets of the Church..
I say so. To be a Catholic is like having a big family. A damn big family. When we all jump the same time to the floor then you will fly to the moon. That's why we never jump the same time to the floor - hopefully. Write a card when you are there - but I fear we still do not have any idea how to bring you back.

ummm... what??

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