Were waiting, Jeff....

to hear Trump tell it he had cases waiting in the aisle, ready for trial, just ready to slam a gavel and yell GUILTY

guess its like everything else he tells everyone ... HORSESHIT.
Madoff was arrested on Dec. 11 2008, by the Bush DOJ,

The SEC wanted Madoff in prison when Bill Clinton was still in office. Get real. Madoff was above the law during both W and Clinton because he was............ yeah, that.

Claiming the W Administration ran an honest DOJ is absolutely laughable. 911 happened on US soil. The DOJ never even held a grand jury to indict him aka Ossman...

Madoff was indicted BY THE O TRANSITION DOJ, not W's.... more than a month after the election.

Sessions has NOT been in his position for 5 weeks

The transition starts immediately after the election is certified, which was late November. Sorry if your sub human rear never heard that from your JDAAC preacher.

As for Sessions being a "conservative," that's just laughable. The Senator was for every big government program when W was outspending LBJ. The socialization of senior drugs by W and Sessions is absolutely the signature event of the fraud of both being anything but big big spending big government kleptocrats.
the Bush administration A.G. put an end to the Enron criminal network.

No, moron. Enron RAN OUT OF CASH, and then FILED. The W Administration was still licking Ken Lay's ass at the steps of the bankruptcy court.
Start with Eric Holder

If being a bigot, a kleptocrat, a liar, a coward, and exhibit A of everything wrong with so called Affirmative Action was a crime, Eric Holder would get the chair.

Treason is one charge that might stick, but that requires Jeff Sessions to re open 911, and he won't.... he got way way too much cash from the AIPAC during his stay as a "conservative" in the Senate.
We were told this Administration would "drain the swamp."

To me, that meant prosecuting some of the serial crooks in high places in DC.

So far, to date, nuttin....

Same as Jeff Sessions' excuses for voting to socialize senior drugs as a "conservative," flooding our high schools with addictive and dangerous pills in the process. We got nuttin. Jeff Sessions got big checks from AARP, pharma, and hospitals.

Jeff Sessions is a "member of the club." He ain't "draining" anything, since he is part of the swamp himself. Indeed, the fortunes of the United States from the time Jeff took his seat in the Senate 'til the time he left saw the US debt quadruple... and once again, we got nuttin....

The swamp is far too big to drain in just less than two months, moron.

Many of the crooks in high places in DC might very well be Democrats. I bet you would be crying a different tune if those were drained out of the swamp.

Rest assured the swamp will be dry by the end of President Trump's first term.
Madoff was arrested on Dec. 11 2008, by the Bush DOJ,

The SEC wanted Madoff in prison when Bill Clinton was still in office. Get real. Madoff was above the law during both W and Clinton because he was............ yeah, that.

Claiming the W Administration ran an honest DOJ is absolutely laughable. 911 happened on US soil. The DOJ never even held a grand jury to indict him aka Ossman...

Madoff was indicted BY THE O TRANSITION DOJ, not W's.... more than a month after the election.

You are flat out lying.

{On December 10, 2008, Madoff's sons told authorities that their father had confessed to them that the asset management unit of his firm was a massive Ponzi scheme, and quoted him as describing it as "one big lie".[13][14][15] The following day, FBI agents arrested Madoff and charged him with one count of securities fraud. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had previously conducted multiple investigations into Madoff's business practices, but had not uncovered the massive fraud.[6]}


The transition starts immediately after the election is certified, which was late November. Sorry if your sub human rear never heard that from your JDAAC preacher.

Uh no, you fucking retard.

The Bush administration was in charge until January 20, 2009.

You attempted to rewrite history to be more positive to your Messiah, but you got caught in a really stupid lie.

Hey, you're a leftist; you lie and you're stupid. This is bound to happen.
Start with Eric Holder

If being a bigot, a kleptocrat, a liar, a coward, and exhibit A of everything wrong with so called Affirmative Action was a crime, Eric Holder would get the chair.

Treason is one charge that might stick, but that requires Jeff Sessions to re open 911, and he won't.... he got way way too much cash from the AIPAC during his stay as a "conservative" in the Senate.

You're not mentally stable, are you?
The swamp is far too big to drain in just less than two months,

3 months.... 6 months.... 4 years..... maybe we'll see an indictment of a politically connected criminal before Trump is up for re-election....
(SEC) had previously conducted multiple investigations into Madoff's business practices, but had not uncovered the massive fraud

change "had not uncovered" to "didn't want to uncover because of $$$$$$$$$$$ and favorable media coverage..."

The SEC knew Madoff was a fraud during Bill Clinton's Presidency.

Nowhere even in your parroted piece there is there ANY EVIDENCE of a W DOJ involvement in anything except CHOOSING Madoff to be ABOVE THE LAW.
you're a leftist

That's even more hilarious given YOUR SUPPORT for BIG GOVERNMENT by W and Sessions.

I was a Republican until 2004. That Senior Drug bill was the last straw, and I switched to Libertarian. As for the liars, well, once again, those supporting smaller government were not.... those supporting SOCIALISM and BIG GOVERNMENT while calling themselves "conservatives" and "Republicans" were.


"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged."

" that Scully threatened to sanction Foster if he disclosed unauthorized information"

THIS is what SUB HUMANS call "conservative" today - someone so eager to sell out America for cash he supports SOCIALISM to flood public high schools with pills and LIED his ass off to pass it.

Did it bother Jeff Sessions that he voted to socialize senior drugs under the guise of a DELIBERATELY FALSE COST ESTIMATE?

Heck no.

He gladly kept his checks from AARP, pharma industry, and hospitals....

As for the kids in high school... they now get high off Jeff's sellout.... "conservative" indeed.

Will Jeff support PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and man up?

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY used to be "conservative" until W sold it out to AIPAC.
We were told this Administration would "drain the swamp."

To me, that meant prosecuting some of the serial crooks in high places in DC.

So far, to date, nuttin....

Same as Jeff Sessions' excuses for voting to socialize senior drugs as a "conservative," flooding our high schools with addictive and dangerous pills in the process. We got nuttin. Jeff Sessions got big checks from AARP, pharma, and hospitals.

Jeff Sessions is a "member of the club." He ain't "draining" anything, since he is part of the swamp himself. Indeed, the fortunes of the United States from the time Jeff took his seat in the Senate 'til the time he left saw the US debt quadruple... and once again, we got nuttin....

Well, you see, and I'm typing real slow for you, them folks got a lot more than one thing to worry about. For one, trying to straighten the dept out after 8 years of scum running it ain't no easy task. #2, their are so many criminals in DC, it's gonna take a while to gather up all the needed evidence since Holder didn't do shit. Now, you do understand why they need evidence right? it's not like on this forum where one of the libstain morons pukes out some bullshit and the rest of you accept it as fact. They have to actually PROVE something without the lying your kind is accustomed to. So if you think you can do better offer your services.

And, if you'd like to see who some of those scumbags in DC are, just look at last nights address to Congress. Whenever Trump made a statement about helping Americans, deporting illegals, or stopping terrorism, just look at the people NOT standing and applauding. Start with those scum. You'll be busy, if you can even prove anything against them.
trying to straighten the dept out

You can believe he is doing that.

The evidence suggests he is deliberately stopping indictments until they are approved by his master....

That a boy! You take six words out of my post and then lie and spin. You prove my point for me. Show us your evidence? What? You can't/won't? You don't know jack, man. Like I said, you have to actually PROVE your claims to do anything within the law. It's not the same as it is with you limp dick liars here.

Throwing out unfounded accusations does not prove anything except that you are a weak unprepared fool. You wear it well.
All the above from a "conservative" who supported socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost and believes a 12/8/08 indictment of Madoff was "proof" W did not choose the Chosen to be above the law.

I got one more Chosen that was above the law under W and O.... Hillary's would be AG....

lesbian "Republican" big government supporter Bonnie Dumanis

Not Dumanis - San Diego Citizens Against Bonnie Dumanis for Mayor in 2012

Will Sessions indict Dumanis?

She should've already been indicted if Sessions wasn't in full "cover up for W" mode....
All the above from a "conservative" who supported socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost and believes a 12/8/08 indictment of Madoff was "proof" W did not choose the Chosen to be above the law.

I got one more Chosen that was above the law under W and O.... Hillary's would be AG....

lesbian "Republican" big government supporter Bonnie Dumanis

Not Dumanis - San Diego Citizens Against Bonnie Dumanis for Mayor in 2012

Will Sessions indict Dumanis?

She should've already been indicted if Sessions wasn't in full "cover up for W" mode....
What? Still no evidence? You don't say?
No evidence?

Where are the indictments?

There is NO EVIDENCE Jeff Sessions is serious about indicting anyone politically connected or in cahoots with Netanyahu.... until he actually indicts one.

No evidence?

Where are the indictments?

There is NO EVIDENCE Jeff Sessions is serious about indicting anyone politically connected or in cahoots with Netanyahu.... until he actually indicts one.

LOL! A liberal liar playing pretend with adults. You gotta have evidence to have an indictment. Stop lying.

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