West Virginia 7th graders told to declare submission to Allah

Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

"End Time Headlines"? What the hell is that? Apparently, this was a class exercise in a unit on world religions. "End Times Headlines" appears to be some fake-news source geared to jacking up the fake "Christian" fundies anyway; the people too scared to let their children know about other cultures and traditions.

Yes I agree, the less you know about others, the more you fear them.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

"End Time Headlines"? What the hell is that? Apparently, this was a class exercise in a unit on world religions. "End Times Headlines" appears to be some fake-news source geared to jacking up the fake "Christian" fundies anyway; the people too scared to let their children know about other cultures and traditions.

Yes I agree, the less you know about others, the more you fear them.

It's sad that so many people want to keep themselves isolated. I was blessed when growing up to travel with a globe-trotting relative (USAF), and met people just living their lives in Turkey, Greece, Italy, the UK. All had nice, friendly, polite people. The man who did the Islamic Call to Prayer even took me up to the top of the minaret so that I could see the whole city of Izmir. I've lived in the DC area for decades now,. There are people here from every place on the planet, and I wouldn't trade our kaleidoscope of cultures for anything. There is nothing to fear and I don't like this trend of drumming up fear for political purposes. This is ruining our nation.
You are talking about a social studies course with material on different religions.
Then REQUIRE Muslim children to declare this in class:

The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.
^ so stupid
You are talking about a social studies course with material on different religions.
Then REQUIRE Muslim children to declare this in class:

The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.
Why? The children are not required to recite an affirmation of Islam in the 7th grade class.

You are doing exactly what the liars say the children are supposedly doing in that class, which they are not.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"
I distinctly remember having this same discussion two years ago. Apparently, the truth of the assignment didn't sink in for the Christians the first time.
Probably the school is using the same text book that created the flap two years ago.

If students were asked to draw a totem pole, would you freak out? That is also an expression of spiritual beliefs. Does that make them Native American automatically?
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"
I distinctly remember having this same discussion two years ago. Apparently, the truth of the assignment didn't sink in for the Christians the first time.
Probably the school is using the same text book that created the flap two years ago.

If students were asked to draw a totem pole, would you freak out? That is also an expression of spiritual beliefs. Does that make them Native American automatically?

Native Americans are not trying to kill us.....anymore.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

they're in school to learn. from what i read the are not asking them to swear allegiance to allah, just study up on the religion and practice it a bit for how *they* do it.

where does it say they must teach the quoran? or promote muslim ideals?

however - that said as long as we treat all religions with the same curiosity - what is the issue? other than the all too common selective outrage.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

they're in school to learn. from what i read the are not asking them to swear allegiance to allah, just study up on the religion and practice it a bit for how *they* do it.

where does it say they must teach the quoran? or promote muslim ideals?

however - that said as long as we treat all religions with the same curiosity - what is the issue? other than the all too common selective outrage.
How about we require muslim children to be practicing Christians for a bit?
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

they're in school to learn. from what i read the are not asking them to swear allegiance to allah, just study up on the religion and practice it a bit for how *they* do it.

where does it say they must teach the quoran? or promote muslim ideals?

however - that said as long as we treat all religions with the same curiosity - what is the issue? other than the all too common selective outrage.





Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

So... what's the problem? US coins have "In God We Trust" on them for fuck's sake.

BECAUSE WE ARE A FKN CHRISTINA NATION NOT A GAWD DAM SHIT HOLE .......... and if you are not going to allow ONE ALLOW NONE Just about every where that they pray to ALLAH is a shit face it it is a fact, until you've been there YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT..... and those areas that are NOT " tech" a shit hole are tourist areas faked to look ever so lovely ....wake up
Most anybody in the military can tell you they are all SHIT HOLES.

Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"
I distinctly remember having this same discussion two years ago. Apparently, the truth of the assignment didn't sink in for the Christians the first time.
Probably the school is using the same text book that created the flap two years ago.

If students were asked to draw a totem pole, would you freak out? That is also an expression of spiritual beliefs. Does that make them Native American automatically?

Native Americans are not trying to kill us.....anymore.
Neither are the vast majority of Muslims. Learning how others believe is critical in building a world where we can all be understood. We already get where the terrorists are coming from, the tiny fraction of extremists giving Islam a black eye. Now let's try learning about the religion being practiced by 2 billion people on this planet and understanding them rather than being afraid of them.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

"End Time Headlines"? What the hell is that? Apparently, this was a class exercise in a unit on world religions. "End Times Headlines" appears to be some fake-news source geared to jacking up the fake "Christian" fundies anyway; the people too scared to let their children know about other cultures and traditions.









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Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

they're in school to learn. from what i read the are not asking them to swear allegiance to allah, just study up on the religion and practice it a bit for how *they* do it.

where does it say they must teach the quoran? or promote muslim ideals?

however - that said as long as we treat all religions with the same curiosity - what is the issue? other than the all too common selective outrage.
How about we require muslim children to be practicing Christians for a bit?
did you miss my part of "as long as they treat all religions with the same curiosity? then yes, that would be having the muslim children learn common practices of other religions also.

looks like it.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

So... what's the problem? US coins have "In God We Trust" on them for fuck's sake.

BECAUSE WE ARE A FKN CHRISTINA NATION NOT A GAWD DAM SHIT HOLE .......... and if you are not going to allow ONE ALLOW NONE Just about every where that they pray to ALLAH is a shit face it it is a fact, until you've been there YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT..... and those areas that are NOT " tech" a shit hole are tourist areas faked to look ever so lovely ....wake up
Most anybody in the military can tell you they are all SHIT HOLES.

View attachment 194670
we're a nation founded on the belief we should be able to pick our own faith. christianity was simply the one we brought over here. but we didn't find america for christianity, we found it for freedom of worship.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

they're in school to learn. from what i read the are not asking them to swear allegiance to allah, just study up on the religion and practice it a bit for how *they* do it.

where does it say they must teach the quoran? or promote muslim ideals?

however - that said as long as we treat all religions with the same curiosity - what is the issue? other than the all too common selective outrage.



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View attachment 194669
are any of these places where it's not allowed a class based on religious studies?

you're taking a religious study class's actions as wrong and getting mad they can't read the bible in math.

when you put things on equal terms overall, holler.
Seventh-graders at a West Virginia public school were asked to write the Islamic declaration of faith in Arabic calligraphy in a social-studies class, drawing outrage from a Christian parent. Parent Rich Penkoski contacted Principal Ron Branch at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Gerrardstown about the assignment, which was part of a world-religions unit, the Christian Post reported.

West Virginia 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

If you can't see how the US is turning into Europe then you are one clueless lefty living on another planet............

Hopefully the kid told that teacher to FK OFF!!

LMFAO .......... LET THEM IN, LET THEM IN..... I need to find a meme with that saying " Let them in"

"End Time Headlines"? What the hell is that? Apparently, this was a class exercise in a unit on world religions. "End Times Headlines" appears to be some fake-news source geared to jacking up the fake "Christian" fundies anyway; the people too scared to let their children know about other cultures and traditions.

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View attachment 194673



For cryin' out loud. This is from the Fundie Post. It's crap from the people trying to destroy the meaning of the Christian faith.

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