West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin says "radical part" of Democratic Party "scared the bejeezus" out of rural voters

Too bad those same rural voters (Democrats I assume) weren't smart enough to vote for Donald Trump. They mistakenly thought they were getting a "moderate Democrat" when they voted for Biden, but they didn't seem to comprehend that he's not really in control of his own party, nor his own presidency.

Oh well. Stupid voters get the stupid government they deserve, which those rural Democrats will no doubt soon find out.
Too bad those same rural voters (Democrats I assume) weren't smart enough to vote for Donald Trump.

I think they did.

I think biden got 20% of the legit vote...and the rest was fraud.
Manchin should have changed parties years ago. Can we trade him for that cucked sissy mittens?
it's not just rural voters!

if Joe Manchin himself ran for president, conservatives would successfully paint him as a radical leftist.

You mean like how you liberoidal jackwagons called Romney a reactionary fascist in 2012, only to now suck his dick at every opportunity?

You lied about the liberals' behavior regarding Romney.

No I didn't....I watched you assholes demean him as the worst man on the planet in 2012...Now y'all cant jam your heads up his ass fast enough.
the Dems are the party of the very rich and very poor, the GOP is the party of the middle class

that's just the way it is, my friends!

best excerpts:

Manchin said that this summer's rallying cry of progressives, "Defund the Police," made no sense to the typical voter.

With a sense of exasperation, he exclaimed, "Defund, my butt.”

"Defund, my butt!" he said in response to the idea of stripping funding of police departments

He also went after the socialist wing of the party for demanding "Medicare for all."

"Hell, we're not able to take care of the Medicare for some that have earned it. I said, Christ, you want Medicare for all, you'd better take care of the some you already owe it to,” he said. “Next of all, let's work and clean up the Affordable Care Act. Let's get some Republicans to help us truly get a good healthcare bill. Some people want to know what we stand for, these are the things we've always stood for,” he said

Manchin, who says he shares a warm relationship with Biden, said if he had his ear, he’d tell him to get to a couple of things immediately.

“First of all, you have to heal the country," he said. "We've got to fight this pandemic, the coronavirus. OK? Get our country back working again, then go right into infrastructure. It's all about the jobs. It's about bringing America up ... you know what? There's not a damn pothole in America that won't bust your tire, whether you're Democrat, Republican, it ain't going to protect either one of you. Basically, that's the one thing that we can all agree on. If it's a falling down bridge, it could be my bridge that falls down, could be my road, or my tire that gets busted. It could be basically just broadband and high speed, we need all the way over rural America.”

As for the question he gets asked the most, “Will he switch parties?” his answer remains the same. "Well, I've gotten that all the time because I'm so independent by vote. I still believe very strongly in Democratic principles and who we are, the party Democrat that wouldn't reach out to the bottom of their soul in order to try to help somebody."

He added, “But also, I believe that we have a responsibility to the people that can't help themselves, get them up and start making them do something. Don't just keep giving handouts. People just have the perception Democrats just want to give away everything. I don't. I wasn't raised that way. I'll help you if you're down and out. If you can't take care of yourself, I'll make sure we take care of you, but by golly, if you can contribute, get off your ass and start working.”
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I’ve looked through a lot of these campaigns that lost, and the fact of the matter is if you’re not spending $200,000 on Facebook with fund-raising, persuasion, volunteer recruitment, get-out-the-vote the week before the election, you are not firing on all cylinders. And not a single one of these campaigns were firing on all cylinders.

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