West Virginians are Mad at Manchin

No no, im.2. A few of the misguided (and maybe DNC paid-for) people of WV might be annoyed. But the notion that WV isn’t thrilled with Manchin is a fable. And dopes like you fall for that nonsense.
42% approval and DROPPING

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No no, im.2. A few of the misguided (and maybe DNC paid-for) people of WV might be annoyed. But the notion that WV isn’t thrilled with Manchin is a fable. And dopes like you fall for that nonsense.
Spoken like a true right wing dope.
You have stated nothing validated or factual yet you expect your statements to be received as fact.
I have indeed posted articles supporting my opinion. But for you if its not something that validates your right wing extremism, you claim its liberal bias or some other excuse.
Most normal people simply agree miners wages should be increased and compensation for black lung disease should be given no questions asked.
I guess you didn’t realize your polling numbers were from before Manchin stood up for his state and it’s economy.
Read what was posted. His numbers dropped again...AFTER THAT 42% IN September
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I guess you didn’t realize your polling numbers were from before Manchin stood up for his state and it’s economy.
Manchin did not stand up for his state or it's economy Sunday.
Most normal people simply agree miners wages should be increased and compensation for black lung disease should be given no questions asked.
Except Manchin.
The people of the state are mad at him and solyndra was not the only green company. We are looking at making the planet unlivable if you idiots get your way.
people like you love predicting DOOM if you don't get your way.

it's a yawner.
State the date.
Shut up and accept the facts. Because you right wingers post your shit then when asked to do what you ask others nothing happens.
Read what was posted. His numbers dropped again...AFTER THAT 42% IN September

November 15, 2021 - 1:41 pm

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has an overall job approval rating of 60 percent compared to Biden’s 32 percent.

“Voters want to be listened to. When they feel like you’re listening to them, they will reward that either at the polls or in numbers like this,” Blankenship said. “I think that’s what’s recognized here is that Senator Manchin is listening to the people of West Virginia.”

The MBE Research poll also found 78 percent of voters said they support Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) working together in a bipartisan effort to pass the national infrastructure bill to address roads, bridges, power and other needs.

Nearly 74 percent of voters also said Manchin should oppose the president’s Build Back Better plan.

Shut up and accept the facts. Because you right wingers post your shit then when asked to do what you ask others nothing happens.
Coherency could be your friend. I take it you aren’t on speaking terms.

Meanwhile , between the two of us, I am the only one who values the facts. You always evade them.

So get back to sucking your bag of dicks.

I asked her to state the date. She either will or she won’t. No skin off your nose, either way.
Most West Virginians supported the plan. Independence is not voting for what your large donors want.

Biden doesn't have to break anything down considering Manchin and Sinema didn't worry about inflation or debt when they voted for an 8 trillion dollars for the military over the same 10 years.

Manchin is a rich man who doesn't give a damn about anything but his wallet.
Well, I guess we'll see how the majority thinks when they are up for re-election.
Of course he did. That’s exactly what he did.
No, it isn't.

In deep red West Virginia, Biden’s $3.5tn spending proposal is immensely popular​

Working-class people – even Trump voters – understand the Build Back Better plan will benefit them

Voters in West Virginia Support the Build Back Better Agenda


Coherency could be your friend. I take it you aren’t on speaking terms.

Meanwhile , between the two of us, I am the only one who values the facts. You always evade them.

So get back to sucking your bag of dicks.

I asked her to state the date. She either will or she won’t. No skin off your nose, either way.
You are wrong again.

But that's your M.O.
Well, I guess we'll see how the majority thinks when they are up for re-election.

Manchin is doing what his rich donors want. On top of that, Manchins decision fucks up more than West Virginia.
Green energy is the fastest growing industry on the planet. Bar none. Manchin won't switch parties because he would be primaried by a trumpling. West Virginians now are getting their eyes opened to what they voted for. Even their governor is vaccinating them faster than Israel is. Now that President Biden got them a stimulus check, and has showed them the child tax credit which puts another $300 a month in their bank accounts. Manchins ass is done. You're getting ready to find out the WV isn't quite as red as you think it is.

The overwhelming majority supports Bidens Build Back Better plan, and after 4 years of Trump bullshit that didn't help them one iota, they now see just how bad Republican policy sucks.

And so does the rest of the country. The republicans are in deep shit, and they know it. Their only hope is to pack the courts, pass voter suppression laws, and gerrymander voting districts. They know it. You know it. And now pretty much everybody else knows it.

Your side will end up stealing some elections in the short run, but you're done numbnuts. It's just a matter of time now, and that time is short.
democrat election hopes are sinking faster than the titanic better hope biden can ship in more illegals to give them a chance

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