West Virginians are Mad at Manchin

Libs have been attacking West Virginians as hick, hayseeds and deplorables for decades.

Why are they surprised when one of them decides not to genuflect to Brandon and do his wishes without question?

Montani Semper Liberi- Mountaineers are always free.

Biden really needs to start negotiating- and this isn't even bipartisan negotiations. Sleepy Joe needs to reach out to the Sane Fringe of the Democrat Party.
The people of West Virginia support the Biden plan. Manchin fucked them.
Manchin and McConnell seem to have a problem with the Child Tax Credit. In fact, McConnell referred to it as the "Toddler Takeover". Maybe if Biden renamed it the FETUS Tax Credit it would get Republican support in the Senate. Just sayin'...

Stop trying to use the "child tax credit" as some sort of fearmonger. There's already programs to help with parents... Big L.
I hear he was bought out by the Washington Corporate lobbyistm, Oil, and coal companies. And he really doesn't care about the poor people.Thats why he voted no on the Build back better bill.
Because the Green Lobby never buys out Democrats, right?
"Forgo the prosperity" of Biden's political payoff that would bankrupt middle America? The truth of the matter is that West Va. would be at the bottom of the list for the 5 trillion dollar political payoff planned by socialists. Senator Manchin isn't the only senator standing in the way but he is the only democrat with a set of balls and it makes the rest of the democrat senate base look like the sissies they are and socialists like Sanders hate it. Brandon's agenda is looking like a failure and Manchin might be the only democrat who survives it.
The truth of the matter is, the elite Democrats have always treated West Virginia like dog shit. Pay up Democrats.
AOC said on MSNBC's Morning Joe that she represents as many people as Manchin. In fact she represents ONE THIRD as many
The people of the state are mad at him and solyndra was not the only green company. We are looking at making the planet unlivable if you idiots

You are delusional----------------------------------------the state overwhelmingly hates Biden and his green scams.
The people of the state are mad at him and solyndra was not the only green company. We are looking at making the planet unlivable if you idiots get your way.
Precisely the opposite is the case. We will all be shivering in the dark if you fucking nut jobs get your way,
I don't think that's going to happen. Name something republicans in this congress have done to earn the peoples vote. Bidens plan is popular nationwide and republicans will be seen as obstructionists to that plan. The only thing saving Sinema and Manchin is they wob't be up for re election in 2022.

What the fuck are they supposed to do? They aren't in power. They didn't propose unnecessary legislation. They didn't open the border. They didn't close the pipeline.

Just simply not being a democrat is a winning strategy at this point.
Call it what you like, he broke bad on their asses and he WON... Some people just don't accept bullshit, sitting down. They push right back.

"Well, guess what? I’m from West Virginia,” Manchin said. “I’m not from where they’re from, and they can’t just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive. Period.”

Maybe Schmucker can find an AOC lookalike to run against him... yeah, THAT'S the ticket. :muahaha:
West Virginians are Disappointed in Joe Manchin

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future. Read the full article.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”

Joe Manchin is a coal money man and he wants to line his pockets. It's time W.Va. elected a new senator.
Joe Biden and Warren Buffett are coal money men and their money comes straight from China who they continued to sell billions of dollars of American coal to. Manchin knows this and he's not going to play their game.

You see the build back better legislation doesn't prevent coal mining it prevents a coal sales in the United States. The coal will still be mined and sold to China.... Don't you see what's happening you fool? You actually believe in article that opens with words like "Manchin admits that he will forgo the prosperity of his constituents"....?????

Pure political propaganda and complete lying on top of it.

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West Virginians are Disappointed in Joe Manchin

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future. Read the full article.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”

Joe Manchin is a coal money man and he wants to line his pockets. It's time W.Va. elected a new senator.
Just talked to my brothers who live down in West Virginia. From what they tell me Manchin is a hero down there.
I do strongly believe every coal miner's salary should be doubled. If we want people to sacrifice their bodies then at least pay them.
Probably like $30 per hour which is horrific and anti American. Make the CEO go down there and breathe the dust.
Probably like $30 per hour which is horrific and anti American. Make the CEO go down there and breathe the dust.

Probably like $30 per hour which is horrific and anti American.

Sounds awful!
You could buy a mine and pay whatever you'd like.

Make the CEO go down there and breathe the dust.

You know they have equipment now that filters out dust, right?

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