West Virginians are Mad at Manchin

Manchin knows that BBB would cause runaway inflation and his constituents would be hurt.
He sees thru the bullshit talking points.
That’s NOT what he’s saying privately
Manchin and McConnell seem to have a problem with the Child Tax Credit. In fact, McConnell referred to it as the "Toddler Takeover". Maybe if Biden renamed it the FETUS Tax Credit it would get Republican support in the Senate. Just sayin'...

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Manchin and McConnell seem to have a problem with the Child Tax Credit. In fact, McConnell referred to it as the "Toddler Takeover". Maybe if Biden renamed it the FETUS Tax Credit it would get Republican support in the Senate. Just sayin'...
So if nothing changed.
How the fuck did Manchin just put 3,000,000 back into poverty???
I'm calling bullshit.
I'm calling irishygirl a liar.
So if nothing changed.
How the fuck did Manchin just put 3,000,000 back into poverty???
I'm calling bullshit.
I'm calling irishygirl a liar.

Do a little "credible" research, dumbass!

For 35 million families with 65 million kids that have relied on monthly child tax credit payments, the new year might not be a happy one.

Without the passage of President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion economic plan, Build Back Better, the monthly payments will expire, and the child tax credit will revert to its much smaller pre-pandemic form. The enhanced payment due families on Dec. 15 may be the last.

Monthly child tax credit payments set to expire at the end of the year

Do a little "credible" research, dumbass!
For 35 million families with 65 million kids that have relied on monthly child tax credit payments, the new year might not be a happy one.
Without the passage of President Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion economic plan, Build Back Better, the monthly payments will expire, and the child tax credit will revert to its much smaller pre-pandemic form. The enhanced payment due families on Dec. 15 may be the last.

Monthly child tax credit payments set to expire at the end of the year

Boo-hoo. They till get the child tax credit, just not the "enhanced" payment. Maybe you want the "enhanced unemployment" payments too? Then how about "reparations"? Best yet, a "guaranteed income"!!
"The child tax credit will revert to its much smaller pre-pandemic form. The enhanced payment due families on Dec. 15 may be the last."
Libs have been attacking West Virginians as hick, hayseeds and deplorables for decades.

Why are they surprised when one of them decides not to genuflect to Brandon and do his wishes without question?

Montani Semper Liberi- Mountaineers are always free.

Biden really needs to start negotiating- and this isn't even bipartisan negotiations. Sleepy Joe needs to reach out to the Sane Fringe of the Democrat Party.
West Virginians are Disappointed in Joe Manchin

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future. Read the full article.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”

Joe Manchin is a coal money man and he wants to line his pockets. It's time W.Va. elected a new senator.

Amen! When will West Virginians see Manchin for what he really is? Why do they keep voting against their own self-interests?

I hear he was bought out by the Washington Corporate lobbyistm, Oil, and coal companies. And he really doesn't care about the poor people.Thats why he voted no on the Build back better bill.
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Amen! When will West Virginians see Manchin for what he really is? Why do they keep voting against their own self-interests?

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Trump won the state by a huge margin. Seems that many of the people of that state vote against their best interest. But in this case, Manchin went against his constituents.

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