Western Volunteers Support the Kurds via The Lions of Rojava


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Oh look, folks. Fatso Sunni, that two-ton load of lard, was patiently sitting on his Porta-potty waiting for me to post. He can't help himself from being a stalker. Thank goodness he is locked away and can stalk people in reality. Anyhow, this article reminded me somewhat of the French Foreign Legion.

Western Volunteers Support the Kurds via The Lions of Rojava
January 13, 2015 by Guest Contributor 4 Comments

Image copyright journalistanbul via Shutterstock.com

by Max Lindenman

If you want to help the Kurdish people and fight IS, the Lions of Rojava are hiring. Just check Facebook.

With the motto “It’s better to live one day as a lion than thousands of days as a sheep” — an unattributed paraphrase from Mussolini — the Lions of Rojava make up a sort of foreign legion within the Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units or YPG, which operate against IS in Syrian Kurdistan. Hundreds of Westerners, including more than 130 Canadians and 100 Americans, have already joined their ranks.

Founded in 2004, the YPG organized and trained in secret until 2011, when civil war broke out. Since then, it has defended Kurdish regions against both the Assad regime and the various rebel groups associated with the Free Syrian Army. Since last October, YPG and FSA forces have been fighting jointly to liberate Kobani from IS.

Fighting mainly with small arms and organized on democratic lines, the YPG elects its own officers and is famously cohesive. Initially, it was also famously independent. A Vice profile of the group published in 2012 called it “The Kurdish Militia that Doesn’t Want Help from Anyone.”

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Western Volunteers Support the Kurds via The Lions of Rojava

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