Westfall Is Abusing His Admin Powers

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I am a long time poster on this forum.

A poster started a topic suggesting Trump's opposition were clowns. I responded by comparing Trump to a clown. The poster reported my response as trolling. Exactly how is it okay to call Trump's opponents clowns, but not call Trump a clown?

In the same topic, someone brought up the debt. So I talked about the debt. Again, the topic starter reported my topic as trolling.

Look at the topic here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Westfall has responded by not only increasing the lag time I am allowed between posts, he has slowed down my access to the forum itself considerably. This is a total asshole move.

He is abusing his Admin powers and should be removed from the Admin staff immediately.
100% of moderators abuse their power at least once. That's just the fact of the matter.
g5000 posts some of the best stuff on the board. Across all sides of the political spectrum. This should be reviewed.
I had an instance recently where a moderator on this site clearly demonstrated political bias, but whatever. It isn't worth anyone's time to be waging war on a forum moderator.
As you said, G5 - you are a long time member.

As such, you know that if you have a problem with moderation, you take it up via PM - not by starting a thread on the open boards.

You know that.

I know you know that.

Thread closed.
I had an instance recently where a moderator on this site clearly demonstrated political bias, but whatever. Honestly it isn't worth the time.
They're justified most of the time. But sometimes they get that itch. I'd have probably banned the whole forum by now.
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