West's Communist Party claim about Democrats

Your ideal system is an oxymoron. The purpose of regulation is prevent competition, not gaurantee it. REgulation also increases prices and reduces economic growth. Democracy is an arrnagement designed to facility plunder and looting, not good wages.

Why would anyone put their faith in an unregulated industry? Is faith in an investment even possible in a such a wild west scenario?

Investors don't rely on faith. They rely on a proven track record. What regulations existed during the late 1800s when Standard Oil became the largest company on the planet?

Your belief that economic activity can't proceed without government's constant interference isn't justified by the historical record. In short, your understanding of economics is pure fantasy and delusion.

Now there's the pot calling the kettle delusional.
The proven track record of a lightly regulated American economies are massive busts.

That's the proven track record, bripat. You are weird.

You describe the American economy as "lightly regulated" during the periods when it was the most heavily regulated, like during the Bush Administration.

During the periods when government imposed massive increases in regulation, like during the Great Depression and during the Obama administration, the economy sucked ass.

That's the proven track record, you fucking moron.
Considerable regulation has been devoted to keeping America's capitalism competitive. Which comes first the problem or the regulation? As new problems arise in our economy new regulations will hopefully be passed to meet the problems. The goals of many corporations is to drive the competition out of the market place, and that's understandable as capitalism is based on greed.
Does the GOP really want to raise this embarrassing part of their history in the 50s? :cuckoo:

Allen West’s campaign releases its own video of his Communist Party claim about Democrats | Post on Politics
I've posted this elsewhere but I believe it fits in this thread as well:

Wealthy Americans have good cause to be concerned about the prospect of a communist revolution in the United States. But for the average citizen of contemporary America to express such concern is an oblique declaration of political ignorance at the most basic level.

A communist revolution invariably is the consequence of economic oppression of a nation's underclass by an elite ruling class. It happens when the mass is consigned to living in abject poverty while a minority of elites enjoy the luxuries available from profligate wealth. It happens when rebellion is the only recourse of the oppressed. But rather than devolve into a post-rebellion state of degenerative autonomous anarchy the communist objective is equal redistribution of all wealth.

The existence of the American Middle Class makes the prospect of a communist revolution absurdly nonsensical. But because the ultimate objective of the financially elite, America's de facto ruling class, is incremental elimination of the Middle Class, it logically follows that the concept of communist rebellion is a very real concern to them. This is why they have diligently set about to indoctrinate ordinary Americans with the utterly false notion that communism is an evil and viable threat to us all. And the effort to propagate this deceptive myth was initiated in the 1950s by the wholly corrupt, drug-addicted sonofabitch, Senator Joseph McCarthy, who ruined the lives of thousands of innocent and loyal Americans whom he falsely accused of being communists.

Those of us who support the Occupy movement are interested in a level of redistribution of this Nation's wealth which is necessary to sustain a viable middle class as it existed between the late 1940s and early 1980s -- prior to the "Reagan Revolution" and the era of deregulation. We are not interested in stripping the wealthy of their hoards. We are interested only in restoring equitable balance in distribution of the wealth which we have labored to produce.

We have no objection to reasonable wealth. But the increasing accumulation of excessive wealth must be addressed in the interest of preserving American democracy and the American Middle Class.
The proven track record of a lightly regulated American economies are massive busts.

That's the proven track record, bripat. You are weird.

You describe the American economy as "lightly regulated" during the periods when it was the most heavily regulated, like during the Bush Administration.

During the periods when government imposed massive increases in regulation, like during the Great Depression and during the Obama administration, the economy sucked ass.

That's the proven track record, you fucking moron.

Beginning with Reagan and Clinton and through Bush, the businesses were less regulated than from Truman through Ford.

That's the proven track record, you hack.

Weirdo alert! Weirdo alter!

Any Republican who wants to deify McCarthy and support West needs to be turned out the back door into the alley.

That is the surest way to lose votes.

Weirdo alert! Weirdo alert!
Considerable regulation has been devoted to keeping America's capitalism competitive. Which comes first the problem or the regulation? As new problems arise in our economy new regulations will hopefully be passed to meet the problems. The goals of many corporations is to drive the competition out of the market place, and that's understandable as capitalism is based on greed.

Monopolies are a natural result of deregulation. If there is nothing stopping a company from ruthlessly crushing all smaller competition and gobbling them up they are going to do it. They still may even with our half-assed regulatory structure since too-big-fail became too-big-to-regulate.
History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow
The economic circumstances which existed in the U.S. prior to FDR's New Deal were conducive to rebellion, which accounts for the interest shown by the Communist Party. But the burgeoning rise of the Middle Class fostered by equitable redistribution of the Nation's bounty, mainly via increased taxes on excessive wealth which enabled the WPA and CCC programs, eliminated any potential for communist infiltration.

Communism is the offspring of extreme wealth inequality, which high-level GOP leadership is busily promoting on behalf of their corporatist sponsors. The very fact we are once again hearing whispers of rising communism is political deja vu.

Working class Americans of the right wing persuasion need to wise up -- asap.
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History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow
The economic circumstances which existed in the U.S. prior to FDR's New Deal were conducive to rebellion, which accounts for the interest shown by the Communist Party. But the burgeoning rise of the Middle Class fostered by equitable redistribution of the Nation's bounty, mainly via increased taxes on excessive wealth which enabled the WPA and CCC programs, eliminated any potential for communist infiltration. Communism is the offspring of extreme wealth inequality, which high-level GOP leadership is busily promoting on behalf of their corporatist sponsors. The very fact we are once again hearing whispers of rising communism is political deja vu. Working class Americans of the right wing persuasion need to wise up -- asap.

I am impressed. Of course we are hearing about "hearing whispers" from the far, far right, I assume. You image then that equitable wealth redistribution to reinvigorate middle class health and consumption is the answer?
The proven track record of a lightly regulated American economies are massive busts.

That's the proven track record, bripat. You are weird.

You describe the American economy as "lightly regulated" during the periods when it was the most heavily regulated, like during the Bush Administration.

During the periods when government imposed massive increases in regulation, like during the Great Depression and during the Obama administration, the economy sucked ass.

That's the proven track record, you fucking moron.

Beginning with Reagan and Clinton and through Bush, the businesses were less regulated than from Truman through Ford.

That's the proven track record, you hack.

Can you name one industry that was "deregulated"?
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In the 1890's communism was starting to have some appeal to the German people under Bismarck. To reduce the appeal, Bismarck brought in socialized medicine for the German people, and that ended the lure of communism. In America if there ever was any communism appeal, we brought in McCarthy and began scaring the bejabbers out of the American people.
History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow
The economic circumstances which existed in the U.S. prior to FDR's New Deal were conducive to rebellion, which accounts for the interest shown by the Communist Party. But the burgeoning rise of the Middle Class fostered by equitable redistribution of the Nation's bounty, mainly via increased taxes on excessive wealth which enabled the WPA and CCC programs, eliminated any potential for communist infiltration.

Communism is the offspring of extreme wealth inequality, which high-level GOP leadership is busily promoting on behalf of their corporatist sponsors. The very fact we are once again hearing whispers of rising communism is political deja vu.

Working class Americans of the right wing persuasion need to wise up -- asap.

You couldn't be any wronger if your name was Jake Starkey

When Conservatives governed in the 1920's they got us out of a Depression in record time and in less that 2 years unemployment was 4%
You describe the American economy as "lightly regulated" during the periods when it was the most heavily regulated, like during the Bush Administration.

During the periods when government imposed massive increases in regulation, like during the Great Depression and during the Obama administration, the economy sucked ass.

That's the proven track record, you fucking moron.

Beginning with Reagan and Clinton and through Bush, the businesses were less regulated than from Truman through Ford.

That's the proven track record, you hack.

Can you name one industry that was "deregulated"?
Start with the first one, the Savings & Loan industry. Remember that?
Why would anyone put their faith in an unregulated industry? Is faith in an investment even possible in a such a wild west scenario?

Investors don't rely on faith. They rely on a proven track record. What regulations existed during the late 1800s when Standard Oil became the largest company on the planet?

Your belief that economic activity can't proceed without government's constant interference isn't justified by the historical record. In short, your understanding of economics is pure fantasy and delusion.

Now there's the pot calling the kettle delusional.

Are you claiming Standard Oil was heavily regulated?
History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow
The economic circumstances which existed in the U.S. prior to FDR's New Deal were conducive to rebellion, which accounts for the interest shown by the Communist Party. But the burgeoning rise of the Middle Class fostered by equitable redistribution of the Nation's bounty, mainly via increased taxes on excessive wealth which enabled the WPA and CCC programs, eliminated any potential for communist infiltration.

Communism is the offspring of extreme wealth inequality, which high-level GOP leadership is busily promoting on behalf of their corporatist sponsors. The very fact we are once again hearing whispers of rising communism is political deja vu.

Working class Americans of the right wing persuasion need to wise up -- asap.

You couldn't be any wronger if your name was Jake Starkey

When Conservatives governed in the 1920's they got us out of a Depression in record time and in less that 2 years unemployment was 4%
Who did that to you? Limbaugh? Hannity? Beck? Levin?


"The nation needed immediate relief, recovery from economic collapse, and reform to avoid future depressions, so relief, recovery and reform became Franklin D. Roosevelt's goals when he took the helm as president. At his side stood a Democratic Congress, prepared to enact the measures carved out by a group of his closest advisors — dubbed the 'Brain Trust' by reporters. One recurring theme in the recovery plan was Roosevelt’s pledge to help the 'forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.'”


It's a shame what those right-wing propagandists have done to so many Americans. So go here and educate yourself a bit: The New Deal
You couldn't be any wronger if your name was Jake Starkey

When Conservatives governed in the 1920's they got us out of a Depression in record time and in less that 2 years unemployment was 4%
Who did that to you? Limbaugh? Hannity? Beck? Levin?


"The nation needed immediate relief, recovery from economic collapse, and reform to avoid future depressions, so relief, recovery and reform became Franklin D. Roosevelt's goals when he took the helm as president. At his side stood a Democratic Congress, prepared to enact the measures carved out by a group of his closest advisors — dubbed the 'Brain Trust' by reporters. One recurring theme in the recovery plan was Roosevelt’s pledge to help the 'forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.'”


It's a shame what those right-wing propagandists have done to so many Americans. So go here and educate yourself a bit: The New Deal

He's not talking about the Great Depression, you twit. he's talking about the depression of 1920 that followed the end of WW I.

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